So I soloed a fort of the damned....

  • The alliance I was in all left and with my skull but only two colors, I decided to do the mercenary voyages, but I wanted to collect the colors to kill the special skeletons. After collecting the two from the fort left by my alliance, then acquiring two myself on snake island, I came back to the fort to get my skull I left behind, and I see the other flames were all there. Somehow the fort lit them itself. So I slapped that skull in there and went to town.

    The later waves were tough but the blunderbuss helped. Eventually the Skeleton lord spawned and I killed him using the cannon from my ship. The instant he died, I sever merged.

    Once I took the key to the vault, I realized it was open and full. So I had all the treasure and the key. I loaded up everything because it felt like a shame to leave it behind even though all I wanted was the gems and reaper chests. I even took the kegs which I don't normally do unless I plan on using them.

    As I finished turning in my gems to Merrick, I see a brown sloop with white sails heading towards me. Usually the sign of a PVPer. Since I don't care about anything I have except the reaper chest, I go to offer up everything else for an alliance. I was even going to give him my key and log off. I was forgetting however that I have 4 large explosives in eye sight, and as soon as I make my offer, he snipes them.

    I spawn near by and make it back just in time to see him leave. A chase ensues and he boards a couple times before we have a ship to ship battle. We were pretty evenly matched in hand to hand combat and ship combat. I know I made some mistakes that I was aware of even before I did them. I was playing risky. Eventually I was knocked off my ship by a cannonball as it was in a tight turn but close enough to an island that I didn't get a mermaid in time before it sank. I then watched him sail off with most of the treasure and possibly a key.

    I should have taken the important stuff and left. I definitely shouldn't have taken the kegs. I should have dropped off the reaper chests first. I'm not mad for losing it all. It was an awesome experience. That guy was half lucky and half worthy. I showed up on his server, I made stupid decisions leaving myself vulnerable. In the end though, it was his skill and knowledge that helped him succeed. I wanted those reaper chests back, but if I wasn't going to get them, I wasn't going to let him have them so easily. I gave him a good battle for them but he won, and I salute him.

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  • You solo the damned fort you still won and have an exciting voyage

    Lost some worthless loot for decorations thats it right :")

  • @ruigtand-nl Yeah pretty much. The alliance I was in for the previous fort kept trying to give me part of the treasure and I kept telling them no. They seemed surprised that I literally didn't want any of it. I kept telling them I'd still get the alliance cut and I was fine with that.

  • @testakleze

    We did it duo this morning took us long enough... you must be lika a ninja solo with 3 different colour skellies comin at ya xD

  • @ruigtand-nl I kept running circles around the second floor of the tower as they would chase me. Using the lantern to stun one and blasting him with the blunderbuss before I was killed by the rest. I would try to take out stragglers that would fall behind the rest and then turn around to come at me from the other way. Any time a color would start to overwhelm me, I'd switch to it, always aiming for the gun skeletons first. Once the gun ones were dead, I could easily avoid the melee ones by standing somewhere they couldn't reach, like on the wall above the ammo crate. If I did die, I had flames on my boat I could use. I guess you could say I was like a ninja. Running around full speed. Jumping up and down ledges. Standing high on walls. They couldn't catch up. They would be forced to cut me off instead of chase me but then that would usually put them alone and vulnerable. If I happened to have the right color on me, they would most likely be killed. I used to say shadow skeletons were some of the easier ones because you can stun them. Numerous times I would have been shot and probably killed but the lantern would stun them before they would get a shot off, and that would give me a chance to blast one or even hack on a group that's clumped together. They are tough but they aren't smart.

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