Streaming and Island LODs

  • So, where do we go from here?

    I feel like this new thread is just meant to disperse the crowd and shush people about a subject that won't ever be openly discussed by the devs. All that's left is speculating even more, in light of the not-answering answer.

    Is it Rare not listening, or is it Microsoft?

    The game is already overflowing with so many questionable decisions, that i'm only left with adding this to the pile and probably judge with my wallet at the next turn of events.

  • @dielikekane yep same thing happens to me using a 3TB external drive hooked up to the One X. It’s so bad at times the drive will lock up and cause the game to crash. This is after removing the two builds from pioneer/open beta/scale test (whatever they decided to name the builds) and doing a new install off the game disk. None of the other larger games I’ve installed on the drive perform horribly as SoT does. And that’s playing AC Origins and Shadow of Mordor, and FC5 all much larger games. Lots of issues still need to get fixed and standard MS recommended PR answered are not the way to build confidence from the community.

  • The big problem isn't the rendering of object on the island, but more the players on those islands (or ships). When two of my crew swim towards a sloop, I hear them saying they are in a gunfight with the enemy crew, that they blew up a gunpowder barrel on the sloop, but when I look through my spyglass I see just an empty ship sitting there, it takes so much of the immersion away.

  • @LesserMagic like in my case here

    I told my friend to try to go a little distant to show me light signal, and then just disappeared.

  • I used to scope out an island when on a skeleton battle voyage and maybe pick off a few with sniper shots. Now I cant see anything until i'm off the boat in the water practically on shore. I played week one & didnt get the chance until this weekend and its a huge level of difference in my opinion since the patch took effect. Im on xbox one x with seagate 3 tb hdd playing off installed on the hdd.

  • @mr-fellblade we'll Rare we're not all crazy. Something changed in that 1st patch/redownload of the game. it changed for the worse. we might not know the exact symantics to use so that you understand us better but something graphically did change for the worse.

    ~high end PC user.
    NVidia 1080
    Samsung Pro SSD
    i7-6700k w/16 gb ram
    maximus 9 hero Mobo

  • I know this isn’t a popular opinion... but I really haven’t noticed much of a difference.

    I’m a founder and have been playing back and forth between a xbone and xbone x and it has always had the same c****y draw distance and thing fading in and out of view.

    The rocks floating, skellies not rendering, you’ve always hd to be a lot closer to the point that the spyglass being used to scout islands for things at a distance was just pointless (since the spyglass was introduce i should say)

  • @puck269 idk for me now the spyglass is almost useless if scoping out an island unless you're already crash landed on the beach

  • @bklynnets12 For me, that has always been the case. The only thing the spy glass did ever since the first beta inclusion was to make things larger. If I couldn’t see it from my ship before, I couldn’t see it with my spyglass.

    Only thing the spyglass did was keep me from squinting at the screen.

  • I don't understand how or why this is an "insider programme update thread" no wonder people cant find this topic.

  • I used to be able to see crates and cool stuff on the island using my telescope in version 1.0.

    Now I can't without being right near the island.

    Playing on Xbox One X.

  • On a semi-serious note, not only people are keeping on posting here as if the dev's answer was completely irrelevant, but they're still upvoting the locked thread aswell.

    Ironic, isn't it.

  • @Super-Poopsy right..
    i don't agree with these kind of "moderations"

  • Anyone else notice that all ships at a distance have lights on and sails down. No matter what their true configuration is you get the wrong info about ships until you get close enough.

    LOD! Come on devs , it was a lot better than this in the tests and at initial release.

  • The biggest problem I noticed (on XboX) is that animals/players do not render at a distance that matters. When driving by an island I used to be able to scope in and see what animals were on the island to see if it had what I needed before I stopped, now you can't see anything at all. Also, you can't see where players are on their boat. For instance. we came upon a galleon which was clearly anchored. I scoped out the deck to see if anyone was up top and/or raising their anchor. I was unable to see anyone. We parked and started firing at their ship and all the sudden they started sailing away. There was no way they could have got the anchor up that fast unless they were already pulling anchor up while I was scoping them. Had I seen them pulling anchor my first shot would have been at the anchor to knock them off.

  • @PersonalC0ffee Clearly not the lack of your amazing contribution to the subject.

  • But seriously, i wish the dev and the " rendering wizards " would explain to me why in 2018 with ue4 engine i need to wait things to render in a long distance and medium distance range, especially in a
    a game where the texture sizes are low and the polygons are even less.

  • even in close ups to see my character at mythical settings the LOD is active, and you decrease the polygons like they were immensely complex.

    Explain me this.

  • Not to derail the thread too much but can we talk about how poor the communication/moderation on this, and many other, issues have been?

    There was a perfectly established thread on the issue, which for some reason Rare decided to lock down and redirect here, but in here we just got the usual "All good on our end but we're looking into it. Thanks!" PR nonsense they usually slap us with. And after being called out on that in the first, and subsequent, comment(s) we still haven't gotten a response from @Mr-Fellblade.

    If Rare wasn't ready to discuss the issue they shouldn't have locked down the other topic and started this one up. Absurdly poor community management going on here.

  • @Inflickked The surreal thing is that your comment is not necessairly wrong: it's also because of poor communication that we're still going on with this :)

    Our technical director's PR answer is perfectly in line with how vague and borderline deceiving reddit's AMA answers were or how incredibly corporate the 'terms of notice' disclaimer in the feedback+suggestion page reads. It really feels as if the devs are being moderated themselves.

    I'm afraid at this point it's pretty obvious who really owns the product and how they decided to 'manage' it.
    (hint: it's not Rare)

    Now back on topic.

  • That is all very "tech" and i really appreciate that you guys are doing your best but what about Pc hackers are looking up tô this too. It is ruinning the game

  • @personalc0ffee said in Streaming and Island LODs:

    No, Rare didn't lock your thread to shove you off or "hide the truth"

    They directed you here because it is an official reply and they want all of you to see it.

    And they want to be able to read the discussion in an official mega thread.

    Contrary to community belief. Rare actually pays attention to these threads.

    Yeah, you are wrong, because only founder and/or insiders can write on this topic, in the other one everyone.

  • @super-poopsy terms-of-notice, everything nowadays is supposed to be protected and must fall under some terms, otherwise people will sue whatever they can. Its common sense that you protect your IP and everything around it.

  • @Lucky-Monkee
    I agree, however my point wasn't about the purpose of that disclaimer, but rather how efficient and precise was the communication there, compared to how vague and PRy every single answer about actual game content was, including this dev's.

    I'll take notice of your zealotry, now if you would be so kind to post anything even remotely relevant to the topic, or just ignore it. It's fine either way.

  • @mr-fellblade With all due respect this answer you gave us is incorrect. I've noticed a difference since the first patch. I used to use the telescope to identify where the main dock was at each outpost or use it to identify if an island had chickens/pigs. Now features at outposts are just a blob of colours and every dock looks the same as any other (sanctuary and golden sands are prime examples) I don't get an accurate view until I am within a range where i could look without the telescope. The same thing with identifying chickens/pigs. I can't tell until I am at a distance from the island where a telescope is no longer needed. I also used to be able to see my crew walking around on islands from the parked galleon but now they disappear once they travel roughly 40-60 feet from shore. These graphic changes have made landing on islands and outposts a lot less efficient with a galleon. I used to be able to cruise in to the exact spot i needed while raising sails by myself without using anchor. I was able to do this because I used to be able to accurately scout an island with a telescope. I can no longer do that. Ive found im having to use the anchor more often since the first patch. Ive played through all the scale tests and the beta extensively. I preordered the game and played it endlessly since release. I didn't say anything about the issue as I figured it was a glitch added with the patch and it would be fixed as it seemed incredibly obvious. I figured it was a small issue that I would only have to put up with for a short time. After the last patch it was still there. By this time it has come to the point where I find it increasingly annoying. So I decided to check the forums on this issue. I was shocked to see this very post where you are more or less telling anyone that noticed this change that basically our eyes are wrong. I doubt all these other posters eyes are wrong. I pay close attention to details in games and i know my eyes are not wrong. I dont know about pc but there is a difference on the xbox one s between the release version of the game and the now patched version of the game. Are you just going off some data in a graph to tell you answers? Have you actually visually looked at the previous build of the game on a console and compared with the current build? (both with a full server) This issue is there and this issue needs to be looked at a little more in depth. Ultimately the issue needs to be fixed regardless of what you are telling us your line graph says.

  • @DewRadley Thanks for your feedback, everything you wrote is unfortunately consistent with our findings on PC aswell.

    Welcome to the club of people imagining stuff!

  • @PersonalC0ffee
    I asked for feedback on the thread's subject (which by the way is still about graphics downgrade) and all i got back from you so far are some passive aggressive remarks and generic spite.

    I think you're right: i should ignore you.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Streaming and Island LODs:

    I haven't noticed any of this kind of problem

    Thanks for your feedback!

  • Please there is an obvious issue here, you saying you don't have a problem doesn't help at all. Great! you cant see it. Why are you even here?

  • @ERaaam His feedback is very, very important. It serves the purpose of putting things in perspective.

    Especially when the number of people reporting issues is now more than 100 and the number of people unable to see the difference is still less than 5.

  • @PersonalC0ffee Now i'm rude. Ok.

  • @PersonalC0ffee There are indeed many, many issues with the game.

    This thread is ONLY about one of them.

    I'm not upset, i have no feelings for you nor the company you seem wanting to defend.
    I bought a product which was then changed to a lesser quality product without my consent. I want it to be addressed, that is all.

    All that is required from you, if you feel like participating, is to drop your feedback and move on.

  • @PersonalC0ffee I'll reiterate, do you have anything more to add about the topic of graphics downgrade?

    If not, goodbye for now.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Streaming and Island LODs]

    1. They already addressed it in the top post.

    No they didnt, and the posts show this. Images have been included, text has been posted. Please take the time to read and understand the issue.

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