FOV for ultrawide displays

  • Hello fellow scallywags!

    I know it's come up before, but I figured I'd chime in.

    Having your FOV limited to a max of 90 on an ultrawide display is nauseating. Ultrawide displays are becoming the new norm for gaming PCs, and having your FOV limited to 90 distorts the edges of the display that makes it almost unplayable at ultrawide resolutions. I feel like I'm trapped in a wavy mirror room in a funhouse.

    I'm lucky enough to have a display with a native resolution of 5120x1440, in the past I was able to up my FOV to 120, I loved it and the game looked beautiful. Here's what I see now at the max 90 FOV:

    Looking at the wood barrel dead on...

    This is what happens when I turn my head...

    Please open up the FOV to 120 so players with ultrawide displays can enjoy this beautiful game without feeling like they are being screeched out at lightspeed when moving.
    If everyone has the option to up their FOV to 120 then no one has an advantage, and it would really help people that feel nauseated by the screeching caused by lower FOVs.

    Thank you,
    Uber Terror

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  • @uber-terror honestly all they have to do to keep gameplay fair is blur the edges past the 90 degree FOV. This would also keep it realistic to the human eye’s focus range.

    However, Rare have stated that they current don’t foresee changing the max FOV.

  • @kommodoreyenser Thanks for the feedback mate!

    I have to disagree with you on some points. IMO If everyone can change their FOV within the same range, then there is no advantage, and therefore fair to all. My request wasn't about the focus range of the human eye to keep it realistic, it's about screeching and distortion that is uncomfortable to view.

    I get that the good folks are Rare stated that they don't foresee changing the max FOV, but they are one of the few developers that have shown that they listen to the community, ( look at the recent change with the ghost loot waviness causing players discomfort) my hope is that if enough people voice the same request that they will take note and change their minds.


  • @uber-terror said in FOV for ultrawide displays:

    @kommodoreyenser Thanks for the feedback mate!

    I have to disagree with you on some points. IMO If everyone can change their FOV within the same range, then there is no advantage, and therefore fair to all. My request wasn't about the focus range of the human eye to keep it realistic, it's about screeching and distortion that is uncomfortable to view.

    Let me just stop you right there. FOV on anything that is not an ultra wide gives terrible fisheye above 90. Yet people would need to go max to keep the same peripheral vision advantage as those on ultra wide monitors. Thus shifting the discomfort onto someone else. If you played in 16:9 ratios in windowed mode instead of 32:9+ then it wouldn’t be so uncomfortable. It may look strange having part of your screen black but the picture would be decent.

    I get that the good folks are Rare stated that they don't foresee changing the max FOV, but they are one of the few developers that have shown that they listen to the community, ( look at the recent change with the ghost loot waviness causing players discomfort) my hope is that if enough people voice the same request that they will take note and change their minds.


    They listen to the community but try to keep the game fair and balanced so no one set of users has any mechanical advantage over others. Being able to have a larger field of view visible on screen than your opponents 90 vs 120 for instance is a massive 30% view advantage.

  • @kommodoreyenser

    I was expressing a point of discomfort caused by a game setting, I wasn't mandating discomfort for everyone. Widescreen displays are becoming more prevalent, and it would be nice if the game supported them in a better way.

    You can't block every point of advantage, and punishing players with new technologies because not all players have them is ridiculous.

    A player with a 4k display has a huge advantage over a player with a 720p display. Should we lock the max resolution to 720p to make things fair?

    How about a player with 2 channel audio vs one with 7.1 surround sound? If you can hear what direction I'm coming from in a fight, you have a huge advantage, should that be blocked as well?

    What if you have a better keyboard and mouse than me? Should you get some extra input lag?

    I get wanting to keep things fair, I want that too. I also want my display to be supported without making me sick, and I don't think that's an unfair ask.

  • @uber-terror The FOV modification for Steam players was never intentional and has been removed in order to restore the intended settings of Sea of Thieves.

    There are no intentions to change this in future.

    Dropping Anchor on this thread.

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