Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.

  • @sexyjeep said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    Ah, how I love comparing this game to Tom Clancy's The Division's (DARK ZONE). I love it because people wanted alliances/groups larger than 4-men in that game too, and it was a bad idea. Thankfully it was never implemented, BUT, you could still run 8-men in a server by exploiting the game. You would join a group with 3 of your friends, then leave the group. Doing so still keeps you in the same server with the group you left (you actually end up standing right next to each other, but just aren't shown as a friendly). Next, you have another one of your friends join the group you just left. Wash, rinse, and repeat this process 3 more times, and you now have 4 of you and your ungrouped friends standing around who can then create a new group on the fly and in the same server - thus forming two 4-men squads. We did this all the time and it would completely clear/wipe servers. We would server hop all night long destroying everyone and everything in the Dark Zone. The more people learned about this, the more people did it - you can see where this is going...

    The fact that they are blatantly going allow this in SoT as a new feature is going to turn all these PVE activist into salt shakers "P**F!!". It won't bother me in the slightest, but it's going to do more damage and be counter-productive to what Rare is trying to achieve. On a side note, the trick in The Division to get two groups of 4-men squads doesn't work in SoT, because as soon as you leave your crew it exits you from the server (a wise move that UBI should have implemented form the beginning).

    ...uhhhh no. Ship 2 invites one of your crew mates. Then ship 2 crew leaves and you invite all your friends onto the crewmates’s ship and another to fill their slot. Very simple.

  • Personally I think alliances will serve as the best way to share loot.

    Alliances already happen in game, I was on a gallon tonight with 16 people on it. We roamed our server for a few hours. A few fights broke out, some peace making was done, and several gallons and sloops were asked to join after securing the loot piles on their ships.

    Heck, it could allow you to get robbed and still paid at the same time by being "persuaded" into service on another ship, or fight / run for your loot.

    Bcause some of the lootz are quest items, and alliances lets ppl still get the credit.

  • will the loot splitt between crews?,idk how to feel about alliance,need to test it first then i jugde

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    will the loot splitt between crews?,idk how to feel about alliance,need to test it first then i jugde

    I’ve been running alliances for a month now. Gold has no allure for me, neither does rep. I just like BSing and blowing things up. ...and yelling out orders like the drunken crazed fool I am.

    Got a ship on the server who thinks they’re hard? Fleets disabuse them of that notion quickly.

    We do need a higher server count though. Currently the game is just too empty.

    That is my only concern.

  • I absolutely love the idea of being hired by pve players for protection from pvp players.

  • I will try them out and then decide if they are good or bad. I suggest everybody does it like that instead of condemning something straight away.

  • The news post says the alliances are for “greater challenges” - which could (hopefully) mean that they only work for certain quests or in the new section of the map. If so that wouldn’t break the game at least. A broad share-all alliance for everything of course would be very bad.

  • @dutchyankee in the video they talk about 6 ship alliances, so we know server wide is possible, we know loot is split, but it's speculative as to how, we know nothing about commendations (do kills and miles sailed count for all allies for example), we know nothing about how to break them, but we know it's possible because they mention mutiny, but without knowing the split ratios it's hard to see why you'd ever mutiny, we don't know anything about friendly fire, we do know you can share voyages, we do know you can see all allies ships on the map.

  • Just like the 4 man sloop, why not let Rare try it out... if it's OP or needs balancing they can tweak it or if it's utterly broken they can just remove it

  • @jonavuka said “why not let Rare try it out...”

    Because they don’t “try anything out” before making it live, they just make updates without testing. Look at the last update breaking chest of sorrows and screwing up the already bad damage radius on the mermaid statues. If they actually tried it out, maybe, but we all know that didn’t happen!

  • @stubbierbell598 so your argument is that the people getting killed can just leave the game and find a new server? That's how this will reduce pvp. So it will increase pvp to a point that people will have to work around the pvp. That doesn't sound like less pvp.

  • @haydnsym45 Having regression tests take long especially if your growing a game... besides this is a question not about bugs but how the community would react to a new feature which is impossible to predict (this thread doesn't count as a reaction, I'm talking real game reactions)

  • The only remotely possible way of this working, is that a loot item has the exact same value as now.
    Example: A captains chest will still have a value of around 900 gold. If there is one crew they will all get the 900 per player as now. If there are 2 crews both crews get 450gold, and if there are 3 crews 300 per player. Perhaps even half the loot of that just to balance it all out prevent server scale farming. Basically everyone would still have to work for their loot.

    The most stupid thing they could do, is to give the main loot finding crew the full 900 of the captains chest, and then all the other allies get lets say 50% or even 25% of the loot value. This would totally break the game and it would be no reason not to have everyone in an alliance, as it would be free gold/exp.

    Perhaps it would be best if the loot is simply NOT shared at all between all the different crews in the alliance. This way the we dont have hyperinflation and can still enjoy the safety of multiple crews.

  • @jonavuka - they are related as far as I’m concerned. Lack of testing, lack of thought, whether on small updates or big ones, all bespeak to a larger problem of either laziness of thought and coding or apathy, or being rushed... or just incompetence.

  • It just boggles my mind that people can't see how broken this will be.

  • I think we should wait to see how people use it before start complaining. If it is only to share the loot it is ok.

  • @guepard4 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    I think we should wait to see how people use it before start complaining. If it is only to share the loot it is ok.

    It's not ok. It will be so easy to farm PVE or take over servers and sink everyone.

  • @trickrtreat01 dijo en Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @guepard4 said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    I think we should wait to see how people use it before start complaining. If it is only to share the loot it is ok.

    It's not ok. It will be so easy to farm PVE or take over servers and sink everyone.

    Why you can't do that now without alliances?

  • @guepard4 -
    Right now it is very impractical to form an alliance and the loot is split. What may happen is it becomes very easy with loot shares. So that’s the problem.

  • As the system currently goes, people are betrayed all the time. This is open sandbox.

    I really hope Rare has thought this though. If they remove the ability to betray then this is no pirate game. If they let full values loot to be given to all crews then it’s game breaking.

    If it’s just a way of removing friendly fire and not having to manually split shared loot I guess it’s ok with me. I do feel it encourages an already abused system of teaming up and forcing non allied ships to submit.

    Either way. This is an extremely concerning move for Rare to make

  • ridiculous claim, just as much chance of people teaming up for PVP now as after alliances are released

  • @mrgrim67686 said

    Aye. We did okay with 3 galleons but comms were a major pain. All that said , the longer we sailed the more unstable the game became. Without some heavy optimization this is not going to work.

    I’ve made several alliances and they all end with everyone getting dashboarded.

    Yep. Look at what happened the times we've just had one galleon and a sloop sail together for an hour or so. The lot of us were all kicked from the game on several occasions.

    I honestly can't see Rare handling fleets without a series of crashes when they struggle to keep one ship afloat.

    As usual they'll test it for five minutes, release it to the public then rollback that patch.
    It won't last as long as this thread.

  • @stubbierbell598 I believe they were trying to imply that they were joker because Joker's message was just sending the message that he was the real deal and not to be screwed with. Same thing applies to people in clans, alliances, guilds, pantheons, you name it. Big groups of players in small areas lead to either really good things or really bad things, there is no inbetween.

  • @haydnsym45

    Well if they had a public test server then we could but they don't seem to be able to do that on Xbox/Xbox PC app.

  • @trickrtreat01 I Think fits info to core concept of the game its suppose to just be a social community game so alliances line up. It seems that it has been made into this competitive pvp game by hardcore pvp zealots. This game was so there was something for everyone if i want to form and command a fleet of players to go fight skeleton ships then it seems fine to me and if players use the fleet system to chase of players who they may not want bothering them so be it find another session. You can already team up it just gives more reason to do so with bonuses.

  • @admiral-rrrsole this i agree with

  • @trickrtreat01 whats your point to this the game is just a social game its not competitive in anyform except a still fort

  • @blatantwalk4260 You should not get a bonus for teaming up. If anything you should be penalized. The easier it is, the less gold you should get. There really isn't anything as of now that requires alliances.

    It's just becoming Sea of Thieves for people that don't like Sea of Thieves.

  • @trickrtreat01 you are aware that some of the ai ship fights will need alliances right. I have already been apart of a 5 ship fleet by buying off other ships from people and putting my own people on them to control lobbys. It already happens its so easy to pay off ships with athenas chests or stronghold loot.

  • @omnipotence13 you can throw up a flag to start a mutiny and turn on the fleet

  • @blatantwalk4260 I must have been tired for all those typos

  • ...uhhhh no. Ship 2 invites one of your crew mates. Then ship 2 crew leaves and you invite all your friends onto the crewmates’s ship and another to fill their slot. Very simple.

    Correct. However, that requires you convincing someone in the server (a random) to take part in your shenanigans. The time invested in doing this would not be worth the bang. So although you are correct that it is possible, it's not within the same context and simplicity to make widely used in accomplishing the same goal.

  • @orgrum said in Alliances are the next 4 man sloop...just say no.:

    @stubbierbell598 so your argument is that the people getting killed can just leave the game and find a new server? That's how this will reduce pvp. So it will increase pvp to a point that people will have to work around the pvp. That doesn't sound like less pvp.

    That is a small part of it... the main point was that there is zero incentive to pvp unless you feel like trolling. And if your getting trolled then you can ether sail away or leave the server.... i know tough concept to grasp..

  • @stubbierbell598 True, pvp is sadly very unbalanced when it comes to incentive. There's just no balance to it at all.

  • Change is always hard to adapt to.
    You'll get used to it don't worry.

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