FPS drops sometimes after a patch 1.04 (PC)

  • After patch 1.04 on the outposts and some islands my FPS drops, couple of friends told me the same issue. Before the patch everything was fine

  • 38
  • @naravith Yes! I hope rare sees this cause I have the same exact issue on PC. The frames will drop to 30 on islands and outposts which never happened before the recent patch!

  • @naravith said in FPS drops sometimes after a patch 1.04 (PC):

    After patch 1.04 on the outposts and some islands my FPS drops, couple of friends told me the same issue. Before the patch everything was fine

    There's always been FPS drops, because performance hasn't been thoroughly optimized... But yes, the fps drops have been more intense since the latest patch...

    Usually i can managed to play most of the game on legendary graphics on 30 fps... but lately the fps drops have been going down to 20 fps...

    I play on cursed graphics... i have an average of 60 fps... but those fps drops still go down to 20 fps...

    Rareplsfix! :3

  • Xbox One.
    Frame rate issues and lag spikes.
    It makes PvP combat feel clunky and awkward on console.
    Sea Of Thieves crashing to the home screen randomly too.
    3 crashes today. Had issues with emotes not displaying.
    Only friends can see me emote. My pirate just stands in place.

  • Same issue here. 1.04 def made pc fps drop.

  • I noticed the same thing. I now get 20fps drops when looking certain directions towards an outpost or at a large island with torches on it. Prior to 1.04 my frame rate was much smoother at these locations.

  • i have the same problem lower shadows fixed it a bit

  • same been getting quite a few frame drops and have been crashing aswell and its only been since this recent patch

  • @naravith Yes, it's been atrocious after that last patch. Something was definitely tweaked. Can someone show me the patch notes that state they tweaked shadow/lighting settings on PC? I've put in easily over 120hrs+ using legendary on everything since the betas. I used to get a full 1080/60fps experience until now, it can drop into the 30's or less depending on the scene. I know it has to do with lighting/shadows, but can't seem to find mention in change logs.. Besides seeing shadows for ropes on boats, I can't tell a difference in visuals. It has to be an issue code wise.
    *I also experienced a total crash to desktop yesterday after changing my guys hair, first time ever.

    PNY XLR8 1060 6GB
    16gb 1866
    Sammy 840 Pro 250gb

  • Chiming in here, same issue. Previously was able to play with mostly smooth 60fps, now dropping to around 30fps randomly.
    i7 4790k
    gtx 980

  • I have the same problem. After 1.0.4 FPS drops to 30 in islands, outposts and sometimes randomly. Before this patch I was playing at 60 FPS stable at maximum graphics.
    Hope Rare can fix it.

  • Hello Rare,

    same problem for me. Before 1.04 i was playing on stable 60fps. Now i encouter FPS drops to 30 on islands.

    i5-7600k @3.80 Ghz
    16GB Ram

    Hope you will find a quick solution.

  • @kuro-sappy Well they do have an update scheduled for tomorrow so hopefully they are aware of this (I can't imagine a PC player that hasn't noticed this), and get it resolved. Fingers are crossed, cheers.

  • @adeezlfosheezl said in FPS drops sometimes after a patch 1.04 (PC):

    @kuro-sappy Well they do have an update scheduled for tomorrow so hopefully they are aware of this (I can't imagine a PC player that hasn't noticed this), and get it resolved. Fingers are crossed, cheers.

    yea hopefully tomorrows patch will help, if not, I may look into a 144hz monitor. I didnt know mine was tapped at 60 and my card is pushing to many fps for this monitor to handle so its causing some bad screen tearing if vsync is off. Im just wondering if a higher hz mon will help.

  • @xgodkevin I honestly think it's just the game, with vsync off for me I get awful tearing as well, no matter which monitor or fps limit I use. Not too much longer for the patch to come up, so we'll see what happens. Cheers mate

  • Yep. Really hoping they fix this tomorrow.

    Before 1.04 I was getting a relatively smooth 60fps on Legendary settings (with very very few drops).

    Since that patch, I've had regular drops to below 30fps on some islands that were a breeze before. Sometimes dropping lighting and shadows to Rare settings helps but not always.

    Specs: Ryzen 7 1700x, Asus Dual GTX 1060 6GB OC, 16GB 3000MHz DDR4 RAM

  • @realstyli This has not changed unfortunately guys, maybe they'll give an official word I mentioned it in the 1.0.5 patch notes. For the moment I just turned shadows to rare and it's mostly gone, even if I put models/textures/water on mythical. Those fireplace fires in the tavern though, ouch! in the 20's Cheers

  • I have been having the same issue since 1.0.4 came out. I stumbled across the post below in the 1.0.5 patch notes thread, and decided to do some testing.

    It seems this is a problem brought back from the alpha days. Right before the final scale test came out (which fixed it) there was a vsync issue with the game during the technical alpha/betas. The issue would occur around some tavern fireplaces and some islands, dropping FPS dramatically. The best testing spot I would use was Thieves Haven. Since the final scale test my FPS was a solid 60 fps on all legendary settings. Since patch 1.04 this issue has returned it seems, it's not just on your end for sure.

    i7 4790K
    GTX 980

    I went to an outpost after reading this post, and tested looking around at night with Vsync on and Vsync off. With Vsync on, my frames would drop down to 30 or 40 when looking certain directions, almost exclusively towards large light sources like the fireplace in the inn or the two giant torches at Dagger Tooth. I turned Vsync off, and was able to maintain 60+ frames looking in all directions.

    i5 3570k
    GTX 970 F*W

    Prior to the release of 1.0.4, I could pretty consistently maintain 60 FPS with Vsync enabled, and NEVER had frame drops near as large as I see now. This was also with lighting and shadows at the Legendary setting. Post 1.0.4, I have this issue even with these two settings turned down to Rare.

  • @adeezlfosheezl said in FPS drops sometimes after a patch 1.04 (PC):

    @realstyli This has not changed unfortunately guys, maybe they'll give an official word I mentioned it in the 1.0.5 patch notes. For the moment I just turned shadows to rare and it's mostly gone, even if I put models/textures/water on mythical. Those fireplace fires in the tavern though, ouch! in the 20's Cheers

    Yeah, I noticed it was just as bad on this version. I stepped down shadows and lighting to Rare and still getting a lot of framerate drops and stuttering. Some places are fine but any island with a lot of foliage and it tanks.

    It's incredibly annoying as I was able to run this game at all Legendary settings before 1.04 and there were very few issues then (only really the fires you mentioned).

  • @dunvar said in FPS drops sometimes after a patch 1.04 (PC):

    I have been having the same issue since 1.0.4 came out. I stumbled across the post below in the 1.0.5 patch notes thread, and decided to do some testing.

    It seems this is a problem brought back from the alpha days. Right before the final scale test came out (which fixed it) there was a vsync issue with the game during the technical alpha/betas. The issue would occur around some tavern fireplaces and some islands, dropping FPS dramatically. The best testing spot I would use was Thieves Haven. Since the final scale test my FPS was a solid 60 fps on all legendary settings. Since patch 1.04 this issue has returned it seems, it's not just on your end for sure.

    i7 4790K
    GTX 980

    I went to an outpost after reading this post, and tested looking around at night with Vsync on and Vsync off. With Vsync on, my frames would drop down to 30 or 40 when looking certain directions, almost exclusively towards large light sources like the fireplace in the inn or the two giant torches at Dagger Tooth. I turned Vsync off, and was able to maintain 60+ frames looking in all directions.

    i5 3570k
    GTX 970 F*W

    Prior to the release of 1.0.4, I could pretty consistently maintain 60 FPS with Vsync enabled, and NEVER had frame drops near as large as I see now. This was also with lighting and shadows at the Legendary setting. Post 1.0.4, I have this issue even with these two settings turned down to Rare.

    Interesting. I'll try turning off Vsync too. I only have it on because my PC is connected to a TV and I don't want screen tearing when it goes above 60fps... but I'd rather have that than stuttering

  • @realstyli yea, im dealing with the tearing with vsync off. turning it on just drops the fps. no bueno.

  • I've noticed some sort of tearing/jitters as well when looking around, it looks like the game is suffering from frame pacing issues or something, as looking around is definitely not very smooth, even at 70-80fps.

  • @mad-mordechai I notice the same with a G-Sync monitor. Frame pacing is all over the place. The game used to run flawlessly.

  • Bumping the thread so more people can post if they're having the same issues.

  • @xgodkevin said in FPS drops sometimes after a patch 1.04 (PC):

    @realstyli yea, im dealing with the tearing with vsync off. turning it on just drops the fps. no bueno.

    Tearing is definitely preferably to stuttering/frame-drops but, yeah, neither is ideal.


    I think you're right that it stems from frame-pacing issues. Would explain why it only happens with vsync on - when a frame doesn't render on time, it's dropped completely.

  • @LordAmused Locking frames to around 90 seemed to help for me with a 100hz G-sync monitor. Seems a lot more smooth now.

    I have Vsync disabled as well.

  • @mad-mordechai Great thanks for the heads-up I will test those settings tonight.

  • I played a bit last night. Turning of Vsync and locking to 60fps helped indeed.

    I still had to lower shadows and lighting to Rare settings to get a decent stable performance, which I never had to do before 1.04.

    At least it's more playable than it has been since then and hopefully they can fix the Vsync in a future update.

  • I still have this issue since patch 1.04 running a nvidia 970.

    Has there been any update or change?

  • I'm actually going to submit system specs .txt to support and report this - as well as post here.

    It's ridiculous the FPS issues I've had since the broken patch. It's more than mere FPS IMO - it 'feels' more like server crunch.. I could best describe it as starting a sprint (60 locked by V-sync) then slugging down to slo-mo then snapping to decent fps.. visual examples would be slugging over to a sail starting to drop it and in the next frame it's down already no animation.

    It comes in "waves" as it were. Ill be "ok" for a few moments.. then slug for a few minutes.. then it'll be fine again for maybe minutes this time but even more minutes.. lower.

    --- definitely an issue, definitely new since patch.

    Alienware 1070

  • This is a known issue with Rare, I sent a support ticket into them and they confirmed it.

    They tried to fix it with the previous patch, but yeah, not fixed.

    Its consistent, random, and adjusting your graphic settings even down to cursed wont prevent the fps drops... when I'm swinging back and forth from 15 to 120 FPS with Cursed, Commom, and Rare settings... you know something's wrong.

  • If anything, 1.0.7 made it a lot worse. And I haven't been able to get a stable frame-rate with it. It seemed to be fixed with 1.0.6, at least on my system.

    Bear in mind, I'm playing with my PC connected to a 60Hz Samsung TV (couch gaming) so Gsync isn't an option. If a frame doesn't render on time, it drops, so I get stutter even when the FPS counter says it's fine. If the Vsync actually worked as it did pre-1.0.4, then this wouldn't be a problem.

    Hoping it's fixed in 1.0.8 or soon, because I actually feel nauseous playing at times with the stutter.

    (SPECS: Ryzen 1700x, Asus Dual GTX1060 6GB, 16GB 3000MHz DDR4 RAM)

  • Omg! Thank you for this thread! I've been thinking that my pc had HW problems because on these last weeks the FPS drops have been getting worse.
    It gets even worse every time the game loads sounds too, like for example, every time you see an island banner coming up the game for me almost freezes!
    I guess i'll wait for them to address those optimisations.

    Btw my specs: Intel i7 6700 with a nvidia 970gtx

  • @Gontrop

    Yeah, I think most people are agreeing that the issue is the the Vsync since 1.0.4.

    Anecdotally, one of my buds has a G-sync monitor and turned off Vsync and he rarely has any issues.

    So, unless you're playing on a TV like me, try turning off the Vsync and/or limiting the frame-rate.

    Sadly, lowering the graphics quality has zero effect on the issue.

4 out of 38