Add more Tall Tales and finally remove monthly updates

  • I didn't play when monthly updates were a thing but from what I can tell they were just big updates and then filler updates in between. We still have monthly updates, but more discreetly. While we do have seasons, every month or so we get a new (filler) adventure and maybe an emporium update. Adventure are time-limited, so after they are done it is just developer time being wasted, as it is gone. The lore is gone too, making it impossible for newer players to understand lore without YT.

    I say rare should bring back Tall Tales. With all of the adventures this year they could have easily been redirected to at least a tall tale, probably two. I pray that Flameheart's return won't be in an adventure. Bring back tall tales and scrap adventures. Also, Tall Tales need to be more discoverable. Most of the tall tales are only completed by 10% of the player base. That is only 5 times more the 2% that means that it must be removed.

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  • Monthly updates are mostly bug fixes, improvements and Pirate Emporium updates. Adventures come outside of those updates and aren’t part of them.

  • Yeah but they are kind of like the old system

  • Im just ranting about adventures

  • adventures bump activity a bit more because of the fomo and they are all about those bumps and that fomo

    as far as impact on the players outside of the forums/social areas it's not even close, Tall Tales create more emotional impact and fondness for the storytelling.

    I've heard many people talk about and enjoy tall tales

    the adventures are very much a "let's get this done" type of deal

    ^ in my experiences and interactions with random people.

    that's not say there aren't people that enjoy the adventures, they just aren't leaving the impact that I have seen Tall Tales leave during organic encounters.

  • @wolfmanbush A lot of devs don't realize FOMO works backwards too though for some people, if I know it's time limited I dont want anything to do with it. It's probably garbage designed for FOMO, and I know that. If it's good enough to stay in the game is when my interest is peaked.

  • I didn't play when monthly updates were a thing but from what I can tell they were just big updates

    Big as they were, it took away from major requirements the game needed and still does. Maintenance.

    The lore is gone too, making it impossible for newer players to understand lore without YT.

    Even before all that, people still asking questions about the Lore of things... How did the Shrines get here? Why Capt. Jack? Who is the Masked Lady?
    Call can still be found even without youtube...wanna know how? Ingame Journals & Tall Tales. You can still find these even still. Lore is there, players need to look and discover them, some might even be on the walls of a cave..

    I say rare should bring back Tall Tales.

    Did they go anywhere?

    With all of the adventures this year they could have easily been redirected to at least a tall tale

    This Year, maybe they will change tactics next year? Who to say.

    Also, Tall Tales need to be more discoverable. Most of the tall tales are only completed by 10% of the player base.

    Hard to miss when new players by default, have there map Labeled with markers saying, Hey look a TT starting point. And the Pirate Tabs. I like to know where you get these random % because it isn't truthful.

  • @ricky0284 said in Add more Tall Tales and finally remove monthly updates:

    @wolfmanbush A lot of devs don't realize FOMO works backwards too though for some people, if I know it's time limited I dont want anything to do with it. It's probably garbage designed for FOMO, and I know that. If it's good enough to stay in the game is when my interest is peaked.

    Imo in this game Fomo being counter productive occurs when one or more of these things is a part of it (and one more more regularly are)

    bad rng, very few people want to deal with bad rng odds/requirements with fomo

    cooperation/coordination, very few people want this as a requirement for fomo

    outside of game fomo, we saw this with mysteries

    they've flat out said they are going to keep tinkering with cooperation/pushing people together so that will always be an issue here

  • @burnbacon

    Technically yes, the tall tales are gone.

    The tall tales were telling the story of Flameheart and his return. “The Seabound Soul” released Flameheart into the Sea of Thieves and the second one brought the Ashen Lords into the game.

    Now that the adventures are a thing, I’m afraid that the story of Flameheart will be lost in a year when the veteran players get bored with the game and the new players won’t know who Flameheart is because he will be defeated in an adventure that will be time limited and the new players will start their journey after the adventure is complete.

  • When I had limited data access, the monthly updates were a blessing. I do wish updates to issues could be a hotfix instead of a whole update still. I swear they used to update skellies on the fly lol.

  • Probably the worst part about the most recent adventure is that there's nothing there that warrants it being an adventure. You don't have to team up with other crews or you're not transported to a unique area.

    It's literally just a Tall Tale (albeit not a very good one because it's just recycling old content) except it's a limited time event for no good reason.

    I don't understand what the point of these adventures even is; they're not really pulling in new players and old players are frustrated at the unnecessary fomo content.

  • Add more tall tales... Im all for, and i think everyone is for, but removing monthly updates that consist of mostly bug fixes? why?

    The original monthly updates were nothing like what they were with seasons, the reason seasons were added is so they can add even bigger content updates that are more fleshed out, it took captaincy an additional month delay to be released in the state it was and still is. If the classic monthly updates were the system we still had, captaincy would be a nightmare.

    Having updates every month that just adds bug fixes is not by any means the same as a system with monthly content updates with ashen lords and gold vaults "but more discreetly", its content vs patches, no one wants to do away with patches! Bug patches keep the game alive!

  • The only thing about Tall Tales is... the return on investment in time and money.

    A lot of the Tall Tales only get completed the X amount of times needed for titles and commendations and then never get players again. So all that development time on new art, assets, music and story etc... is a lot to put in for not a lot of return.

    Adventures at least use the tools, in game world to deliver a story that's always moving forward, without it being expensive in time and gives them the flexibility to change the world forever... where Tall Tales are locked in time and prevent those islands from ever changing.

    While I would like some grander scale permanent adventures added in future... I would say Adventures at least scratched that itch and a little bit more for now.

  • I prefer adventures, the changes are persistent. It feels strange that with flameheart currently outside of the sea of thieves, I could do a tall tale and release flameheart....

  • @musicmee I will at least say the Pirate's Life tall tales have me returning constantly, especially Captains of the Damned. Every evening after my adventures, I retire to the port town to celebrate and drink, hoping that one day we do see such an established and lively island in the overworld of the Sea of Thieves. Even if that were to require me, oh I don't know, siding with Flameheart to bring that memory from the Sea of the Damned into the living world. I'd even do it for the Athena Veil fortress and set it upon a sandbar, even if it meant a group like the GMU took it over as a base of operations. It looks amazing, is sadly limited to that voyage because I want to explore it, and is almost always destroyed before I can really look about it. But yeah, your sentiment is most certainly felt. It's a shame we don't have some balance of the two. Like a mixture of them so that players who missed out could go back and experience them. Someone could start recently and be confused regarding DeMarco's demise, the situation with Merrick, and a number of other aspects because they missed out on the earlier adventures. I had one crew of new players even ask me why it was called New Golden Sands and why there were masks near the dock. I had to sit them down and try to fill them in on all the details of the past year or so.

  • @musicmee It doesn't have to be seen as a Adventure vs. Tall Tale thing necessarily. You could scrap dev time on adventures and use some of it for the occasional Tall Tale, and the rest on new voyages and world events. Those would be replayed countless times and are worth their development time more than anything else.

    Personally i've done 2 adventures since i started playing, and won't do any more unless the reward is something i really want.

    I personally like Tall Tales a lot and would love to see another series like the Shores of Gold. But what SoT really needs is a steady influx of replayable content like new voyages and world events. World events could be rotated more often too if there's a bunch more of them.

    Sea Fortresses are another good example of great replayable content.

  • @musicmee said in Add more Tall Tales and finally remove monthly updates:

    While I would like some grander scale permanent adventures added in future...

    Souds kind of familiar, right?

  • @musicmee said in Add more Tall Tales and finally remove monthly updates:

    A lot of the Tall Tales only get completed the X amount of times needed for titles and commendations and then never get players again. So all that development time on new art, assets, music and story etc... is a lot to put in for not a lot of return.

    I don't know about everyone else but personally, I think it would be awesome if they added new paid DLC in the form of new Tall Tales that are exclusive to a separate mode that's offline-only or peer-to-peer with others.

    "a lot to put in for not a lot of return" sounds like an issue created by Rare.

    This kind of paid DLC campaign would also give Rare the opportunity to experiment with new concept that would not fit in the base game, such as permanent upgrades to your gear or your ship. Think of something like the Octo Expansion in Nintendo's Splatoon 2 trying new things without interfering with the rest of the game.
    (To be completely honest, the Pirate's Life Tall Tales already were much like this, since for a large part of it you're in a map separate from other players.)

  • @musicmee my only hang-up about adventures is the time limited aspect where you can only witness the evolving story for x amount of time. My solution has always been to make a tall tall module that takes you through the sea of the damned where you can choose which adventure you want to do. So for example, say i want to do Shrouded Islands again. Boot up the tale, choose shrouded islands, Larinna does her dialogue, spawn on destroyed Golden Sands and go do the adventure again. That sort of thing.

  • @musicmee said in Add more Tall Tales and finally remove monthly updates:

    The only thing about Tall Tales is... the return on investment in time and money.

    A lot of the Tall Tales only get completed the X amount of times needed for titles and commendations and then never get players again. So all that development time on new art, assets, music and story etc... is a lot to put in for not a lot of return.

    Adventures at least use the tools, in game world to deliver a story that's always moving forward, without it being expensive in time and gives them the flexibility to change the world forever... where Tall Tales are locked in time and prevent those islands from ever changing.

    While I would like some grander scale permanent adventures added in future... I would say Adventures at least scratched that itch and a little bit more for now.

    You do realize that the adventures are time limited, right?

    Rare is investing time and money into something that is only played for 2 weeks and then never touched again. What about the ghostly Sea Dog tavern? How much time did Rare invest in that? It’s never going to be used again. At least with the tall tales, it’s repeatable.

    I agree that tall tales people tend to avoid them once completed. No one can revisit a past adventure. I’m not saying that adventures should be scrapped all together. At least give us 3 more tall tales which ended in Flameheart’s defeat.

    If Flameheart eventually gets resurrected, after the adventure, it should be made into a tall tale so we can relive it again and new players can experience it

  • @boeing7876500 Tall tales are a waste of time. Really how often do you go back and do them? Once you have the rewards they are just a waste of space. I would rather see time limited, and often buggy, adventures over a tall tale.

    I am glad they have been more or less abandoned.

  • Goodness.. people whined when there were content droughts between the tri-monthly updates, and now people are whining when there are monthly updates..SMH..

  • @burnbacon said in Add more Tall Tales and finally remove monthly updates:

    This Year, maybe they will change tactics next year? Who to say.

    Well, that 2022 roadmap has turned out to be quite a mess, so I wouldn't be surprised to see Rare seriously rethink the 2023 roadmap to make it more manageable, with less crunch on their end and less unsatisfied players on ours.

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