The future of the seas... ideas

  • This is going to be a bit of a wishlist type of post, so take of it what you will.
    Details of these ideas or concepts are not finalised and therefore feel free to add your opinion or take on how they could be developed.

    • option to add/create another Pirate profile
    • A new area in the South West of the Map
    • interactive plants - like the way we dig up bait.
    • potions or medicines to be mixed from plants
    • a marsh land where we can find a voodoo person or maybe an Ancient?
    • a backstory behind the cargo runs npc's (ie. Deadshot Charlotte)
    • the arrival of the Grand Maritime Union
    • Ferryman's Ghost Curse - making your pirate unable to interact with anything and you are also unable to be harmed - #CreatorCrew

    A Captaincy update?

    • Pirate Captain Bounty voyage - where the bounty is placed on your pirate, after the crew votes on who should be the Captain during that voyage.
      Player purchases a voyage
      Crew vote on that voyage
      Then the crew must choose a Captain
      The Captain has a Bounty on their head for 24 hours (24minutes)
      The Captain Bounty is shown on the map for others to claim reward
      If the crew protect the Captain you all receive the price of the bounty
    • Pirate Crew Bounty voyage - where the bounty is placed on your ship.

    These are just some quick bullet point ideas I'd love to expand upon in the near future.

  • 15
    feedbackstory & loregeneral
  • @dreamingnomad said in The future of the seas... ideas:

    This is going to be a bit of a wishlist type of post, so take of it what you will.
    Details of these ideas or concepts are not finalised and therefore feel free to add your opinion or take on how they could be developed.

    • option to add/create another Pirate profile
    • A new area in the South West of the Map
    • interactive plants - like the way we dig up bait.
    • potions or medicines to be mixed from plants
    • a marsh land where we can find a voodoo person or maybe an Ancient?
    • a backstory behind the cargo runs npc's (ie. Deadshot Charlotte)
    • the arrival of the Grand Maritime Union
    • Ferryman's Ghost Curse - making your pirate unable to interact with anything and you are also unable to be harmed - #CreatorCrew

    A Captaincy update?

    • Pirate Captain Bounty voyage - where the bounty is placed on your pirate, after the crew votes on who should be the Captain during that voyage.
      Player purchases a voyage
      Crew vote on that voyage
      Then the crew must choose a Captain
      The Captain has a Bounty on their head for 24 hours (24minutes)
      The Captain Bounty is shown on the map for others to claim reward
      If the crew protect the Captain you all receive the price of the bounty
    • Pirate Crew Bounty voyage - where the bounty is placed on your ship.

    These are just some quick bullet point ideas I'd love to expand upon in the near future.

    captain should be a roll people vote on yes but the captain should be able to name the ship

  • @dreamingnomad the ferrymans curse doesnt seem like agood idea. idk what it is so could you tell me?

  • New pirate profile seem better idea then changing my appearance.

  • @closinghare208 it would also be able to have other crew member positions that can be applied for which the captain dlegates. like a bilge rat (repairs and etc) or a deckhand who helps with the anchor and sails.

  • Comment to bring this post to the top boiiis.

  • @fllw3rb0y I was thinking this curse is the sort of thing Content Creators would use, allowing like a free roaming camera affect for recording footage.

    This would be good for the Camera Crew of the Race of Legends - @DreadPirateDoug ?
    All of the Camera Crew would have the Ferryman's Curse applied, indicating who were part of the event crew and who were merely refereeing etc.
    This Curse would not benefit your pirate in anyway as you could only equip and unequip the curse from a Vanity Chest... so you would essentially be a Viewer on your crew.

  • @fllw3rb0y said in The future of the seas... ideas:

    @closinghare208 it would also be able to have other crew member positions that can be applied for which the captain dlegates. like a bilge rat (repairs and etc) or a deckhand who helps with the anchor and sails.

    I'm not convinced having specific roles would be a great idea but you could of course role play with the roles.
    Especially considering the Captain would have the bounty on their head and would rely on their crew to protect them.

  • @fllw3rb0y said in The future of the seas... ideas:

    @closinghare208 it would also be able to have other crew member positions that can be applied for which the captain dlegates. like a bilge rat (repairs and etc) or a deckhand who helps with the anchor and sails.

    true but you can do that now like @HitboTC does in arena

  • @closinghare208 said in The future of the seas... ideas:

    @fllw3rb0y said in The future of the seas... ideas:

    @closinghare208 it would also be able to have other crew member positions that can be applied for which the captain dlegates. like a bilge rat (repairs and etc) or a deckhand who helps with the anchor and sails.

    true but you can do that now like @HitboTC does in arena

    Does he really?
    I've not noticed this one... but of course surely it's based on trusting that person in their role.

  • I definitely agree about a new part of the map being about the ancients and having natives and voodoo involved.
    Swamplands would be cool also with a huge crocodile.

  • @dreamingnomad said in The future of the seas... ideas:

    @closinghare208 said in The future of the seas... ideas:

    @fllw3rb0y said in The future of the seas... ideas:

    @closinghare208 it would also be able to have other crew member positions that can be applied for which the captain dlegates. like a bilge rat (repairs and etc) or a deckhand who helps with the anchor and sails.

    true but you can do that now like @HitboTC does in arena

    Does he really?
    I've not noticed this one... but of course surely it's based on trusting that person in their role.


  • @fllw3rb0y

    The game assigning roles is something Rare wants to avoid. If you have roles like that, then you can set it up with the crew, leaving it like this allows for fluid gameplay when it comes to switching to or assisting other roles.

  • @ultmateragnarok the game doesnt assin roles players do

  • @fllw3rb0y

    If a feature, even player-controlled, assigns roles to players, then it is still restricting their gameplay potential.

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