Why you should add private worlds

  • @nabberwar said in Why you should add private worlds:

    I can speak for only myself, but regardless of whether I sink or not, I still have fun. I don't hinge fun with success. It seems silly to me that we will have all these posts moaning about time wasted, was it truly wasted? Did you not enjoy the comradrie with your crew? Was it not fun decipher maps/riddles to lead to the treasure? It boggles my mind that the minute people like that sink, its like suddenly, all that fun just didn't happen. All this comes off as is a sore loser mentality, when fun only happens when winning

    I'm with you. I have a lot of fun even if I lose.

    The problem a lot of people have (and I know this because I play with a ton of people from the Discord) is that they turn the game on with the sole purpose of grinding levels and commendations. Not for fun, but for "work." They turn the game on whether they want to or not, and then they put the voyage down whether they want to or not.

    They're measuring the value of their time investment by rewards earned in game, and I have no sympathy in that case. I learned this big time when I was still leveling up in Athena. People on Discord who would say absolutely nothing while playing, got angry at me for wanting to divert from the task at hand when I saw another ship or another PvE threat I wanted to engage with, and just sounded like a mindless work drone.

    That's another unspoken angle of PvE servers. A lot of these people just want a place where they can get their "work" done without being inhibited, which is a completely ludicrous reason to ask for PvE servers (which as we know are already ludicrous for Sea of Thieves without a reason to ask for them)

  • @bloodybil This is just like the stupid pvp casual vs tryhard argument all over again. obviously rare has attacted a player base that enjoys pve. Just because they dont agree with your dogma doesnt mean they cant ask for some consideration.

  • @chronodusk i personally think if the time was wasted to pve players then maybe pve could use some improvements in the first place. its obviously a chore to them so maybe rare could make it more enjoyable.

  • @bloodybil right which is why you review the situation, present new arguments. and hope people will listen. sorry mate but this is the first time i've engaged in these conversations. didn't realize it was such a sore spot.

  • @roastme4176 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @bloodybil right which is why you review the situation, present new arguments. and hope people will listen. sorry mate but this is the first time i've engaged in these conversations. didn't realize it was such a sore spot.

    Orly now? Imagine the same 2-3 guys (with the occasional newbie) posting the same PvE post every day, sometimes multiple times a day... And when the mods finally deal with them, they reappear, on a fresh alt account, to continue their insane crusade.

    Imagine these guys keeping this up ever since the launch of the game, AKA, a year and a half-ish now... They're keeping this up for years.

    We don't use new arguments, because any argument against these posts have already been used over a hundred times, there is no such thing as new arguments against posts like this... There's only a selection of old arguments, that the posters refuse to listen to.

    Yeah, it's gonna be a bit of an annoyance, people are annoyed by this, hence the sore spot... Speaking of which...

    @roastme4176 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @sweltering-nick sorry mate, but that phrase is way to over used. i think what the guy is desiring is PVE stealing not PVP stealing ;). despite what most might think there is plenty of stealing in the game that doesn't involve other players.

    How can you know that phrase is overused, when you, yourself, are supposedly new to the forums? 2 days at sea? First time engaged in these conversations? lol, i don't think so.


    And your first post was this:


    I think you might be one of said alt accounts... -.-'


  • @sweltering-nick said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @roastme4176 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @bloodybil right which is why you review the situation, present new arguments. and hope people will listen. sorry mate but this is the first time i've engaged in these conversations. didn't realize it was such a sore spot.

    Orly now? Imagine the same 2-3 guys (with the occasional newbie) posting the same PvE post every day, sometimes multiple times a day... And when the mods finally deal with them, they reappear, on a fresh alt account, to continue their insane crusade.

    Imagine these guys keeping this up ever since the launch of the game, AKA, a year and a half-ish now... They're keeping this up for years.

    We don't use new arguments, because any argument against these posts have already been used over a hundred times, there is no such thing as new arguments against posts like this... There's only a selection of old arguments, that the posters refuse to listen to.

    Yeah, it's gonna be a bit of an annoyance, people are annoyed by this, hence the sore spot... Speaking of which...

    @roastme4176 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @sweltering-nick sorry mate, but that phrase is way to over used. i think what the guy is desiring is PVE stealing not PVP stealing ;). despite what most might think there is plenty of stealing in the game that doesn't involve other players.

    How can you know that phrase is overused, when you, yourself, are supposedly new to the forums? 2 days at sea? First time engaged in these conversations? lol, i don't think so.


    And your first post was this:


    I think you might be one of said alt accounts... -.-'


    It really is just the same few people. Now that this account has been called out, it'll be abandoned for three months until one of their other alts gets knocked out and they remember they have this one, and all of a sudden; we have a mysterious reappearance!
    I've given up humoring them. Let them all wither away in their personal little echo chambers I say, and put our time to better use here. The only times I want to respond to something now is if someone actually cares enough to bring a new light to this topic, if there even are any.

  • @sweltering-nick wow that was a lot work.... try to stick to simpler replies please....
    first, sorry mate but your assumptions are off, brand new to the game as of a month ago. you can go on calling me an alt all you want doesn't change this.

    second, the average gamer usually looks into a game before he plays it, hence knowing a little about the average conversations going on in the game. ;) doesn't take much to look it up

    it seems to me you make my case for me. if it is so commonly talked about as you say, does that not mean it might be a valid desire by the consumer? go ahead and claim all you want that everyone ranting about it is some alt account, it doesn't change the fact that there is a lot of players who want this change. and are going to keep asking for it. the game is fun there is no changing this. but other players... well lets just say not so much sometimes.... you are pretty much proof of this fact (◔_◔).

    there is nothing wrong with those who don't care for this play-style, but who still enjoy the game, to ask for change. I am sorry this is such an inconvenience to you. :P.

  • @roastme4176 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @sweltering-nick wow that was a lot work.... try to stick to simpler replies please....
    first, sorry mate but your assumptions are off, brand new to the game as of a month ago. you can go on calling me an alt all you want doesn't change this.

    second, the average gamer usually looks into a game before he plays it, hence knowing a little about the average conversations going on in the game. ;) doesn't take much to look it up

    it seems to me you make my case for me. if it is so commonly talked about as you say, does that not mean it might be a valid desire by the consumer? go ahead and claim all you want that everyone ranting about it is some alt account, it doesn't change the fact that there is a lot of players who want this change. and are going to keep asking for it. the game is fun there is no changing this. but other players... well lets just say not so much sometimes.... you are pretty much proof of this fact (◔_◔).

    there is nothing wrong with those who don't care for this play-style, but who still enjoy the game, to ask for change. I am sorry this is such an inconvenience to you. :P.

    It isn't talked about in the game... It's just spammed on the forums, by those same dudes over and over. :P

    Hence my supsicions.

    And no, it doesn't mean it's a valid desire by the customer, it just means some people don't understand the importance of game design, and how much a game's FUNCTIONALITY actually rely on said design, and by proxy, how much ACTIVITY relies on said functionality... It's just a bunch of people, who do not understand what games are, basically.

    If i dislike PvP in a game, i'm not going to demand the game changing it's very genre for my sake, i will simply find other games that i DO enjoy in their intended design.

  • @ninjalight0401 to quote a certain youtuber...

    Sea of THIEVES

  • @ninjalight0401 You are asking for the developers to remove pirating from a pirate game. Its never going to happen, because the entire point of the PVP and PVE mixed type of game is the possibility of you losing the loot that you worked hard to get.

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