What is the fun in sinking a empty ship at a outpost?

  • So I had just loaded into the game and headed towards my ship that were parked neatly next to the dock. I heard some cannon fire and started to wonder what they could be firing at. Turns out someone were firing cannon balls at my docked empty ship.

    Which made me curious. What is the point of doing that?

  • 79
  • Yeah, the outpost should be a safe zone imo to avoid stuff like that.

  • To waste your time. Welcome to the internet.

  • @tombie there's no honor in sinking a ship while its moored at a port. In my experiences so far, players camp the Outposts looking for an easy treasure. Sometimes they don't even have a ship there, they're just marooned and trolling others.

  • my group saw a duos ship docked at a outpost, so half of us boarded the ship and stole it and took it into sea. when they spawned they were so confused it was hilarious.

  • Welcome to what Sea of Thieves is going to become all about once it releases to the masses, simple fix would be have a big safe zone outpost with the rest of the other outposts non safe zones.

    That way you have to travel possibly quite far if you want the safe place to sell at or you can risk it and go to one that is near to you but a non safe zone.

    If something isn't done about this the game will just die out, it's a griefers wet dream at the minute, especially with how fast you respawn and you lose nothing / don't have to pay for a new ship.

  • I usually send a couple warning shots across the bow to see what they'll do, and I if I do hit a moored ship and nobody comes to fix it i'll usually go fix it myself and sail off.

  • Sink 'em and slaughter 'em so you can safely sell yer chests.

  • What if they put the safe zone say off the map to the north? You'd have to sail into the red waters off the map. Your crew will have to keep repairing the ship for a minute or 2 until you arrive at the "safe zone" outpost. That at least forces crews to keep stocked up on planks and would be somewhat of a pain to get to the safe zone.

  • Out of the very few times that my crew and I have found a ship at port, we have yet to see one ship that didn't immediately try to attack first. So typically we fire warning shots or just avoid the ship at port. I honestly and respectfully disagree on making outposts safe areas. Out of my experiences with running into players at the outposts, it has been nothing by exhilarating to rush treasure to island before the other pirates get us. Making the outposts safe would mean encounters like that would never happen. Not to mention something like that could be exploitable like none other. Say, you and your crew have been tailing a ship and they have run out of supplies to repair their ship. If you catch up with them, you could finally sink them for good. But they just so happen to get to the safe zone of the outpost before you. And just as they are in range, blam, you can't sink them. Since they are in the safe zone.

  • Some people realize they can do something before wondering if they should.

    Strategically, you could be trying to make sure it is safe to visit the outpost yourself. I've in general found it just as safe to go in peacefully but the player population is changing so I don't know anymore.

    I think the wisdom of it will change as the game goes on.

  • @tombie said in What is the fun in sinking a empty ship at a outpost?:

    So I had just loaded into the game and headed towards my ship that were parked neatly next to the dock. I heard some cannon fire and started to wonder what they could be firing at. Turns out someone were firing cannon balls at my docked empty ship.

    Which made me curious. What is the point of doing that?

    Let me play devil's advocate:
    Did they know the ship was empty?
    Kill first Loot later.

  • (mod edited)

    Its a game, you know? People wants to have some fun. If you dont defend your ship it will sink. The most time u will spawn far away from other players, but if u spend to much time on one island you get f****d up.



    Just ask for a Sea of social life open world. Maybe they will develope it.


  • @schneekoerper99 said in What is the fun in sinking a empty ship at a outpost?:

    What p****s are you? LOL. Never seen p****s like you.

    Its a game, you know? People wants to have some fun. If you dont defend your ship it will sink. The most time u will spawn far away from other players, but if u spend to much time on one island you get f****d up.



    Just ask for a Sea of social life open world. Maybe they will develope it.


    We're not all 12 year olds that find it fun blowing up empty ships with no purpose.

  • Take what you can, give nothing back

  • @lv01-gyarados

    You dont [mod removed] understand? Its a open world pirate adventure. You can do everything what you want. How illogical are you?
    Just avoid those people who will attack random guys staying at the outpost.

  • @schneekoerper99 said in What is the fun in sinking a empty ship at a outpost?:


    You dont fking understand? Its a open world pirate adventure. You can do everything what you want. How illogical are you?
    Just avoid those people who will attack random guys staying at the outpost.

    Damn is everyone toxic on this forum? Speaks volumes that the ones defending griefing are the ones being abusive and immature.

  • @schneekoerper99 Ha Ha! Can't argue with that! :-)

  • @lv01-gyarados I know what you're saying but he has a point. It's a pirate game and pirates steal from others. I hate griefers generally but you have to expect it in Sea of erm Thieves!

  • @schneekoerper99 I edited your post as it violates Article 3 of the Pirate Code.

    As a reminder to everyone in this thread, treat each other with respect.

  • Take a look at EVE, one of the most brutal games in history when it comes to how much you can lose in a matter of minutes, even that has some forms of safe zones. Literally the only ones that are defending the "no safe zone" idea are those that want to just grief, don't get me wrong I love PVP but having no safe zone will just mean outposts are going to be a barren playerless island, people will be dipping on and off, I personally would enjoy a place to have some down time, chat with other pirates, maybe even recruit some new members to a crew.

  • @rubidium86 said in What is the fun in sinking a empty ship at a outpost?:

    @lv01-gyarados I know what you're saying but he has a point. It's a pirate game and pirates steal from others. I hate griefers generally but you have to expect it in Sea of erm Thieves!

    I agree to an extent but you also need to remember it's a online game, kids are going to be kids and simply just do nothing but grief and giggle at how they're wasting someones time, especially with how fast spawn times are at the minute even if you kill them they'll be back up and on a new ship in a matter of minutes.

  • @lv01-gyarados I think it's not a bad idea. I don't like safe zones in pvp games but this could work. It would be nice if this safe zone had a meaning in the Lore of the game. It could be a trading place, an important bank or a place to make bets and play fortune games, like a casino. That way it would make sense if it is a safe zone with lot of guards and things like that.

  • @rubidium86

    Argue? For what? For a illogical answer?

    Where is your intelligence? Where? There are 12 years old kids in every game? Counter-Strike, Pubg, everywhere is this [mod edited for language] and you are crying that 12 years old people are blow up your ships in the outpost? LOL You get rekt by 12 years old.

    Go play second life or anything and dont cry. This game is supposed to be a team game and ONLY EXPERIENCED players should sail alone. You cant even read.

    Lv01 Gyrados is definetily a kid to, which let his mum write the comments in this forum.

  • @lv01-gyarados I am not a griefer, and I agree with no safe zones.
    Rare has said they tried it early on and it didn't feel right.
    If you are planning to camp, and you can't camp the outpost, you'll just camp the safe-zone border.

  • @lv01-gyarados Completely agree with you. I think I'm going to accept it's going to happen from the start and not let it bother me - just try to avoid it if I can.

  • @tombie
    I've been in this situation several times - last time was just today.
    Some people us the fact that they don't know if there were chest on board as an explanation/excuse (hard to judge which one fits for every single case).
    The way i see it, it's still pointless to use up your supplies to drown a ship and jump to the sharks to hopefully get a treasure.
    If someone looks for treasures on those ship, just park your ship near and climb on the targeted ship - it's way saver.

    Other players have another explanation, which i think they are honest about:
    They just want to kill everyone - probably because they feel stronger if they sink an unmanned ship or something like that? Or they think this is a way to portect themselves?

    Either way: yes, pvp is always on, to create savezones would actually disrupt the open world/sandbox feeling, i guess.
    I don't like being attacked while restocking or being hunted across the map by bigger crews too, but what should we expect from the community?
    Let's hope those kids (just my assumption who this could be) get bored quite fast, so the ship encouters will become more of an honorable fight instead of a stab in the back.

  • @schneekoerper99 I said 'Can't argue with that'. It means I agree with you! :-)

  • @tombie the sound of a sinking ship is really cool?

    People are bored, they're doing to resort to violence. I am pretty sure I learned that in a psychology class once.

  • @schneekoerper99
    You need to watch you language as this is a family friendly forum!!
    Also being abusive towards others & breaking the pirate code isn't the done thing m8!!
    Simmer down a bit or you may find your pirating career is over before it begins!!

  • @schneekoerper99 said in What is the fun in sinking a empty ship at a outpost?:


    Argue? For what? For a illogical answer?

    Where is your intelligence? Where? There are 12 years old kids in every game? Counter-Strike, Pubg, everywhere is this s**t and you are crying that 12 years old people are blow up your ships in the outpost? LOL You get rekt by 12 years old.

    Go play second life or anything and dont cry. This game is supposed to be a team game and ONLY EXPERIENCED players should sail alone. You cant even read.

    Lv01 Gyrados is definetily a kid to, which let his mum write the comments in this forum.

    Calling me a child yet you struggle constructing a legible sentence and counter argument whilst completely misunderstanding someone that agreed with you. Hit that X in the top right buddy, you're making yourself look idiotic. Look forward to sinking you soon.

  • @lv01-gyarados nope just care bears, I suggest a nice game of Tetris for you so you can embrace your inner beta gene.

  • @schneekoerper99 If you'd read my following posts you'd have understood the point I was making. I agree with you that it's a pirate game and you have to expect thieves in a sea of thieves! But I also agree with gyarados that griefers who don't play the game in the right spirit (usually children) can potentially spoil the game.

  • @madame-ching said in What is the fun in sinking a empty ship at a outpost?:

    @lv01-gyarados nope just care bears, I suggest a nice game of Tetris for you so you can embrace your inner beta gene.

    Cute, read what I said. I love PVP but griefing isn't PVP, it's just someone being an [mod edited for language] for no reason.

  • @lv01-gyarados Well said!

12 out of 79