I am very annoyed by this community.

  • @drizkillz ur comparing a video game to army so ye doesnt nail anything tbh
    and if we think it clear I cant understand why people call everything in the first year time limited
    it might have been but as Im a person who also craves for the halloween make ups
    can u tell me why would they make those items timelimited
    maybe we dont deserve the sword tha has the skull on it or the golden sailor hat or first day eyepatch
    cuz those were meant exactly for anniverssary or day one player
    but other things that should be open to everyone why not?
    we are not askin for them for free? give us harder commendation to work towards then u did that time and thats it
    u cant leave clearly to say the best items ever done locked forever
    recolors are not the same some people even call them on reddit for example "the fake bonecrusher sword or hat"

  • @cryfoe7793 you didn't read what I wrote, did you?

  • @drizkillz I did read it my dude cuz it was short and that is still the answer dont feel offended or anything just giving my opinion

  • @cryfoe7793 and Rare, I was being objective and subjective while claiming a fault in my argument while trying to reason. It's not difficult for anyone to understand that if you weren't there, you don't get a reward. You did not go through the objectives, the tasks, form an alliance or betray one and steal something... etc. The events that have rewards are a symbol of who was there and my initial argument still stands... you are trying to steal that honor because you like it, or missed it. but at the end of the day, you weren't there... and there are a couple for me as well and I wish I had them but I can wrap my mind around it and accept I'm not going to get it or get my way...

    Or you feel entitled, and want to see the manager...

  • @valor-omega
    I'll post my thoughts too.


  • @grumpyw01f ofc thats ur thoughts
    I still think like that tbh what I typed
    I see the greedy thing ur saying but isnt ur thing greedier writing a roman for ppl just not to get the same items?

  • @cryfoe7793

    ofc thats ur thoughts
    I still think like that tbh what I typed
    I see the greedy thing ur saying but isnt ur thing greedier writing a roman for ppl just not to get the same items?

    Can you clarify what you said there?

  • @cryfoe7793 let me ask. How are you gonna unlock any of the mercenary voyage/event cosmetics if you have no way of doing them?

    Wandering/Shipwreck/Inevitable Reaper? Well you can’t do those Reaper Runs with the OG Reaper flag up anymore, so what now?

    Black powder runs? Well Bilge Rats aren’t handing out those voyages anymore either.

    OG Hungering One figurehead? Well you can’t summon and fight him anymore, he was killed 4 years ago.

    Et Cetera.

  • @tek-lt never bring back time limited items

  • @grumpyw01f A very well-written, well spoken post. Mad respect, and I agree, mate!

  • @kommodoreyenser You don't, I'm sorry to say. Not everything is going to always be available. This is a truth in real-life, and in-game. Time waits for no one.

  • @valor-omega said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @grumpyw01f A very well-written, well spoken post. Mad respect, and I agree, mate!

    Thank you!

    I find it easier to make 1 post, and link to it whenever needed.

    So I have tons of links on Google Docs and all I have to do is search the topic to find my posts.

  • @kommodoreyenser ye for some of them I understand i even said it myself they dont have to bring back day one stuff or maybe half of the stuff but for example... why not halloween facepaints tell me plz give me a good reason my dude.
    tell me when u go to R6S or GTA5 and other games I dont remember atm which items do u get on sale in the shop for halloween u get demonic things and there is always going to be the skullfacepaint there .

    tell me isnt this game 80% about skeletons and u cant wear the skullbone crusher hat or jacket but the other parts u can its kinda dumb

    i saw what ppl did during the hungering one and I clearly think some things shouldnt come back I know u cant bring the meg back cuz its not interesting anymore cuz we have them as random encounters I dont know what u did during cursed sails or how hard was it to get the bone crusher scars or the hat and jacket but it would be nice if they came back cuz game is mostly about skeletons like I said make the commendations harder 3 or 4 times
    and thats it ... if not [mod edit] it dont bring them back but what about halloween facepaints all u had to do was light 12 beacons . whats hard about that and u had to buy those with 10 doobluns each
    So yee whats hard about that make it 100 beacons or make it each beacon 20 times
    All im trying to say is bring the time limited things that u did the easy way that time in this time with a harder thing to do for them

  • @tek-lt I mostly agree with you. I feel it is ok for some cosmetics to be unavailable anymore, like special editions that came with something you had to buy or for special events like anniversaries etc... And I am ok with some items like the obsidian 6 packs being very hard to get because it helps the steamers community, and also, even tho it is hard to get, it is not impossible. I do agree with you on everything else. Especially things like the Pirate Legend curse. As far as I am concerned, every PL cosmetics should be available in-game for PL and unlockable through commendations. I do not think it is fair that you had to be there in season 1 to have a PL cosmetic. It is like the Barrel emoji. It was not fair from Rare that only players from season 3 could have it, especially with the advantage you get from it, and they have corrected the situation now. I also believe most other items for season pass should be available later down the road, either in-game or through the emporium.

  • @tek-lt I completely agree with you. I just became a pirate legend recently and I was overjoyed at getting access to new cosmetics, but I was met with a sad reality of items not being there. I was expecting to see all the pirate legend exclusive items that I earned from the past seasons but I got nothing but a single hat from the current season. I feel used and lied to yet I know they didn't say anywhere that I would get them, but the very idea of not allowing me or anyone else to have them seems like a waste of even having it coded into the game in the first place. I find the greatest joy in collecting items in games and when I can't collect things due to exclusivity, I become heartbroken and bitter towards the game. The fun times and memories that I had lead to sadness and depression. That's all that I want to say right now.

  • why dont they just give playes a way to chose from year 1 items 3 items of theyre choice for everyperson and thats it there are hundreds of them

  • @fadilzotnija sagte in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    why dont they just give playes a way to chose from year 1 items 3 items of theyre choice for everyperson and thats it

    Because they were time limited.

    […] there are hundreds of them

    There were a few but not hundreds. Maybe 20 or 30 I guess.

  • @fred-fisheye ye right! but we are talkin about rereleasing them thats tthe subject so instead of rerelease them all ifthat happens just give the players a choice of 3 items and someone named 700 some time ago then someone came with a few hundreds so ye not rly 20 or 30

  • @fadilzotnija sagte in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @fred-fisheye ye right! but we are talkin about rereleasing them

    I got that. But to be honest, you can talk all you want about releasing them once again. Most likely won’t be happening, cause they were time limited.

    someone named 700 some time ago then someone came with a few so ye not rly 20 or 30

    700 year one items?

    Let’s see, here are the ones I can remember without looking them up in detail (Twitch Drops and bought Items like Ferryman not counted):

    Day One Eyepatch
    Launch Crew Eye of Reach
    Mercenary Ship Set (6 Pieces)
    Hungering One Set (3 Pieces)
    Captain Bones Cutlass
    Golden Sailor Hat and Cannons
    Golden Legendary Set (6 Pieces)
    Wailing Barnacle Set (Clothes, Weapons & Ship about 12 Pieces)
    Bonecrusher Set (Clothes, Weapons & Ship about 12 Pieces)
    Wandering Reaper Ship Set (about 4 Pieces)
    Forsaken Shores Set (Ship & Weapons about 7 Pieces)

    I‘m surely wrong about the numbers here or there and I may have forgotten stuff. Again, I didn’t look it up and I certainly won’t. I will also admit that there are clearly more than 30 items. Still far away from „hundreds“ or even 700.

  • @fred-fisheye ye but still mate now sea of thieves has over 30 mill players it will come the time they will rerelease the sets or will lose the majority of players.So its better to give players an option to chose 3 from all those then rerelease them all.For me it would be better to rerelease them all so it would be for newer players aswell.But 3 items is enough to make no one mad

  • @fadilzotnija sagte in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @fred-fisheye ye but still mate now sea of thieves has over 30 mill players […]

    I honestly wish this would be the case. But no, 30 Million People have logged into the game at some point (a large amount probably because of the Game Pass), the actual playerbase, those guys who play the game on a regular basis, is much much smaller.

    […] it will come the time they will rerelease the sets or will lose the majority of players.

    I highly doubt that. Look, they’ve made it very clear a couple of times, time limited items (for example the adventure stuff) - and especially year one items - will stay exclusive. Good news is, new Players can earn upcoming exclusives.

  • @fred-fisheye ye but u can also see that we see a post like this almost everyday
    and its not the same as pve servers this is smth that can be done without changing the game completely cuz its cosmetics
    this would maybe make mad 5% of the player base cuz half of the ppl who played this game in the begining dont even play the game anymore

  • @fadilzotnija sagte in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @fred-fisheye ye but u can also see that we see a post like this almost everyday and its not the same as pve servers […]

    Honestly, it’s exactly the same. Some people can’t accept it’s a PvPvE-Game, so they ask for PvE-Servers. Other people - maybe a majority, maybe not - keep asking for items to return because they can’t accept the time limited concept.

    I don’t mind them asking. I just don’t think anything will change.

    this would maybe make mad 5% of the player base cuz half of the ppl who played this game in the begining dont even play the game anymore

    How do you know?

  • @valor-omega said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    I'm just going to repost my comment from another thread, as I think it sums up my thoughts quite well.

    Here's my thoughts:

    Time-limited cosmetics are a nice way to allow players to have something unique, for a certain event that they took part in; it shows that their character was there, and took part in something interesting for a time. While I understand some of the mindsets against FOMO, I see why many games use it; if everyone had immediate access to every cosmetic, no one would truly be unique.

    Cosmetics are part of our pirate's, and by extension, a part of our story on the Sea of Thieves, and I think it's cool that some items are rarer than others, because it truly makes getting said item special. Not only that, but there is a bit of unspoken prestige that comes with owning such rare items.

    For instance, the original Bone Crusher ship set remains to be one of my favorite OG cosmetic sets in the game, and is truly a unique ship set. I almost never see any other crews sporting that set, but on the few rare occasions that I do, I know they're veteran players. The same could be said with the Forsaken Ashes, and Wailing Barnacle sets, honestly.

    I think we as gamers all understand that life happens, and obviously takes precedence over gaming, and as unfortunate as it is to miss out on events, it sometimes happens. Heck, I missed out on the original Wailing Barnacle weapons, and I regret it to this day, but it is what it is, and I was happy with getting the recolors.

    I do understand where players that miss out on events are coming from, and I understand their desire for x or y cosmetic. Fact of the matter is not everyone is going to be able to get every time-limited cosmetic, and I think that's okay. Keeping the cosmetics special for those that were able to participate is a good way to allow those players to feel like their accomplishments mattered. I think that if everyone was able get every cosmetic at any point, a lot of the storytelling would be dulled down a bit.

    Just my two cents, cheers!


  • @fadilzotnija we do see posts like this often. We also see pve servers. asking for arena back. nerf the blunder, nerf the sword. nerf double gun. nerf da sails.

    It doesn't matter. Rare has already said they are going to leave those items in the past.

    And just as a hypothetical. What do I get to pick if I have all of those items? If they give you the ability to pick something, so should I to be fair right?

  • I somewhat share Valor Omegass thoughts on this

    And yet just to add a small anecdote:
    One my must treasured item is still my The Gold Hauler Figurehead from the time limit event were you had to catch xxx nr. of Ruby Splashtail and I can still remember all the "work" I put in the other players I ran into good or bad so to speak and that to me is what gives it value to me

  • @thorumsu you are correct the fact that they were time limited you had to be there at the time is what gives the value and the rarity to these things.
    And as for the Sea of thieves controller an the ferryman code. For a $60 controller people paid up to $1,300 to get their hands on a limited edition limited time sea of thieves controller with ferryman code and now if they're on the shelves again tomorrow I imagine there would be some lawsuits.
    But when something is time limited and people put in that extra effort to get it done during that limited time you cheapened everything that everybody has done to acquire it some of those people took off of work to get the event done

  • @cryfoe7793 some of those Halloween face paints were for pirate legends only on the first Halloween an extremely limited group of people.
    It sucks that you missed out on some stuff but you just going to have to accept it and try not to miss out on other things in the future

  • @cryfoe7793 sometimes on Oprah's show she'll give away cars if you go to the show are you entitled to a car because she gave them out at one time does she have to give out cars to every audience member because she gave out a car to some audience members

  • @Junior7973 Just brought up an excellent point, albeit accidentally, I think. He mentioned:

    ...is what gives it value to me

    This is, IMO, the largest problem with cosmetics upon the Sea - personal value versus actual value.

    For anything to have actual value, it has to be agreed upon by many pirates, not just 1. For example, everyone can agree that gold has value, though some might say the amount of that value may fluctuate from pirate to pirate based on how much they already have.

    Cosmetics themselves have no actual value, and a lot of pirates fail to see that. They overvalued cosmetics due to their personal value towards it.

    You see, personal value comes from a feeling - therefore it is subjective and unquantifiable. It has no actual value.

    A cosmetic may feel personally valuable to you because of how you earned it. But that doesn't make the cosmetic actually valuable. What's actually valuable is the memory of the experience of how you earned it - not the cosmetic itself. While the experience is still based upon your feelings, it is still quantifiable, because of the large group of pirates who can agree upon how they experienced the event. In other words, you had to be there... So, it's the experience that has actual value. In fact, I would go as far as to say that those are priceless, because you can't experience those again.

    And it's that reason right there why those with specific, time-limited cosmetics don't want other pirates to have those items - they feel that it cheapens the priceless experience in some way. They think it removes their ability to brag about said experience - you had to be there. The irony is that it doesn't. You can still brag about being a part of the event all you want. This isn't like having the "I survived the Hungering One and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" kind of thing. Remember, there are those who participated, but didn't complete it, so they weren't rewarded - they were there; they had the experience! But they didn't get the reward. Does that devalue their experience? That's debatable, but that doesn't change the fact that they were there; they were a part of the experience!

    You might be thinking, but Geek - you just argued in favor of why time-limited cosmetics are a thing, and you might be right - but here's what you're forgetting: commendations/achievements/titles.

    Yep, commendations and achievements and titles - your defacto, "I was there; I did it" certificate of, well, achievement. These keep track of all of your major accomplishments and can easily be shared. The irony here is that despite their actual value, they hold little to no personal value. Pirates don't particularly care about showing them off.

    The thing is, if we as pirates just got out of our selfish heads and decoupled personal value from the cosmetics, other pirates could enjoy making their pirate into what they want, without actually interfering with your pirate whatsoever. You would still have the actual value of the memory of the experience and the actual value of the commendation/achievement/title that proves you were there, whereas they could at best say they had the experience, but not be able to offer the proof of having been there because they would not have the commendation or achievement associated with it.

    There are only 2 things that would actually change:
    1] more pirates would be happier, more customizable pirates
    2] instead of being able to immediately see if someone participated in said experience via their cosmetic, the burden of proof would be on them to show you their commendation/achievement/title.

    Wouldn't it be funny if the commendations/achievements
    /titles were made into an actual cosmetic that you could share with others? I can just imagine a pirate running around with a parchment signed by the Pirate Lord, Servant of the Flame, Merrick, or other company representative, and screaming, "look, I have a certificate!" (Selected from an option in the menu, of course). 😅

    The pirate Galactic Geek has achieved this certicate for outstanding achievement during the Hungering Deep event, and is hereby awarded the Shark Slayer title on 20/04/2020. Signed Merrick, Hunter's Call Lead Representative

    Thankfully, with S7 upon us, we probably won't need those certificates, because the history of your accomplishments will be written all over your very own ship. This might be the very opportunity we need to decouple our pride from our other cosmetics. This pirate, certainly remains hopeful that that will be the case.

  • @fadilzotnija someone has incorrectly counted all limited time items in the game. The number is closer to 200 across the game’s lifecycle, not just for the first year.

  • @galactic-geek by your own logic, since a bunch of players agree that most limited time cosmetics are valuable, wouldn’t that then technically make them valuable?

    If enough people personally value something then that makes that item valuable. You may personally not find it all that special, but that doesn’t discount the feeling that other people have for it.

  • @tek-lt said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    the only reason players reject the idea of items coming back is so that they can flex the items and feel good about themselves, it is selfish, players should be allowed to obtain any item in the game.

    I'll start by saying that I don't care about collecting cosmetics, I have lots of them that I never use, including some time-limited things that are precious to some other people, yet...

    I don't think it's selfish that people want limited stuff to remain limited. It also makes perfect sense to me that they'd want to show off their most unique rewards. It tells a story. It tells me what that person has done. Sometimes, in case of limited stuff, it also tells me what and when they did it. I think that adds value to the cosmetics beyond looks, and not only for the owner, but for everyone.

    So, yeah, I think certain things should not come back to the game. There's always going to be more in the future.

  • @liberance said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @tek-lt said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    the only reason players reject the idea of items coming back is so that they can flex the items and feel good about themselves, it is selfish, players should be allowed to obtain any item in the game.

    I'll start by saying that I don't care about collecting cosmetics,

    Clearly this is false, due to the next statement.

    I have lots of them that I never use, including some time-limited things that are precious to some other people, yet...

    I don't think it's selfish that people want limited stuff to remain limited.

    You'd be wrong - that's exactwuat it is.

    It also makes perfect sense to me that they'd want to show off their most unique rewards. It tells a story. It tells me what that person has done.

    So does a commendation, achievement, title, or certificate. Why not just use those and separate the cosmetics so that everyone can use them?

    Sometimes, in case of limited stuff, it also tells me what and when they did it. I think that adds value to the cosmetics beyond looks, and not only for the owner, but for everyone.

    It adds personal value; not actual value.

    So, yeah, I think certain things should not come back to the game. There's always going to be more in the future.

    Yes there will be more, but not for everybody. Want to 100% the game? Never going to happen.

  • @ninja-naranja said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @galactic-geek by your own logic, since a bunch of players agree that most limited time cosmetics are valuable, wouldn’t that then technically make them valuable?

    If enough people personally value something then that makes that item valuable. You may personally not find it all that special, but that doesn’t discount the feeling that other people have for it.

    Except I don't believe it's enough people. I would hazard to guess that very few pirates actually care about most of their cosmetics in that way. Most pirates actually, probably don't value them at all -they just have them becausethey did something. Most only care for whichever is their favorite or the few that makes their pirate look good - and that has nothing to do with their actual accomplishments.

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