Rare Needs to Address the Controversy Surrounding a Certain Streamer

  • Hello. I am hoping that someone on the Rare team sees this, and as such will be addressing this message to them.

    Recently, it has been made well aware that amongst the legends alluded to in the most recent update to the game, one in particular has been included.

    Now, I had not personally heard the tale of this notorious streamer until today, so I will admit that I am not the most well-versed in the subject matter. But from my understanding, [mod edited] is a streamer who, on several occasions, has taken out [mod edited] anger over losing a battle by reporting [mod edited] opponents to Rare for “Stream Sniping”.

    This alone would be enough to cause outrage; however, there is much evidence to support that in most of these instances, the players were banned, sometimes from all of Rare’s services related to this game, without a second thought. From what I’ve gathered, most appeals have been met with stubborn denial of any possibility of innocence and very poor business behavior. I have even found one instance where the person who responded to an appeal acknowledged the player’s age and used it against them, something that is immoral and even illegal.

    For the most part, Rare as a company has kept silent about this; this itself is deplorable, but it is nothing unusual. What is unusual, however, is what came with this most recent update: a tribute to [mod edited] within the game. This undeniably shows that not only has Rare disregarded these events, but they have chosen to deny them entirely in an attempt to pander to streamers.

    I am aware that this is not a complete story from my perspective; I am furthermore aware at the harsh accusations I am throwing at this company. But even at the risk of being banned from the entire game, one of my favorite games of all time, I cannot remain silent about this.

    As for a solution to this problem, I believe the best course of action, from a business standpoint and from a moral one, would be to remove the tribute and all commendations associated with it. I do not believe this would be a difficult task, as from what I understand there is a previous state of the island where the tribute is found without the tribute.

    Until something is done or someone is addressed about this inexcusable turn of events, I will be completely avoiding this foul Easter Egg; if I find that I have to interact with it in a voyage, or that I have to have Umbra record it for a commendation, I will simply sail in the opposite direction, even if it means hours of work lost. I know this does not mean much to a Rare developer, but at the very least it shows that the mere presence of something like that is detestable. I hope you look into this, Rare, and thank you for taking the time to read this.


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  • I don't know who it is either but don't be jelly.

    Edit: I did a Google search. Seen some stuff. However I stand by what I said. The matter isn't up to you who deserves a Easter egg. And the sense of entitlement of you not wanting to be in the presence of something is really funny to me.

  • @ajm123 It's not that, it's the fact that she used connections at rare to ban people that killed her.

  • @ajm123 This isn’t a matter of jealousy; frankly, if you ask me, I could care less if they gave [mod-edited] head seat at Rare. For me, it’s how they’re treating the situation. They’re just pretending it didn’t happen; they haven’t said one word publicly about all of this. It’s deplorable

  • Maybe this is a dumb question, but how exactly is stream-sniping confirmed? I'm genuinely curious. It seems like Rare would need information that they wouldn't have access to. How do they prove that any player was on twitch at all, let alone watching the streamer?

    Unless the player were to give themselves away in the twitch chat room; like, "I'm XxGamerTagxX, I just sank you haha," Rare shouldn't have any reason to suspect them.

  • @theblackbellamy Supposedly stream sniping was a big problem, very frequently reported. So Rare adopted what is more-or-less an insta-ban strategy for stream sniping, which is always a good idea and is never abused.

  • @blaizent Naming and Shaming is not tolerated on the forums as per the Forum Rules and as such has been moderated from your post.

    Witch-hunting and Call-Outs
    Posting gamertags or screenshots of conversations in order to name and shame community members is not allowed on the Forums. If you believe a post or thread violates community standards, please flag it for moderation.

    If you believe a player has been toxic in the game, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket to Rare Customer Support.

    Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @blaizent Naming and Shaming is not tolerated on the forums as per the Forum Rules and as such has been moderated from your post.

    Witch-hunting and Call-Outs
    Posting gamertags or screenshots of conversations in order to name and shame community members is not allowed on the Forums. If you believe a post or thread violates community standards, please flag it for moderation.

    If you believe a player has been toxic in the game, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket to Rare Customer Support.

    Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • If anything, the fact that you decided to remove the name (Mod Edited) from the post proves your cowardice when it comes to this issue.

  • @blaizent Lol I mean it's their business; if they want to insta-ban stream-snipers, fine. Whatever. I'm just puzzled as to how they confirm that someone is stream-sniping, or even on twitch, or even doing anything other than being logged in to SoT.

    Again, unless the accused players give themselves away, I'm suspecting they can't confirm it lol.

    Or I'm missing something.

  • @cardshark-360 I’m not trying to start a witch hunt here; frankly, I don’t care what people think about AB*n. I’m more concerned about the way you’re treating this issue. Giving a controversial player a trophy is one thing; denying all existence of that controversy Tiananmen Square style is a whole other beast

  • That particular Easter Egg has been in the game since July 17 2019, get over it.

  • @blaizent I believe this was the "Run Aground" player immortalization. Just for some clarity in your post, now that it's been stripped of a relevant detail.

    Regardless of who it was, it might behoove Rare to distance themselves from said streamer, rather than immortalize them.

    Now that this thread might be on their radar, I really would like an answer from a Rare employee as to how exactly stream-sniping is determined lol. If not here, elsewhere.

  • The presence of the easter egg also has zero bearing on the stream-sniping saga so I don’t understand the fuss. It’s there because of an epic moment that went viral, not purely because they’re a streamer. There are Easter eggs for other players that aren’t famous in any way, but have famous exploits.

  • how many people did this particular streamer bring to the seas? many surly salty pirates. those were dangerous times. i miss them.

    oh wait, wrong streamer.

  • I still think these would have been better off just staying easter eggs, and not content trying to draw attention to them now...

    Then this wouldn't even matter lol

  • @gundy-the-shark said:

    the easter egg also has zero bearing on the stream-sniping saga... It’s there because of an epic moment that went viral

    This is also a good point.

    While some of these easter eggs do pay tribute to a player, others such as this one pay tribute to a moment. To be honest, I have been breezing through them for the sake of doubloons and this thread was my first time learning about both the streamer and stream-sniping. After some google-searching, I'm surprised the harpooned-megalodon wasn't banned lol.

    At this point I'm really only interested in how stream-sniping is even confirmed. Though this is not the right thread for that discussion.

    @blaizent At the end of the day, if you don't want to unlock the commendation, no one is forcing you to. I skipped the whole "gifts" thing because I thought it was lame. Skip whichever easter eggs you feel the need to protest.

  • Afaik they Streamsniped and insulted her.
    Deserved a ban for sure, connections to Rare or not arent a matter.

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Disclaimer, I semi knew the people, they certainly had it coming (if its the same I am thinking about, hard to say their is multiple incidents). However, the problem I saw with that incident was that it skipped all due process that Rare has. Regardless if they had it coming, this still should have followed protocol. It was a huge abuse of power that people like us will never get. Second disclaimer, I have run into this streamer, and I too was accused of Stream sniping when I wasn't. Choose to believe or not, I know the truth of it. The few times I've interacted with this person in game has never been a pleasant one, I also never name called or anything either. Just normal playing.

    One thing I would like to point out not directed at you Bill, this will probably come back at me not in a good way. I find it interesting that individuals like Summit will get his name and character dragged through the mud on this forum, however, rarely does the admins actually enforce the witch hunt rule when people call out him for his behavior. Hell, even Pace gets a similar treatment on this forum. Now we get a different streamer getting called out, and it seems a ruling is applied.Like or hate these people, this selective enforcement rubs me the wrong way. Admins are human, I get it, but it just doesn't seem right to me. Maybe its just a lot of luck that those posts are missed, who truly knows? That is all I'm saying when it comes to that, rather not jeopardize my place here.

    Edit: For clarity, when I state they probably had it coming, I don't mean that they were guilty of stream sniping. What I meant was that they had it coming because, quite frankly, they trash talk way too much. That was what was bound to get them in my opinion.

  • Can anyone sends me on chat who she is?
    Never heard that story.

  • @nabberwar sagte in A Certain Streamer Should Not Have Been Immortalized in Sea of Thieves:

    Disclaimer, I semi knew the people, they certainly had it coming (if its the same I am thinking about, hard to say their is multiple incidents). However, the problem I saw with that incident was that it skipped all due process that Rare has. Regardless if they had it coming, this still should have followed protocol. It was a huge abuse of power that people like us will never get. Second disclaimer, I have run into this streamer, and I too was accused of Stream sniping when I wasn't. Choose to believe or not, I know the truth of it. The few times I've interacted with this person in game has never been a pleasant one, I also never name called or anything either. Just normal playing.

    One thing I would like to point out not directed at you Bill, this will probably come back at me not in a good way. I find it interesting that individuals like Summit will get his name and character dragged through the mud on this forum, however, rarely does the admins actually enforce the witch hunt rule when people call out him for his behavior. Hell, even Pace gets a similar treatment on this forum. Now we get a different streamer getting called out, and it seems a ruling is applied.Like or hate these people, this selective enforcement rubs me the wrong way. Admins are human, I get it, but it just doesn't seem right to me. Maybe its just a lot of luck that those posts are missed, who truly knows? That is all I'm saying when it comes to that, rather not jeopardize my place here.

    I also heard yesterday about it and i dont watch streams. But because i play SoT i over the time got more involved into social media stuff.
    If the Streamer is accusing everybody for snipimg and insults anyone who is just doing his pirate Business, but a nice player, not insulting etc.
    I fully agree that the streamer need to be reported too and have all the consequences.
    Didnt know it was done this way and not followed the normal process.

    Tbh i shouldnt have replied as i dont know much about it all.

    But some crewmembers confirm that the streamer was Streamsniped and insulted and thats a cause to ban the aggressors, but i agree it should follow the official process and not via "connections".

    And let me say this, i have yet to find a streamer who i like, ok i know nit many, Falcore is maybe a chilled Cool dude, bit i dont know in detail. Summit and many others arent the players i want to play with tbh.

  • @bugaboo-bill
    I would like to point out that this isn't a witch hunt call out, but merely a statement of streamers I have ran into. I am also not stating how the interaction went. I've run into Pace, Cobbobles, ChoptheBone, BeardedGuysGaming, CaptainAshbacon, and GuillibleGambit.

    Perfectly fine to not want to interact with particular people.

  • Don't care, it's a commendation for free 5 doubloons. That you will never come across again but once.

    Move on.

  • @nabberwar sagte in A Certain Streamer Should Not Have Been Immortalized in Sea of Thieves:

    I would like to point out that this isn't a witch hunt call out, but merely a statement of streamers I have ran into. I am also not stating how the interaction went. I've run into Pace, Cobbobles, ChoptheBone, BeardedGuysGaming, CaptainAshbacon, and GuillibleGambit.

    Perfectly fine to not want to interact with particular people.

    Sunk a Galleone with Streamer Sails some time ago, they were not overly toxic, but yeah good sportsmanship is something else i guess :-(
    Dont know the Name, and iirc everybody can get these sails, or?
    Needn't to be a serious streamer.

    I'd like to see a 100% RP crew streaming and be inCharacter all the time. English or germanspeaking.
    I thought to do this by myself, but cannot find people who want to.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar Again, I reiterate: Her easter egg is not because she's a streamer, it's because she did something epic which went viral (likely because she is a streamer). They didn't just give her the easter egg for no reason. If they did, then I might cry foul.

  • I think stream sniping is the dumbest excuse any streamer can call after they get killed. You are streaming, and you dont expect that people are gonna wanna find you and either say hi, or kill you.

    Streaming is like giving your enemy a gps tracker locked onto yourself, and then calling stream sniping is like expecting them not to use it.

    The whole reason you stream is to get attention, but if its any negative attention, its immediately stream sniping?

    Im not calling names to anyone in particular. Just stating an opinion on the whole matter.

  • Here's a new take. The 'person in question' did not do anything wrong... or at least did not do enough wrong for this level of controversy.

    The people in the wrong are the ones who decided to take action based on her accusations. Frankly you SHOULD be able to report people you think are cheating. Even if your idea of what cheating is is way off. Its on Rare to make sure those accusations have merit and its their failure to do that deserves criticism far more than the 'person in question'

    As for the 'person in question'. They were a poor sport (who hasn't been at some point in this game) and a power mad (from a power they never should have had in the first place). Childish behaviour but.. she's a streamer. Being a jerk is the schtick for most successful streamers. The only worthwhile reason to bring the saga up is as a reminder to Rare why streamers should never ever ever be given pseudo-ban power under any circumstances. If you're still salty about this incident then send your scorn to the deserving party.

  • Trying to work out the Easter Egg.

  • @phantaxus believe its on salty sands. Dunno.

  • @theunionjames I believe there has been a misunderstanding. Although it may not have been made completely clear in the above statement, most of my frustration is directed at Rare in this instance. The actions of this streamer are one thing; Rare’s complete denial of the controversy is another entirely

  • I wouldn’t worry about any kind of Sea stream from this update on gonna be pretty dead after opt out most good streamers are on PC and will soon be on very low pop servers and lack content..and no Xbox streamers don’t count who really wants to watch someone play sea on 30fps lol.

  • I wanted to make a follow up to the original post, as I have now slept and information has been brought to my attention.

    Firstly, I realize now that my planned boycotting of the streamer’s landmark is rather childish. As such, I have decided not to do as such.

    Second, it has been brought to my attention that this Easter egg has been in place for a good while now, and that it references an event the streamer was involved in and not just the person. Even with this in mind, I stand by what I have said. Even if the monument would remain in the game, which in light of this information it probably should, I still firmly believe that Rare needs to address this important and controversial issue. I will not apologize for thinking that Rare’s actions in this particular instance are unacceptable.

  • @aglasgowthing This topic has nothing to do with the new Cross-Play Opt-Out.

  • @cardshark-360 I think your moderation is borderline oppressive. He did not shamed [mod edited], her name is in the game, litterally it's IN the game. what you're saying here is that we can name popular streamers in here as long as we don't say anything bad about them, thus becoming "witch hunt"c if we say anything negative? Sounds just like Trump with extra-steps to me.

  • @captainfuriosa I think you’ll find that call-outs in general are against forum rules. Doesn’t just apply to calling out streamers, it applies to calling out the rest of us as well.

    Naming and shaming is not acceptable, even if that person deserves it. Instead, if they are cheating or or abusing their influence or abusing others, report them to Rare support.

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