Dont hide loot on islands!!

  • I snuck onboard a galleon last night and stole a haul right from the captains cabin, totally unnoticed including a chest of legends.

    As they were sailing i loaded it all onto their rowboat, rowed to the nearest island (crooks hollow) and got the mermaid back to pick the rowboat up.

    Only the server merged!

    In future i know that im never risking that again. I'll row to the next outpost instead.

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  • @daringclarky I tied a fight with a ship carrying a reapers bounty and brought it to an island with a crewmate while another friend went to bring back the ship. Kind of a similar experience with different outcomes.
    If you're alone, yeah you should probably bring everything back to an outpost. :)

  • I've done this exact same thing lol Didn't get a chest of legends however just some treasure chests and skulls. My heart was pounding the entire time I thought I was going to get caught :D I rowed to the outpost as well, took ages.

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