[BUG] Stuck on "Waiting to set sails'' screen

  • I was sailing with friends and after some time i needed 15mins afk so game kicked me from session. When i want to rejoin my friends i did it as always - go to their xbox profile and click the circle to join the game. Everything sounds fine until i was stuck in the menu with them and "waiting to set sails" text. BUG

    Tried to join any of them with the same result

  • 5
  • @avecrux had yesterday this problem with starting the game...had to wait 3-4 minutes then the loading screen appeared...maybe because of the update day servers couldn't handle it...
    Let's see how it works today

  • @schwammlgott it has happened to me twice so far today....seems to be no fix.

  • I've started to see this happen too. Twice. Either stuck "searching the seas " or the one matching the OP photo.

    I tried shutting down for 10 minutes joining my own and migrating from there. To shutting down and just joining on / accept an invite. With no luck.

    It's extremely frustrating that this issue seems to be happening this far into the game being live.

  • Same. Happened to myself and all my teammates different times and days. Why can’t we load back in with our friends ???!!!!!

3 out of 5