Crossplay needs to be an option

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Crossplay needs to be an option:

    Doesnt matter. They said no already. If you are gonna keep begging, you are better off doin it in the megathread

    Funny, they also said no to single player sloops, but here we are ;p

  • @logansdadtoo
    I didnt say they wouldnt change their mind. I was tryin to say there is already a megathread for it

  • @logansdadtoo said in Crossplay needs to be an option:

    The game was advertised as having crossplay, nowhere did it say it was forced/mandatory crossplay.

    Did it say optional crossplay?

  • @logansdadtoo This is true, there is plenty of hate for the crossplay aspect of the game and the daily topics concerning it, whilst tiring, are testament to the fact that this is a community change a lot of folks want.

    What is concerning though is the back-and-forth argument of whether this should be in a megathread or not, even when Katt has been in to say it should...

    Shouldn't this thread have been moved there and then locked at that point? Rather than the same arguments?

  • @crimsonraziel
    No it didn't, but when every other crossplay game on the market comes with the option to disable it, it would be a fair assumption for anyone to think this would have as well.
    It is a detail that has obviously been left out as MS &/or Rare know that if it was advertised as Crossplay with no option to turn it off, Xbox sales would be a LOT worse!

  • @logansdadtoo
    I could argue that "always on" cross play was implied at gamescom last year.

    "It's "no asterisks" cross-play, the developer said during Microsoft's Gamescom presentation today. Basically, everybody will be running around, clashing swords and hauling treasure chests onto deck in exactly the same world."


    but yeah, i hate to admit it, but you're right about it probably not being advertised enough.

  • @logansdadtoo Actually not true. I only have a very limited number of games with cross play, but none of it has an opt out for that.

  • @logansdadtoo said in Crossplay needs to be an option:

    @xgodkevin said in Crossplay needs to be an option:

    @kuala85 give it up already man. You have the same old comments the other select few have and its a complete bore.

    Ignore the posts then m8, coz they won't go away.
    Many, many more are coming to complain about the crossplay issue & it isn't just a vocal select few at all.
    Get used to them coz they'll be plenty more, i'm sure of that!

    i hope you are correct and more people do come and complain about the forced crossplay. The idea that its the 'vocal few' or 'bad sports' is funny, isn't it the same 'vocal few' PC players always arguing against separation? If those few ppl can speak on behalf of every PC player that never commented(19% i heard), then I'm allowed to speak for every Xbox player that never commented(81%) therefore majority /democracy wins and crossplay should be optional.👍

  • @pomalotacusmk3 just for the record, i always fight for crossplay and I'm on xbox. (like many others, who feel the same way in here)

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in Crossplay needs to be an option:

    @logansdadtoo said in Crossplay needs to be an option:

    @xgodkevin said in Crossplay needs to be an option:

    @kuala85 give it up already man. You have the same old comments the other select few have and its a complete bore.

    Ignore the posts then m8, coz they won't go away.
    Many, many more are coming to complain about the crossplay issue & it isn't just a vocal select few at all.
    Get used to them coz they'll be plenty more, i'm sure of that!

    i hope you are correct and more people do come and complain about the forced crossplay. The idea that its the 'vocal few' or 'bad sports' is funny, isn't it the same 'vocal few' PC players always arguing against separation? If those few ppl can speak on behalf of every PC player that never commented(19% i heard), then I'm allowed to speak for every Xbox player that never commented(81%) therefore majority /democracy wins and crossplay should be optional.👍

    Strawman detected.

  • @sir-lotus cool, i appreciate your opinion, and if crossplay were made optional, you could still play with any family, friends, xbox players or PCplayers you have found or are yet to find. Yay.edit: if it helps, just remove the word PC from my previous post.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 my bad, let me rephrase that.

    "I'll always fight for mandatory crossplay."

    i've posted reasons in mega thread a few times already.

  • @sir-lotus sweet. I have also posted in the mega(sorry about the length)The first post highlight what i believe are the main differences between the platforms, but the second post actually has some possible suggestions to close those gaps. Let me know what u think. Again, they are quite wordy, sorry.

  • @crimsonraziel
    List the crossplay games you have then m8, as i can assure you that ALL of them apart from Minecraft Bedrock Edition have the option to disable/opt out of crossplay!!

  • @crimsonraziel Detect whatever you want, im trying to have civil discussions with people, and making suggestions for closing the gap. Bye.

  • @sir-lotus
    Fair do's, i forgot about 'no asterisks' crossplay.
    But like you said, that is the only mention of crossplay features (& doesn't go into too much detail) in all advertising & media etc,
    It was obviously a choice made higher up not to advertise the fact that crossplay was always on & that there is no option to disable it, it does seem like this glaring piece of information about the game has been purposefully omitted!!

  • But dont take my word for it, just check the last few minutes of this video and decide for yourself if you can move like that with a controller.

    Sure you can:

  • Another scape goat thread for that needs to be locked for the slaughter.

  • on xbox and play solo most of the time and I'm fine. game isn't PUBG. play smart.

  • @onyx-wartooth
    You wont be silencing the majority... Crossplay will become optional or the game will essentially die...
    Instead of all your rants about closing threads and others breaking the rules why dont you say something that proves crossplay is essential to the success of the game or offer actual proof that the playing field is level with crossplay...
    You wont because you can't...

  • @lord-salty-dog prove your a majority then
    dont tell me to look at the mega thread, the forum users are not all the players.
    So prove that the majority, a good solid 51% of players on SoT wants to change the cross plat

    And i sorta did mention about the success of the game being on cross plat before.
    and it being the post child for gamepass, along now with state of decay 2

  • @onyx-wartooth
    Its you're... And I'm not the majority, xbox users are...
    And like me the majority of xbox users have both computers and consoles and choose to game on their consoles because of all the c**p associated with PC gaming...
    I have no intent of ever installing SoT on any of my PCs only mmorpg with solid anti hacking go on them...

  • @lord-salty-dog your youre you got to word i was trying to say, want me to start typing in another language? so you cant understand?
    no need to go grammar N**i on me yet
    the anti hacking argument...the controls, etc, not all pc users are H4X0RZ okay?
    just like how every xbox player isnt a cod squeeker kid saying they slept with my mom.
    My scape goat comment is just that, a comment, its a joke, no need to start singling me out from the crowd. i didn't murder anyone

  • @onyx-wartooth
    Not all PC players are hackers but no two PCs are the same and PC gaming is thus never a level playing field...
    And that alone is a detriment to any truly skill based win... The best rig and connectivity rule the roost...
    Crossplay will never be a level playing field until PC is limited to console specs entirely...
    This just isn't possible today...
    This is why Rare is living a pipedream and or outright making false claims of a level playing field with crossplay...
    Crossplay made optional is no detriment to those who wish to have crossplay enabled it would be available to them...
    Optional crossplay will be implemented like I said... Or the game will continue to lose population until it basically dies...

  • @lord-salty-dog said in Crossplay needs to be an option:

    Not all PC players are hackers but no two PCs are the same and PC gaming is thus never a level playing field...
    And that alone is a detriment to any truly skill based win... The best rig and connectivity rule the roost...
    Crossplay will never be a level playing field until PC is limited to console specs entirely...
    This just isn't possible today...

    the reason why its not possible is because technology is constantly evolving, have you not seen some of the new super computers that these big research companies are getting, theyre insane. PCs and so are consoles, are constantly evolving and being i guess you can say buffed? technology doesn't wait, neither does science. skill still outclass fancy pc rigs my little sis places on a 5 year old laptop thats broken in half at the screen and such, and she's a global elite on CSGO, little brat makes me jealous sometimes shes better at pc than i am, but i grew up on xbox and ps2, and gamecube and n64s, i mean...

    Plus forcing PCs to be at console specs is sorta dumb...lets be honest, 300 fps TF2 is pretty great to know its possible.
    plus specs mostly change FPS count and graphic quality, memory usage, and how much power your rig racks onto your bill.

    This is why Rare is living a pipedream and or outright making false claims of a level playing field with crossplay...

    nothing is never balanced. cod is never, neither is pubg or perfect dark, no game is 100% balanced, all we can get is as close as possible, No circle is 100% round, thats sorta a give fact.

    Crossplay made optional is no detriment to those who wish to have crossplay enabled it would be available to them...
    Optional crossplay will be implemented like I said... Or the game will continue to lose population until it basically dies...
    if the game is dying? why are so many players still playing? why is the community really active? Rare clearly has said again and again, and again, that they will NOT split the playerbase no matter how, and I give them mad props for it, some people may not like it, but if they stick to their guns, then they really have nothing to fear, I believe more people will be more upset if they remove it, or even make it a option, rather than it being hard wired into the game, plus the pc playerbase is like 20% or something of the player count.

    There, can we stop? Sorta explained why stuff doesn't go your or my way..pc parts are expensive...

  • As the topic of this thread is covered by one of our mega-thread discussions, we will be locking this one down. Please feel free to add your voice to our Crossplay mega-thread!

    Crossplay mega-thread

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