A Tale of a Dangerous Adventure

  • Hello Friends,

    This Tale comes from a play session I had just a few days ago...
    I had just joined a fresh server with my usual crew and an aspiration to get gold. We were in a fine galleon and were all fairly competent at the game so we got supplies from the outpost and we were off towards riches. Little did we know the danger that awaited us on the high seas. We started off on a good note, beginning the Shroud breaker Tall Tale. As we went through the mission, we felt as though we were unstoppable as we found the scarab totem and sailed towards the last island. As we approached the island the winds changed and the sea turned black... The Kraken was upon us! We fought to the last sailor but in the end the beast sunk our vessel. We desperately sailed back to the area where our last craft sank to find the totem but it was lost and the tale...failed. So we lifted ourselves up by our bootstraps and started the tale once again. Then it happened once again. On our way towards the last island the Kraken struck. This time I took no chances and dove into the murky depths with totem in hand and swam to shore which was in the distance. Our ship once again sank but the totem was safe with me on the island. However, our problems were not over yet. As I awaited my crew, who were sailing back to the island for a third time, I heard the rattling of ungodly bones and skeleton pirates spawned and surrounded me. Being already at half health and with no food left I ran. Finding refuge on a boulder on shore that the skeletons seemed unable to climb (Thank God they spawned without guns). I waited all night in game, then finally my crew came and extinguished the cursed souls. We then found the hidden room and easily solved the puzzle. We began finding the medallions on the island. As we found the second medallion our hearts sank as we heard cannons sinking our ship. Rogue pirates came to plunder whatever we had aboard our ship. We took up arms but they took out two of our crew mates. Me and my companion hid inside the hidden room in the bushes that lined the outside. It seemed to work as we went unseen and the rogue swashbucklers eventually left. My companion and I finally came out and found the last medallion and the Shroud Breaker was ours. We rushed towards the beach and awaited pick up from our crew. As we saw them on the horizon we knew that this nightmare was near its end. The journey to the nearest outpost was tense. Should a ship or a creature of the deep show up this adventure would all be for naught. Thankfully we arrived to the outpost safely and the adventure had reached its end.

    That is my tale,

    Hope ye enjoyed!

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