Transitioning from Duo Sloop to Duo Brig?

  • Hear me out, I know Duo Brigs are often spit at and called trash, but I don't really see the point in doing Duo Sloop. The Sloop is so damn restricted, only one cannon on each side and is the slowest ship in the game, the only scenario it is the fastest is when it's against the wind, where it is barely faster than the brig (unless they tweaked some stats). The brig is the fastest ship because its the fastest in most of scenarios, according to a video I watched. The brig also comes with more supplies and has the same bailing speed as the sloop, I really don't see the recommendation for Duo Sloop, the ship is so restrained a solo can handle it easily, it looks like its meant for solos only. I know that Duoing a Brig isnt recommended, but so is Soloing a Sloop and they do just fine. Should I switch to Duo Brig, and why is Duo Brig so hated?

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  • @kermitdoescoke Let me counter with this, the Brig is designed for three people in mind, not two. While on the surface, the Brig may seem superior, the Sloop is much better for two players to handle. There is a lot of space on a Brig, but it is too much space for only two people to cover. Doesn't matter how good you are, you can only move so quickly.
    Some more points are examined in this video (around 3:20):

  • @kermitdoescoke
    AI is scaled to ship-size - you might encounter a hostile skalleon instead of a skloop, a meg that has a bigger bite / more hitpoints &c. While most of these are not that difficult for a two-person-brig, a combination could be deadly.

    You're also have to bail and fix holes a lot earlier in a brig than a sloop.

  • i agree with @Radioactiv3455

    @KermitDoesCoke the brigantine is easier hit, if you send a boarder and are two pirates only you cannot make use of the 2nd cannon, you miss someone at the sails maybe. For stressfull situation while PvP a Duo sloop is far more easy to handle and you wont be able to use the advantages of a brigantine other than it's the fastest ship.

    so when you want tu run go for the brigantine, but if you get in trouble you will learn to apreciate the sloop more as a duo.

    i went through that precess already in 2019 :D

  • The only pros from doing a duo brig is just the additional firepower from the extra cannon. I personally think that I would rather have a sloop because u can adjust the sails and raise anchor much easier. If u think that doing a brig will give u better speed u might want to reconsider because u cannot adjust ur sails as fast as when u r driving a sloop. But u can go ahead n try it because I m not u, maybe u can do better than everyone else who knows.

  • I find with the combination of quick access to the sail from the wheel, the helmsman can have better mobility as turns can be faster (raise sail) and trim faster to catch better wind.

    The 2nd person can focus on cannon/repair with less distance to cover. We just duo'd a sloop for the Burning Blade fleet and got easily through all 4 waves for tons of loot! Even had several skeleton ships spawn during and had a Kraken just before we got to the outpost.

  • @kermitdoescoke

    I'm going to disagree with most of the people here and say that a duo brigantine is completely viable if you know what you're doing.

    The Brig offers many advantages over the sloop; it's much faster with the wind, starts with more cannonballs/grenades, has two cannons, and tends to intimidate other players more than a sloop would.

    However, all tasks (turning wheel, manipulating sails, raising anchor, etc.) will take more time to do compared to a sloop, so you'll need to have a good sense of how to sail properly. Additionally, PVE threats will become more difficult (they scale in difficulty based on your ship), and the Brig fills with water more rapidly than a sloop. You should be more wary about going into combat if you're crewing a duo brig.

    Basically, a duo Brig is superior to the duo Sloop as long as things are fine, but it's much less forgiving once you run into trouble.

  • @kermitdoescoke

    Lets get a couple of things clear.

    1. Duo Brigantine is viable and even a solo version is viable, it is a preference.
    2. Bailing rates are not the same, as the maximum water flow in a brigantine is quicker than that of a sloop - it is based on the amount of damage endured. As well as the distance you need to cover.
    3. The brigantine on average tends to be the quickest ship, while beaten with or against the wind by a galleon or sloop respectively. This is mainly achieved due to the acceleration speed of the ship. Therefore if you just plan on running, it might be the better choice for you.

    Yet why do all ships prefer to be fully manned, is because of the simple fact that to have an offensive player (boarder) or when someone is killed for instance, you want to be able to manage the ship with one person down. Additionally if the boarder is not off the ship, you want to be able to position yourself in naval combat at all times and therefore having a helmsman while simultaneously being able to fire cannons. Yes, there are occasions where a helmsman can shoot, but frankly usually that is when the boarder could be making their approach and is replaced by the helmsman on the cannons or they already left and the cannon would be free to use. This is why both the sloop and brigantine which were developed at a later stage actually only have 2 and 1 cannon respectively.

    This is why a sloop is considered the better duo ship as it is superior in battle, because a single pirate is able to handle it by themselves as you mention. On a brigantine you just are always a man down and that will be noticeable for the pirate manning the ship. They just cannot cover all their bases properly alone and will take longer to get in position, man the cannon and all that just simply because the ship is bigger. Keep in mind, they need to repair, bail, watch ladders, two sets of sails and fire cannons... the ship is going to feel very big, especially if they shoot holes in the front of the ship.

    In the end, you should not care what others state; if you want to use a brigantine with your partner... by all means be that type of crew. There is no good or bad way to play, it is an open world and you should play like you want to play. Be the pirate you want to be, don't let anyone else determine that for you.

    Good luck and happy sailing.

3 out of 8