Role-playing servers in Sea of Thieves

  • If anyone sees this post who are not into role playing this post is not for you. I would love to see a new mode for Sea of Thieves a MMO RP for people who like role playing. (I am not referring MMO RP to WoW, RuneScape I am referring to GTA V RP aka FiveM) Sea of Thieves doesn't have to be redone. What it could have is the

    1. Character can be separate from the main classic Sea of Thieves we could either transfer the character or start from scratch
    2. There is no player slots instead there is a crew/friends list we can add in game so we can keep track who is part of the crew
    3. Any ships can't get picked anytime we start off a sloop then we improve our reputation we can unlock then purchase bigger ships over time that we can spawn our own ships so that we can do different things
    4. Continues from (3) Example: A friend of mine wanted to do a quick easy Tall Tales while I wanted to work on my Legendary Voyage it would been nice that he was able to spawn his own ship while I can do my stuff to make things go faster by adding (cargo ship) it doesn't have to have cannons
    5. Guilds would be nice to see. Create a guild then have a hideout to pick out but it should be in ruins then we can repair it with wooden planks we collect also should have option to upgrade/expand by repairing other rooms that are either boarded up or not. Hideouts should be our own storage to keep resources in have it saved when we log off.
    6. When we log off our character and the ship everything else should be still there instead of just disappearing and the ship just sinking.
    7. The sea should be 2x as big as the fanbase of the Sea of Thieves so that can big enough so we don't sail into everyone like every single minute. It be more immersive for it to be rare (no pun intended) to spot 1 or 2 people
    8. Partnering up with other guilds would be fun and immersive
    9. Voyages should be saved for example being in a middle of a voyage then if I log off it should be saved so when I log back in I can resume the voyage
    10. Purchase resources instead of finding it, still be able to find them as a option. Selling them to other players or trade them would be so immersive to make businesses and make money.

    To those who won't be interested into the new mode I am suggesting I am not saying it should be forced just stick with the classic current Sea of Thieves. This new mode should be an option for those who wants a more immersive experience and it will help keep the game fresh. All these are ideas so if Rare can look at these ideas but make it better more balanced. This game is meant to be played years by years so this new mode should help that. I do have fun playing this game I am just suggesting a more immersive experience. This should improve on making stories & lore.

    PS: Maybe release something to fill out why we want to join that mode to improve the immersion. I am in role playing servers that needs to be whitelisted by filling out the information why we want to join and it does help a lot to have a lot of people who wants to have a immersion experience. Might have a couple of people that will ruin it but a lot better than a dozen.

  • 34
    feedbackstory & lore
  • As an Old School D&D guy I support this.

    I think the best implementation would be simply making it a choice at the main menu prior to connecting.

    Right there where you choose “Crew” type maybe choose “Server” type Standard or RP.

    I wouldn’t play it but I’ve run into
    Enough RP’ers on the seas that it would be used.

  • This..... isn't a mode. What you are proposing is an entirely different game.

  • @Electricfied038
    I'd suggest playing an mmo then. If you like pirates, do potc online, or wait for the tabletop rpg for SoT rare's making.

  • @electricfied038

    Sounds like a cool hypothetical wish list... but TL;DR is basically that you want Sea of Thieves to be something that it isn’t designed to be.

    Atlas may better suit your needs, but Sea of Thieves is not an MMO and will never be anything like one.

  • This describes another game, you should look Atlas, is coming to Xbox now, if you are on console.

  • For all of you that are disagreeing you have never played roleplay then.And plus it doesn't make a difference game it just allows role players to play sea of thieves therefore it gets more players to buy sea thieves if they add it. If you don't like a post don't reply to it.I think all of the ideas are great and that you should add me stuff.

  • @chronodusk you do know SoT is a online game right.

  • @sasquatch-adr

    Obviously it is.

    You do know that just because it’s an online game, that doesn’t mean that MMO elements fit for the game at all right?

    You’re not thinking very much.

  • @sasquatch-adr seems like a very bigoted reply. Cant take the heat. What the OP is proposing isnt the game we are playing but something much much different. It sounds fun. But this is a session based game not a continuous game.

    I dont think these changes would help SoT. It would require an entire development team of it's own or detract from the current man power Rare has.

  • First generation D&D player here. Also Gamma World, Traveller, Shadowrun, and Space 1889.

    I was thinking the OP's description would certainly be a much different game than the core SoT and be far more massive an undertaking and then I remembered something I had long forgotten.

    Pirates of the Burning Seas.
    I'm sure gamers on here, far more active than me, know of this one.

    I played that for a few weeks after it first came out(a decade ago?). I thought it had gone away for good, but apparently it is still up and running.
    It is much like the OP's description of an online RPG, if I remember right.

    It was great fun. My pirate was dressed in yellow and red, going by the name of Renaldo MacaDenaldo.
    It even lets you design your own flag.

    A pirate RPG would be awesome.

    @Electricfied038 Give this a look and let us know what you think of some of these ideas:

  • @electricfied038 said in A new mode:

    If anyone sees this post who are not into role playing this post is not for you. I would love to see a new mode for Sea of Thieves a MMO RPG for people who like role playing. What it could have is the

    1. Character can be separate from the main classic Sea of Thieves we could either transfer the character or start from scratch
    2. There is no player slots instead there is a crew/friends list we can add in game so we can keep track who is part of the crew
    3. Any ships can't get picked anytime we start off a sloop then we improve our reputation we can unlock then purchase bigger ships over time that we can spawn our own ships so that we can do different things
    4. Continues from (3) Example: A friend of mine wanted to do a quick easy Tall Tales while I wanted to work on my Legendary Voyage it would been nice that he was able to spawn his own ship while I can do my stuff to make things go faster by adding (cargo ship) it doesn't have to have cannons
    5. Guilds would be nice to see. Create a guild then have a hideout to pick out but it should be in ruins then we can repair it with wooden planks we collect also should have option to upgrade/expand by repairing other rooms that are either boarded up or not. Hideouts should be our own storage to keep resources in have it saved when we log off.
    6. When we log off our character and the ship everything else should be still there instead of just disappearing and the ship just sinking.
    7. The sea should be 2x as big as the fanbase of the Sea of Thieves so that can big enough so we don't sail into everyone like every single minute. It be more immersive for it to be rare (no pun intended) to spot 1 or 2 people
    8. Partnering up with other guilds would be fun and immersive
    9. Voyages should be saved for example being in a middle of a voyage then if I log off it should be saved so when I log back in I can resume the voyage
    10. Purchase resources instead of finding it, still be able to find them as a option. Selling them to other players or trade them would be so immersive to make businesses and make money
      To those who won't be interested into the new mode I am suggesting I am not saying it should be forced just stick with the classic current Sea of Thieves. This new mode should be an option for those who wants a more immersive experience and it will help keep the game fresh. All these are ideas so if Rare can look at these ideas but make it better more balanced. This game is meant to be play years by years so this new mode should help that. I do have fun playing this game I am just suggesting a more immersive experience. This should improve on making stories & lore.

    PS: Maybe release something to fill out why we want to join that mode to improve the immersion. I am in role playing servers that needs to be whitelisted by filling out the information why we want to join and it does help a lot to have a lot of people who wants to have a immersion experience. Might have a couple of people that will ruin it but a lot better than a dozen.

    Allow me to translate this for the people who are confused about what this guy is talking about.

    He wants PvE servers where voyage progression and treasure is saved across gaming sessions.

    I'm an experienced roleplayer on World of Warcraft, 10 years of RP under my belt, and most of what you are asking for is blatantly unnecessary for RP and reeks of ulterior motive. xD

    Spawning in ships at random, for gameplay convenience? HAH! Such RP, very immersion, much wow. :P

    Bring a freaking rowboat, ROLEPLAY, don't just ask for the power to spawn boats or ships into existence like a god, that is not roleplay. :P

    I'd love a RP server, as long as the server is adapted to enhance immersion... But what you are asking for isn't actually a RP server, you're asking for a PvE server, under the guise of a Roleplay server. I cannot in good conscience support that. : /

    The only thing a RP server really needs, is a ruleset that is enforced by Rare, mandatory roleplaying for example... We don't need these bells and whistles you're suggesting.

  • @butterybarnacls

    Did he look like this?

    Rofleez! 8D

  • @sweltering-nick As close as I could make him!

  • @sweltering-nick Well I am sorry for my errors, no ones posts are perfect. That is the point of sending feedback then correct some errors. The PvE I am not asking to just have PvE. Both PvE & PvP is needed of course. My problem is that people just attack with no interaction and that what ruins the immersion and fun there is. That's why in GTA V RP you can't just attack people like it CoD you need a reason why you are attacking with interaction that what makes it more immersive and fun. If you just attack people without reason you might as well just play CoD or go to Arena at that point. Tho I do really agree with your spawning the ships part.

  • Sea of Thieves is all about creating stories for your character and so far I seen better story telling in GTA V RP than I do in Sea of Thieves because all everyone do is just to attack without interaction or reason. All it's going to do is upset a lot of people and turn away. There are so many role players out there even in the Sea of Thieves. If they add a MMO RP the fan base will grow really big and Rare will make so much money in the long run. Sea of Thieves already has Role Playing elements in it. Probably 30% top of my head and growing slowly if they keep it up. Sea of Thieves is a game about making your own story and so far I seen better story telling in GTA V RP than in Sea of Thieves that is because it is being ruined what Sea of Thieves is now but if they add MMO RP mode or something like that a lot of Role Players will jump in and create amazing stories never seen in the Sea of Thieves. Fun fact in case anyone use the title as a excuse. Sea of Thieves is called that because that's what the sea is called by. The point of the game is have a adventure and have some fun not play it like it's CoD. So YES MMO RP will improve the game a lot. You're not a role player than please feel free to ignore my post and let the real role players reply. Clearly no one (except a couple) here understands how role playing works. It isn't a god thing matter in fact there more restrictions in role playing. Also NO I will not go to Atlas for a excuse for RP I am sorry I am getting really annoyed when I see replies like Go play Atlas

    PS: I know I repeated the story part twice

  • What I believe the confusion are that everyone thinks I am comparing to games like Skyrim, Fallout or even RuneScape. If so I am not talking about those kind RPG games. I am referring RP compared to GTA V RP (FiveM) it isn't that hard to do that in Sea of Thieves if they can do it well in GTA V, all they need to do change the settings to make it more immersive that's it. They don't have to redo the game at all. Create a character, make a story in character without speaking modern times. Everyone can RP in Sea of Thieves now. We just need the proper tools that can be easily changed or added in the game.

  • Frankly, I don't know what the OP is talking about - I already roleplay in SoT!

    Arr, it's a pirate's life 'for me! Yar!

  • I wholeheartedly agree with @Sweltering-Nick here.
    I've been playing D&D and thereafter Pathfinder once per week since 2nd edition came out (AD&D). I too have played many MMORPG's on RP servers etc so I hope people can understand that I kind of know what I'm talking about.

    Roleplaying isn't people waiting for a story to finish before attacking someone, when Strahd encounters the players During the curse of Strahd and starts monologing my players will just go ahead and ram a stake trough his heart because he left an opening. Roleplayers are vicious tactical thinkers.

    SoT is one of the better RP games because of the emergant gameplay. You can use your mic, talk in a piraty voice and engage in epic battles trough the ages, make a pirate who bested you your rival and swear vengeance, or you can be uninspired and just ask for a PvE mode...

    The only reason why I'd want the ability to spawn in ships etc is to actually GM inside the sea of thieves, but honestly that would take too much effort on Rare's part that would take away from the things they could develop with that time and money that would improve the game for everyone. (not just a small subset)
    If I wanted to GM a pirate game I'd just play the RPG in Roll20 or Make a pirate campaign in RPG maker or Neverwinter nights etc.

  • @galactic-geek That's great but not everyone is. I am just saying there should be a specific server and tools to RP with better experience, just like similar to (FiveM). Look at GTA V it is a game of it's own but modders found a way to have a more immersive experience with a launcher aka FiveM. I don't expect to see a launcher for Sea of Thieves I don't care how they get it to work. I just want to be in a game with full of role-players with settings and tools Rare can work with to make the experience better.

  • @hynieth Clearly you didn't read what I said above.

    1. I want to see PvE and PvP both there, I never even mentioned about PvE so I don't know where he got that from.
    2. About that Roleplaying isn't people waiting for a story to finish is not true at all when it comes to GTA V RP (Which I said above as well) waiting to finish the story is what makes it more immersive and fun.
    3. To answer what you said about the spawning ships I don't care if you spawn them or not I just want to see that you can actually own ships and sail multiple of them for crewmates (which Rare have stated that eventually you will be able to own ships in the future)

    The MMO RPG you are referring to is not what I am referring. Like I said before they don't need to change the whole game Rare needs to do is change some settings and add some simple tools. It isn't that hard to do. If what I am saying does not interest you then stay on the current Sea of Thieves what it is now. This is just options I am saying that should not impact the changes for the current Sea of Thieves. I do hope you understand what I am trying to say.

  • @electricfied038 RP players do rp in an unpredicted areas that can easily change and shape crazy situations, rp servers do the exact opposite.
    Its not natural to rp in rp servers its always fake and restrictive the true meaning of rp is no rules so a server full or rules and lines is a no no from me.

  • @electricfied038 said in Role-playing in the Sea of Thieves:

    @sweltering-nick Well I am sorry for my errors, no ones posts are perfect. That is the point of sending feedback then correct some errors. The PvE I am not asking to just have PvE. Both PvE & PvP is needed of course. My problem is that people just attack with no interaction and that what ruins the immersion and fun there is. That's why in GTA V RP you can't just attack people like it CoD you need a reason why you are attacking with interaction that what makes it more immersive and fun. If you just attack people without reason you might as well just play CoD or go to Arena at that point. Tho I do really agree with your spawning the ships part.

    GTA V is exactly what im talking about the worst fake weak lack of imagination style you are forced to do this and that like arma 3 altis life, it is bad and does a horrible job in rp.

  • @faceyourdemon Probably most servers are bad. I wont argue with Arma 3 that is because I don't know much of it. GTA V in the other hand in this certain community I am in does an amazing job and not weak at all when it comes to RP like you are saying. So yes there are true RP players I know from this community that would love to RP in Sea of Thieves which I can give you a guess like over 2,000 people there. I don't know all but they are Role-players that does an amazing job at RP period.

  • @electricfied038 Its not the point there are many good community players but rp server kills the rp from it because its restrictive, trying to be creative in a server full of rules is a huge turn off.

  • @electricfied038 said in Role-playing in the Sea of Thieves:

    @sweltering-nick Well I am sorry for my errors, no ones posts are perfect. That is the point of sending feedback then correct some errors. The PvE I am not asking to just have PvE. Both PvE & PvP is needed of course. My problem is that people just attack with no interaction and that what ruins the immersion and fun there is. That's why in GTA V RP you can't just attack people like it CoD you need a reason why you are attacking with interaction that what makes it more immersive and fun. If you just attack people without reason you might as well just play CoD or go to Arena at that point. Tho I do really agree with your spawning the ships part.

    See, the thing about that is... The reason pirates were so hated back in the golden age of piracy, was precicely because of the confusion that you are expressing.

    Pirates did whatever they wanted, for whatever reason they saw fit... They were under no obligation to make sense to their victims. So pirates attacking you at random, for seemingly no reason, is perfectly immersive.

    It's not something that needs to be fixed or managed, you simply need to out-pirate them, and be victorious.

    Not to mention, in the Sea of Thieves, lorewise, you don't really remain dead, unless your character personally wishes to move on to the afterlife, i learned that in Tall Tales, Fate of the Morningstar... As long as your pirate wants to come back to the world of the living, he can do so, as many times as he wants.

    SoT is like a pirate variant of Team Fortress 2, things are goofy, and random, just roll with it. If you end up on the ship of the damned, roleplay the entire thing, and roleplay coming back to the world of the living again. x]

    You don't need mechanical protection or evasion from other pirates.

  • I love RPing in SoT. It's fantastically set up as a session based RP experience. All you really need is a crew of like-minded players. Most ships actually play along when you talk piratey to them.

    I think, if Rare bring private servers there may be an argument for a server that's pure RP. No progression though. We'd want real RPers in there not PvE refugees.

    I'm personally going to just keep RPing in the regular way. It's more interesting when people aren't exactly sure how to react to you.

  • @electricfied038
    As a Roleplayer for over 30 years now and someone who recently searched for RP lite crewmembers (and found some) i disagree and do not want more modes.

    SoT is perfect to roleplay as you like. You need not and must not divide the playerbase further into more modes.
    And you need not these changes you listed to RP a pirate crew.
    RP is nothing special, all we do here and all the gamers play more or less RP Games, but just dont get it and work the systems instead while they deny and refuse to (role)play the game.
    It's not the mode you want, it's the (role)players you miss (role)playing the game like intended.
    No modes, rules or whatever will change or turn tat around.
    The only thing that can and will change it is a change of the majority of gamers mindset and how they aproach (RP)Games.

    SoT is already a RPG!

    Edit: and it's October, so that reminds me of: when do i get my RPG and Lord Guardian Sails?
    Cant wait to equip them on the Ceremonial Admiral Hull :-)

  • @electricfied038 said in Role-playing in the Sea of Thieves:

    If anyone sees this post who are not into role playing this post is not for you. I would love to see a new mode for Sea of Thieves a MMO RP for people who like role playing. What it could have is the

    1. Character can be separate from the main classic Sea of Thieves we could either transfer the character or start from scratch
    2. There is no player slots instead there is a crew/friends list we can add in game so we can keep track who is part of the crew
    3. Any ships can't get picked anytime we start off a sloop then we improve our reputation we can unlock then purchase bigger ships over time that we can spawn our own ships so that we can do different things
    4. Continues from (3) Example: A friend of mine wanted to do a quick easy Tall Tales while I wanted to work on my Legendary Voyage it would been nice that he was able to spawn his own ship while I can do my stuff to make things go faster by adding (cargo ship) it doesn't have to have cannons
    5. Guilds would be nice to see. Create a guild then have a hideout to pick out but it should be in ruins then we can repair it with wooden planks we collect also should have option to upgrade/expand by repairing other rooms that are either boarded up or not. Hideouts should be our own storage to keep resources in have it saved when we log off.
    6. When we log off our character and the ship everything else should be still there instead of just disappearing and the ship just sinking.
    7. The sea should be 2x as big as the fanbase of the Sea of Thieves so that can big enough so we don't sail into everyone like every single minute. It be more immersive for it to be rare (no pun intended) to spot 1 or 2 people
    8. Partnering up with other guilds would be fun and immersive
    9. Voyages should be saved for example being in a middle of a voyage then if I log off it should be saved so when I log back in I can resume the voyage
    10. Purchase resources instead of finding it, still be able to find them as a option. Selling them to other players or trade them would be so immersive to make businesses and make money.

    To those who won't be interested into the new mode I am suggesting I am not saying it should be forced just stick with the classic current Sea of Thieves. This new mode should be an option for those who wants a more immersive experience and it will help keep the game fresh. All these are ideas so if Rare can look at these ideas but make it better more balanced. This game is meant to be played years by years so this new mode should help that. I do have fun playing this game I am just suggesting a more immersive experience. This should improve on making stories & lore.

    PS: Maybe release something to fill out why we want to join that mode to improve the immersion. I am in role playing servers that needs to be whitelisted by filling out the information why we want to join and it does help a lot to have a lot of people who wants to have a immersion experience. Might have a couple of people that will ruin it but a lot better than a dozen.

    this isn't Warcraft this is sea of thieves mate prolly not going to happen

  • @sweltering-nick said in Role-playing in the Sea of Thieves:


    Did he look like this?

    Rofleez! 8D

    I think he did

  • I just want to know want what the creators think about all of this,and see what are their replies are.

  • Honestly I tried to explain countless times here but apparently no one gets the hint so there is really no point of replying anymore. I will end this here I hope people at Rare sees this and decide for themselves what to do with this suggestion idea. This is an idea topics will always have errors and never will be perfect that is the point to try to make it better in replies to help fix those errors not disagrees over and over again but no one knows how to do that apparently. I am not going to bother replying anymore if it's just going to waste my time, happy sailing everyone.

  • @bugaboo-bill Man im waiting for these sails too, cant wait to show off with them!

  • This would be awsome. This would be AWSOME!

feedbackstory & lore
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