Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2

  • Is Meg now random or gone 100% until the next patch? Solo sloopers at risk?

  • @bigirishalaskan Ahiy matey!

    Meg is taking a break for now but will be back in her new form in a later update.

  • @musicmee thank you

  • @longingfern4785 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @honusdan sagte in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @longingfern4785 lol...I just spit my coffee out. I needed a good laugh.

    Yeah, but the topic is kind of serious, sadly.

    To be honest... best solution, in my opinion, would be a good match making system for the sessions.
    Priority 1: Put players using the same platform in the same session.
    Priority 2: Put players of similar level in the same session.

    This should ensure, that you are among players of equal possibilities and skill at least most of the time.

    Abdolutley agree, waiting to come back into the game when those priorities are sorted out. Meantime the disc is coffee mat.

  • @khaleesibot I personally identify as an attack helicopter, Can I also have a flag please?

  • @howdoishoot926 Yet it is synonymous with gay pride. Don't see it representing "human pride" or anything of the sort. Also, I am not self centered for resenting a clear political injection into this game. Love the dismissal of my opinion as narrow-mindedness because it makes you feel bad. I never once said anything about rejection gay people or any other group of people. I resent the clear pandering to vocal minorities that claim they want to be equal, but hinge their entire identities on a label and use it as a way to distinguish themselves from everyone else. If you can't understand that, then you are the narrow-minded one, but you won't be able to stomach that...

  • @flying-poopla
    So with your logic, you're upset about a rainbow?
    That's pretty depressing.
    I'm upset about the difficult skull throne at Marauder's Arch.
    We can't all be pleased though.
    And the rainbow has pleased a lot of pirates.

  • @doctorviolet3 Not really, think about this: You are on a ship back in the golden pirate era with no women and about a crew made up of 26- 60 men sailing for years on end. You honestly think that some of those men if not all adopted a free stance to sexuality? Look up some pirate bays/cities that existed in the time such as port royal. Stealing, Drinking, and a free for all debauchery is the least that one can say to describe these places

  • Side note. Good fun hunting thrones and finding ways go get to them. Cant wait to see what events comes in the next 2 weeks. Keep it up rare. Great team u have there.

  • I feel RARE is doing some things that we want but also somethings we dont care about...Whats grinding my gears with these patch notes THIS time is this...How many people complained about that weird mark on the back of a character when a dress is equipped? Probably not a lot... How many people requested variants of the drum and trumpet...right away...again..probably not a lot given the bigger picture.

    Ill tell you my problem....I've stopped going to skull forts because I am absolutely sick of my screen locking up for 2+minutes then getting out of sync with the server and getting killed/kicked. WHY? This usually happens when another ship arrives within vicinity..half our crew gets kicked and we are frantically trying to get back in game and save our ship, forgetting about the fort just trying to survive...Ive had my screen lock up when Im about to engage in sword fights....before I get a sweet shot on the enemy gallion driver...or before they board our ship...are you (#&$# kidding me...You people are gonna add a rainbow flag and a mega load of more cosmetics...but not a peep about this...very serious issue??FACEPALM

    I quit playing PC because it kept crashing on it looks like yall are just intentionally trying to drive the core community away by trying to drown us with cosmetics and stupid bug fixes nobody but QA people notice...WE WANT A FUNCTIONAL GAME THAT DOESNT SCREW US OVER TIME AND TIME AGAIN THAN YOUR DIFFERENT COLORED FLAGS AND DRESSES!!! that my opinion and I know im not alone here..

    im a day 1 player...I know skull forts used to be pleasant to fight over. But its not a battle with another ship anymore...Its a battle of who gets sunk first because half the crew gets kicked just because a ship gets close...I spend more time rejoining the game than actually fighting for the fort.

    i will stop playing if you cant get your patches in order, since you people seem more focused on giving us different colors of the same item than fixing whats wrong with your game in a timely manner. Its one thing to add content and have to deal with introduced bugs...its another thing to add different colors of the same thing and call it a big deal with a blind eye to critical issues. I say this because...I dont even see my rant topic in the 'known issues' you either dont know...dont care...or are too proud to tell us the one thing people like to do in this game when tired of tedious voyages... is broken.

    If you dont that would be really pathetic for a dev team to not know such a thing which all started with the previous patch..
    If you dont care...again wow...pretty self explanatory why this would be all wrong.
    If you're too proud to tell us skull forts are bugged as hell, grow a pair and have faith in the community just like we..kinda have faith in yall...

    end rant

  • @red0demon0 Ik all that already. I just think a rainbow flag ruins the immersion. It just doesn't fit the style of the game. Political reasons or not.

  • Who designed the Marauder's Arch throne?, Marquis de Sade?

  • @flying-poopla said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @howdoishoot926 Yet it is synonymous with gay pride. Don't see it representing "human pride" or anything of the sort. Also, I am not self centered for resenting a clear political injection into this game. Love the dismissal of my opinion as narrow-mindedness because it makes you feel bad. I never once said anything about rejection gay people or any other group of people. I resent the clear pandering to vocal minorities that claim they want to be equal, but hinge their entire identities on a label and use it as a way to distinguish themselves from everyone else. If you can't understand that, then you are the narrow-minded one, but you won't be able to stomach that...

    You claim not to be narrow-minded, yet you are trumpeting a viewpoint that is about as narrow-minded as they come. What makes you think Rare was "pandering to vocal minorities" by introducing a rainbow flag? It appears to me that was a decision they made themselves. The rainbow flag represents the inclusiveness, diversity and equality that is built into Sea of Thieves. Rare has always been crystal clear about this. It's even posted in every tavern in the game. I didn't hear any deafening outcry for a rainbow flag, this was something they did because it is consistent with their values as a company.

    As for your comment about LGBT people wanting "to be equal, but hinge their entire identities on a label," that's a really ignorant point of view. Not only is it wildly inaccurate, it's practically the definition of "narrow-minded." If you don't like the label, maybe you should reevaluate some of your personal hang-ups rather than cry about it on a game forum.

  • Haven't had the chance to play since the update, but I should be on the seas very soon. Looking forward to the improvements.

  • @flying-poopla yeah, that isnt what happened with the rainbow flag. Nice try, though. And it has nothing to do with me being able to 'handle' your opinion. But explain this nonsense to me. A rainbow is political or homosexuality is political? Believing either are is absurd, at best.

  • Please put the long hair back to normal. The whole tucking into the collar thing looks really bad and I already miss the way my pirate used to look. It ruined the long flowing hair.

  • Please fix the hair. The new update ruined long hairstyles.

  • Hello, my game is always crashing, send me back to dashboard, the game don't even start, any solution pls

  • So will there be more opportunities to earn doubloons before this is over or am I stuck being 5 short of buying the jacket?

  • @c4mg1rl Ahoy matey!

    I don't think there will... there was a max of 100 doubloons to get from this event, if you have chosen to spend them elsewhere your chances have all gone I'm afraid. Maybe choose more wisely next time around? ;)

    Did something more shiny take your eye?

  • @musicmee I miss selected and bought the 5 doubloon gold instead. D:

  • @c4mg1rl Awwwww darn!!! I wish I could offer you mine... I'm seeing if I can save some of mine until the next event.

  • @musicmee I'll be my own chest of sorrows at this rate!

  • @khaleesibot Love the Colourblind fixes! Thank you!

  • Another great update. I love the new event name of Bilge Rat Adventures...a wonderful faction indeed. The Doubloons concept is a perfect way to reward players and give them a little bit of choice in what to get for their work. Great direction! Some good QOL updates in here too. Fantastic work, team!

  • Love the update completed it all on a sloop with 8 people on it! XD

  • Help I am not sure if its my sot game disc (no scratchen on disc) or the game. After the weekly events update my game has crashed several times. Sometimes on start up en sometimes in game and I don't know what to do. Has Anyone else this problem too. (Btw I am on xbox)

  • On just day two of the event and I'm sat at shipwrecks large seat and there isn't a mast on the horizon. I think they missed the goal posts on this one. A large seat option really isn't necessary with this type of quest.
    Just the locations would bring people together. Also unlike Meg searching islands for a seat to sit on isn't everyone's cup of tea where defeating a giant killer shark appealed to the masses and people could understand the need for multiple crews.
    Really hope they do more with the bilge rats other than a hide and seek style quest.
    I'm really hoping this is a initial test bed to this new reputation group. Think this type of quest would have been a perfect present to the solo slooper with solo seats
    More in game clues would have been good. Give us a reason to speak to the barmaids and other

  • @shuoink buddy just stop

  • Really hoping people would talk about the"new predators" but y'all are worried a freaking flag?? You could always not care... Geeze

  • @daddymacdown said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @shuoink buddy just stop

    Good counter, keep it up you might convince me with that logic

  • @requiem-machine you talking about rares idea of cross crew interaction includes cannoning to a hard to reach spot and miss 40/50 tries. or that you could be doing it and have a d**f player show up and sink you. making you try...another 40-50 times? The concept is ok...but I think they missed the mark by a lot..Because thats exactly what I want to do in my evening...took me and another crew 2 hours to do...2 thrones. thats stupid...what a waste of time...only reason im doing this is to keep up with the events and currency. otherwise...this "challange" is garbage in terms of entertainment value. its more annoying than anything else....hell id rather have another week of megaladon so I can help my friends get the figurehead that they cant get anymore for now.

  • @seeker-of-peace If that is what you got from my posts, then you have the reading comprehension of a fetus.

  • Rare, please make the group skeleton thrones and any future events requiring a group repeatable. I want to replay and earn more dubles.

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