Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.

  • I would really love the opportunity to invite friends I've made on this game to play the night on my same server but on their own ship. Most of the time they get on with a full boat as do I and my friends. So that makes in highly unlikely we can sail together. These last two updated missions have made it a point to "make friends" so let us play together. If not all we're doing is filling up our friends list with people we won't actually play with. Why would we want to leave our other friends behind to make new? Please help. I'm sure other will agree. We've talked about it at night with new friends before turning off for the night. "Like nice meeting you but probably won't be able to play as my ship is always full with my pals"
    Hope this helps

  • 47
  • This request has been made like 1 million times already. And anybody with common sense would know, why it will never happen.

    But for you: If you enable this, the next time you log in, the session will be crowded by a clan with 5 ships, dominating everything. Because you will invite a few friends, but others will exploit it to the max.

    Even 2 ships are enough to dominate everything in a session.

  • @longingfern4785 agree yesterday we got deystroyed by 2 sloops working together we did not have a change

  • Like the idea of maybe being able to meet up in the tavern and swap crews or hire new crew and even hire a new ship from the merchant or even join forces

  • I'd like this as well. Why shouldn't we be able to team up with our friends?

  • @stompgoblin2 sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    I'd like this as well. Why shouldn't we be able to team up with our friends?

    You can.
    But if you mean, you want to team up with 7-8 or even more friends on 2-3 ships: Balance?
    Keep in mind, there are still people, that want to play solo and they have a hard life already without being hunted by a fleet.

  • @longingfern4785 said in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    @stompgoblin2 sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    I'd like this as well. Why shouldn't we be able to team up with our friends?

    You can.
    But if you mean, you want to team up with 7-8 or even more friends on 2-3 ships: Balance?
    Keep in mind, there are still people, that want to play solo and they have a hard life already without being hunted by a fleet.


  • @longingfern4785 then they shouldn't be playing a multiplayer game lol

  • @stompgoblin2 sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    @longingfern4785 then they shouldn't be playing a multiplayer game lol

    Or you shouln't play a game which is balanced from 1-4 player with the intention to invite 4+ players?

  • Then there should be a more friendly style mode you can enter if you don't wanna sail like a real pirate.

  • @HOCK1977
    Rare stated (at E3) that they are working on ways for friends to have expanded groups. Even across multiple ships!

    Here's the quote

    "giving you the option to go in almost in a ready-made alliance or going together in a large lobby and splitting you across multiple ships, that's something we're looking at."

  • You can talk to someone who is solo and see if they will invite your friend.
    But they said in lastest dev video they are looking at ways to improve getting multi-crews together, this may be a bi-product.

  • @geekster-t I heard that as well but, I hope not....that will ruin this game.

  • @geekster-t Uhm...

    they are working on ways for friends to have expanded groups. Even across multiple ships!


    "that's something we're looking at."

    are two different things.

    If a support team writes you "We are looking at it.", you can translate this to "We are currently busy doing other stuff and will handle your issue later."

  • @tralalakk lol im pretty surethat was us. Its easy enough to get your friends on a server it takes some social skills.

  • @commandrew sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    lol im pretty surethat was us. Its easy enough to get your friends on a server it takes some social skills.

    Sorry, but by "social skills" you mean what? Sounds more like it takes something that could you get banned.

  • Find someone and ask them to invite you or the friend. Thats what we did to get the thrones done. Being nice and friendly and using the mic go a long way.

  • @pink-geek-chic said in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    @geekster-t I heard that as well but, I hope not....that will ruin this game.

    Absolutely! People CRY about everything interesting.

  • @longingfern4785 their in talks about this SOT turned it down it’s just making sure it works right they are also talking about making an Uneasy Allinece where 2 or more crews share rewards but can still kill each other

  • @ve111a sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    Find someone and ask them to invite you or the friend. Thats what we did to get the thrones done. Being nice and friendly and using the mic go a long way.

    @otherfanboy sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    @longingfern4785 their in talks about this SOT turned it down it’s just making sure it works right they are also talking about making an Uneasy Allinece where 2 or more crews share rewards but can still kill each other

    This is not, what @COMMANDREW said. He said "get your friends on a server", not "become friends with people in your current session".
    Maybe he meant it, but then he has chosen confusing words for it.

  • It’s possiable I just miss heard what they where talking about at E3 but all in all crews manage to work together when events come around at lest fir the frost few days

  • @longingfern4785 said in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    @ve111a sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    Find someone and ask them to invite you or the friend. Thats what we did to get the thrones done. Being nice and friendly and using the mic go a long way.

    @otherfanboy sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    @longingfern4785 their in talks about this SOT turned it down it’s just making sure it works right they are also talking about making an Uneasy Allinece where 2 or more crews share rewards but can still kill each other

    This is not, what @COMMANDREW said. He said "get your friends on a server", not "become friends with people in your current session".
    Maybe he meant it, but then he has chosen confusing words for it.

    and I said the solution. They were logging off we asked them to invite one of us they logged off and boom I get my own ship and can do the thrones with a friend.

  • @ve111a Ahhh... ok! Now I got it. Interessting.

  • As a Member of The Fleet of Thieves I will tell you all this. We regularly get multiple ships on the same server; sometimes accidentally, sometimes intentionally. If what the post is suggesting is implemented the game will break. With just 1 extra ship on the server normally intense pvp battles become cakewalks.

    Our Fleet would swarm every server we joined and no one outside our fleet would get anything done while our fleet would safely grind away.

    The only time Rare should introduce multiple crews joining the same server is if they decide to make a separate pvp game type that take place on seperate servers (like Destiny's crucible).

  • @xxbrytexx sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:

    As a Member of The Fleet of Thieves I will tell you all this. We regularly get multiple ships on the same server; sometimes accidentally, sometimes intentionally. If what the post is suggesting is implemented the game will break. With just 1 extra ship on the server normally intense pvp battles become cakewalks.

    Our Fleet would swarm every server we joined and no one outside our fleet would get anything done while our fleet would safely grind away.

    The only time Rare should introduce multiple crews joining the same server is if they decide to make a separate pvp game type that take place on seperate servers (like Destiny's crucible).

    Having control of two ships would already be enough to dominate everything in a session.

  • Exactly.

    Personally I have managed to get 3 ships at once on the same server for my fleet. That was ... well lets just say we found it very comical. I cant imagine the absurdity of having control of an entire server.

  • @hock1977 just no

  • @xxbrytexx sagte in Inviting friends to same sever on different ship.:


    Personally I have managed to get 3 ships at once on the same server for my fleet. That was ... well lets just say we found it very comical. I cant imagine the absurdity of having control of an entire server.

    If Rare really fails here and implements an option to form fleets (no matter if two or more ships), then I am really looking forwards to the Solo Slooper complaints :P

    "Last night I was solo slooping when a fleet of 5 ships with 20 players boarded me mid sea, by setting up a naval blockade. They stripped my sloop empty of any ressources in a second and raided everything not nailed to the ground."


    "Every outpost was blocked by a galleon from the same fleet, so I could not turn in anything."

  • @geekster-t ok so this ends the debate we shall wait and see what they have in store

  • @longingfern4785

    It's a good thing I quoted it for you, that way you can interpret it, any way you like. I never said it was happening and I never implied that it was soon.

    If a support team writes you "We are looking at it.", you can translate this to "We are currently busy doing other stuff and will handle your issue later."

    As the lead Admin for another online game, when I tell my CSR's to inform a player that "We are looking at it." I really mean, it is being looked at.

  • @longingfern4785 have you seen the movie shipwrecked? Should give you a clue what to do. Its a great film too.

  • @hock1977 can play the way you just can't do it with who you want.

    Be the pirate you want to be.....but BY YOURSELF!!!

  • @stompgoblin2 What are you talking about? Everyone is your friend in the #seaoffriends

  • I would like to see a larger ship in the future so I could poitentily play with maybe a total of six friends. That seems like a reasonal number and would put SoT in line with other popular multiplayer games like COD and Battlefield but I hope Rare never allows multiple ships of friends on the same server together for two reasons.

    1. I enjoy the challenge of being forced to form a sometimes uneasy alliance because of a shared common interest and I have many new pirate friends to show for the experience. Allowing me to invite my buddy into the same server but as his own crew would instantly change not only gameplay but also the overall atmosphere of the world.

    2. How long do you think it would take before a group of skilled (try hards LOL) players started regularly dominating an ocean, literally hunting down and killing/stealing everything from everyone. I'd say about a day and a half. Things would get toxic really quickly.

  • a 2 crew limit would stop any one crew from being too op and really if your having problems with 2 boats, invite some friends or go to a new server, daily routine on the sea

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