Skill based match making

  • We need skill based match making there's to many sweats

  • 16
  • Technically there is.

    It lacks an audience because this game's playerbase does not harbor a massive PvP-centered community.

    I recall someone saying "If you can't find any noobs, chances are, you're the noob."

  • If you want a higher chance of quality fighting where you can learn, improve and/or enjoy the combat you're better off starting fights with random pvers in random adventure and doing fleets as a solo.

    Hg doesn't have the participation to truly support varying skill levels consistently and really fighting the same ship and same crew size can only get you so far.

    Focus on naval improvement, situational awareness, and ladder guarding. Don't nose boats.

    If you get to a point where you can put pressure on boats and keep boarders off yours you're going to have the best chance that you're going to realistically have in a fight in SoT

    Lots and lots of crews have decent to strong tdm, far less have strong naval. That's your chance to win fights that you can realistically win, eventually. HG has strong naval but it's not nearly as strong in random adventure fights that aren't including Hgers.

  • We need skill based match making there's to many sweats

    Skill? What skill? Someone who has better understanding on how to aim and do stuff? Or someone who played longer?

    Some new kid can have better “skill” but all it takes is for someone to drop a keg on the ship and the battle shifts XD or they hit a rock and forget to bucket

    No skill in this game

  • @burnbacon 😂

  • Isn't aiming a skill.

  • alt text

    1. Release Termites
    2. Pick your gun
    3. The number you kill in 60 seconds will determine your skill level.
    4. ???
    5. Profit.
  • @m97yawadiar said in Skill based match making:

    Isn't aiming a skill.

    Situational awareness
    Game sense
    Forum PvP

    It's all part of the SoT skill tree 🌲

  • @vakrisone ok thanks

  • There is, but it's broken due to low participation.

    Average and below average PVP'ers aren't participating in hourglass outside of Gold and Glory weekends, i.e. on-demand PVP isn't really in-demand. Casual players aren't participating at all. Most of the time the only pirates who enqueue are going to be sweats and cheaters.

  • While Im not agreeing with everybody in this thread, I would definitely say there needs to be some low-hanging fruit in the way of rewards on the way to 100, as a good chunk of HG participation has dropped off.

    With the exception of EU servers which are constantly busy with sweats and cheats, over on NA its still 5 to 20 minute queues, and some of those are loss farmers or accidents where noobs dont know what the HG does.

    Im not sure if making the base curses at 50 is the right idea, some sort of breadcrumb to keep casual/new/non-skilled players involved would be helpful.

    The fact season 9 had zero new rewards or tweaks or content for HG was a shocker; 3 to 5 months of nothing for HG, on top of summer time player dropoff, on top of AAA titles releasing during season 9's runtime... is going be rough

  • @soulstinger2k20 said in Skill based match making:

    The fact season 9 had zero new rewards or tweaks or content for HG was a shocker; 3 to 5 months of nothing for HG, on top of summer time player dropoff, on top of AAA titles releasing during season 9's runtime... is going be rough

    Yeeeaaaaaaaaaa, this is sus to me too. I said this in another post, but with the S9 updates server hopping for FoF and FotD is another mechanism for on-demand PVP, but those have loot stealing and no SBMM involved so they're more fun for PVP'ers. I think a lot of HG participants are doing that at the moment.

  • @nex-stargaze said in Skill based match making:

    I recall someone saying "If you can't find any noobs, chances are, you're the noob."

    lol, well said :)

  • @nex-stargaze said in Skill based match making:

    It lacks an audience because this game's playerbase does not harbor a massive PvP-centered community.

    So lock rewards behind PVP (While game has a fair share of Hackers). Makes total sense! (Sarcasm)

  • @m97yawadiar said in Skill based match making:

    Isn't aiming a skill.

    While he was being cute about it, there is the point of what determines the "skill" used in matchmaking and how would you measure it (which I think is what he was trying to convey in an unorthodox way).

    Point is there is not a good way to determine it since the game is so open-ended and there is no true victory conditions in the open world to use as metrics due to the varied play styles. That is why they chose a modified ELO system that goes off wins/streaks in the Hourglass mode in order to match players.

  • @gunnner1 said in Skill based match making:

    So lock rewards behind PVP (While game has a fair share of Hackers). Makes total sense! (Sarcasm)

    The goal, overall was to re-introduce PvP and normalize that it has a consistent place in Adventure mode, while also rewarding those willing to dedicate their time participating in PvP with something that even casuals would dare to try to get just for the magnificence (and possibly heavy demand).

    The flaws came with the playerbase Rare has intentionally and unintentionally harbored through its advertisements, the players within and the massive egos they exhibit on a daily basis, the shoddy nature of the game and its sometimes Scotch tape-like performance, numerous oversights and bugs coming to light because of the increasingly competitive nature that came with On-Demand PvP, etc.

    It was a good idea and intention all around, and the very clear salt over the curses is from people who refuse to dedicate as much time to the game's janky PvP (that could no doubt need improvements regardless) which is pretty easy to shrug off anyways.

12 out of 16