Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.

  • What happens to our captained ships when we leave where we have to pay to keep our boats the way we had them before we left? Lore wise? They are being stored where they are safe from being attacked and sunk, but they are being striped of their customization if we don't pay. And they are being stripped of their supplies, light changes regardless.

    We pay to have our own boats and no longer use the rentals, so why do boats not return to us exactly as they were before we signed off? If you don't pay, you get your boat back to you looking like a rental boat but now you have a log and words are written on the crest.

    Please allow us to keep EVERYTHING about our boats the same as it was before we left, unless we sink. I'd love to spend one whole play time just stocking my boat with supplies, so the next time I get on, I don't have to worry about it. Realistically. It just doesn't make sense that we are basically getting back a rental boat, because I'm most certainly not getting back my ship I left when I stopped playing.

  • 37
  • Realistically. It just doesn't make sense

    Realistically it doesn’t make sense to fight the undead, return from the dead, skeleton ships to sail, a single plank of wood patches a hole, banana heals.

    It called balance.

  • @burnbacon what imbalance would it cause. Everyone can purchase a ship. It's not locked behind a real money pay wall or anything. And you'd still lose all your supplies if your sunk.

  • @burnbacon said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    Realistically. It just doesn't make sense

    Realistically it doesn’t make sense to fight the undead, return from the dead, skeleton ships to sail, a single plank of wood patches a hole, banana heals.

    It called balance.

    Also shooting yourself from a cannon, and not drowning after your ship becomes a submarine when using the hourglass.

  • You can buy supply boxes when you join. So if having a lot of supplies when you first join is imbalances then that isn't balanced either. If it is, that what is the harm in allowing another way, by putting in the work to collect the supplies yourself and having it roll over until it's lost to being stolen or sinking

  • I mean, in the world of sea of thieves its realistically. As that's the universe that has been created.

    But boy do I wish I chose another word since you guys aren't really saying the issue with my suggestion itself. And just the way I worded something. Come off it

  • storage crate and 30 min. in Captains of the Damned and you have a huge amount of supplies. Way more than if you bought supplies. The lights, however, I could see wanting them to carry over.

  • @scumdelux3 The game is session based and not persistent like a MMO.

    But you would be upsetting the balance and likely making it tougher on yourself if you come across more hardcore players. Remember they also would have all the leftover supplies and many of them have their barrels full. Once you ran into one of those crews you would change your tune on requesting this very quickly as it just further widens the skill gap unnecessarily.

    So actually all you would be doing is rewarding the more hardcore players by removing the paywall and/or time spent on restocking and punishing players less experienced players. You are also removing one of the gold sinks Rare just recently introduced (the buying of supplies).

    Saving the lights is also a bad idea as it removes the challenge of starting up the Fort of the Damned if you can keep lights earned in a previous session. Again the game is session based and not a persistent world, and is not meant to be one either. Only your character and purchased ship are persistent.

  • @monkeyboy4551 thank you for your response. Makes alot of sense. I see what your saying

    My only gripe would be the that your owned ships really aren't persistent when nothing really carries over. Which was my reasoning for making this suggestion.

    But you make good points so

  • @scumdelux3 said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    What happens to our captained ships when we leave where we have to pay to keep our boats the way we had them before we left? Lore wise? They are being stored where they are safe from being attacked and sunk, but they are being striped of their customization if we don't pay. And they are being stripped of their supplies, light changes regardless.

    We pay to have our own boats and no longer use the rentals, so why do boats not return to us exactly as they were before we signed off? If you don't pay, you get your boat back to you looking like a rental boat but now you have a log and words are written on the crest.

    Please allow us to keep EVERYTHING about our boats the same as it was before we left, unless we sink. I'd love to spend one whole play time just stocking my boat with supplies, so the next time I get on, I don't have to worry about it. Realistically. It just doesn't make sense that we are basically getting back a rental boat, because I'm most certainly not getting back my ship I left when I stopped playing.

    When you leave the game, your vessel sinks. If this would be introduced within a few sessions without sinking to a player, AI or a scuttle, the barrels would be full to the brim.

    And you're right, you don't get the ship back when you stopped playing - any water in the hull has been removed, fallen masts are upright again, holes or other damage are planked, trinkets are in their correct position.

  • @dlchief58 the response I made to monkey was actually meant for you. Whoops, thank you for your response. Makes sense

  • Supplies, no... Changes to lights, SURE! But as a session based game, keeping supplies does not really go with the whole session based theme, not to mention its easy enough to gather or buy supplies. If buying supplies is strenuous on your gold reserves however, then you probably shouldnt be using a captained ship yet.

    As well, they would need to have it stored in server data what was in your barrels, which i think would take a lot of resources that they just dont have considering how servers struggle already.

  • @dlchief58 To add to your point i think the biggest issue they are missing with keeping supplies is the rare stuff, like kraken meat, and curse balls. You could have some insanely skilled player with wraith and ballast balls right out the gate ready to cause total havoc. Not to mention if some one thinks a fight is too hard, they just log out and rejoin another server with the same supplies.

  • One month later:
    • 249,818 cannonballs
    • 989,485 bananas
    • 27,345 blunderbombs

  • @GoldsMen Not only would you have combat loggers like you infer but also would have PvP server hoppers who now can do so with a full compliment of supplies after they clear a server. Neither one of those is attractive to other players in the game. It was bad enough with stocked portal hoppers appearing at the Portals out of the blue.

    I had another point but it slipped my mind before I started writing this. Damn old age, LOL!

  • @scumdelux3 said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    What happens to our captained ships when we leave where we have to pay to keep our boats the way we had them before we left? Lore wise? They are being stored where they are safe from being attacked and sunk, but they are being striped of their customization if we don't pay. And they are being stripped of their supplies, light changes regardless.

    We pay to have our own boats and no longer use the rentals, so why do boats not return to us exactly as they were before we signed off? If you don't pay, you get your boat back to you looking like a rental boat but now you have a log and words are written on the crest.

    Please allow us to keep EVERYTHING about our boats the same as it was before we left, unless we sink. I'd love to spend one whole play time just stocking my boat with supplies, so the next time I get on, I don't have to worry about it. Realistically. It just doesn't make sense that we are basically getting back a rental boat, because I'm most certainly not getting back my ship I left when I stopped playing.

    lol You made a mistake, never use the word realism or realistic because the trolls will be triggered on that :)

    I see both ways on the supplies but I sure would like the state of the lights and hatches to save.

  • @scumdelux3 said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    You can buy supply boxes when you join. So if having a lot of supplies when you first join is imbalances then that isn't balanced either. If it is, that what is the harm in allowing another way, by putting in the work to collect the supplies yourself and having it roll over until it's lost to being stolen or sinking

    Actually the buying of supplies is imbalanced because new players cannot afford to drop 10k on supplies after every fight. Your idea would help new players.

  • @foambreaker said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    @scumdelux3 said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    You can buy supply boxes when you join. So if having a lot of supplies when you first join is imbalances then that isn't balanced either. If it is, that what is the harm in allowing another way, by putting in the work to collect the supplies yourself and having it roll over until it's lost to being stolen or sinking

    Actually the buying of supplies is imbalanced because new players cannot afford to drop 10k on supplies after every fight. Your idea would help new players.

    No, it would not. In fact it would put them at MORE of a disadvantage against more skilled crews since they also would have the saved supplies and a LOT more of them....and less likely to sink and lose it. As I stated before it would also remove one of the gold sinks that Rare recently introduced, leaving more money for veterans to top off their stock easily. You are not only increasing the skill gap but also the wealth gap if veterans/better players do not need to stock up or buy supplies every session.

    You really need to look at the bigger picture as this will not help casual players in the long run.

  • @dlchief58 said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    @foambreaker said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    @scumdelux3 said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    You can buy supply boxes when you join. So if having a lot of supplies when you first join is imbalances then that isn't balanced either. If it is, that what is the harm in allowing another way, by putting in the work to collect the supplies yourself and having it roll over until it's lost to being stolen or sinking

    Actually the buying of supplies is imbalanced because new players cannot afford to drop 10k on supplies after every fight. Your idea would help new players.

    No, it would not. In fact it would put them at MORE of a disadvantage against more skilled crews since they also would have the saved supplies and a LOT more of them....and less likely to sink and lose it. As I stated before it would also remove one of the gold sinks that Rare recently introduced, leaving more money for veterans to top off their stock easily. You are not only increasing the skill gap but also the wealth gap if veterans/better players do not need to stock up or buy supplies every session.

    You really need to look at the bigger picture as this will not help casual players in the long run.

    That logic doesn't hold water. There is a certain point where more doesn't help anything, on the other hand less really hurts right away.

    You really need to think about what you post.

  • I love the idea, but the supplies carried over should have a cap, perhaps double of what is the stock number.

  • @foambreaker said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    @dlchief58 said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    @foambreaker said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    @scumdelux3 said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    You can buy supply boxes when you join. So if having a lot of supplies when you first join is imbalances then that isn't balanced either. If it is, that what is the harm in allowing another way, by putting in the work to collect the supplies yourself and having it roll over until it's lost to being stolen or sinking

    Actually the buying of supplies is imbalanced because new players cannot afford to drop 10k on supplies after every fight. Your idea would help new players.

    No, it would not. In fact it would put them at MORE of a disadvantage against more skilled crews since they also would have the saved supplies and a LOT more of them....and less likely to sink and lose it. As I stated before it would also remove one of the gold sinks that Rare recently introduced, leaving more money for veterans to top off their stock easily. You are not only increasing the skill gap but also the wealth gap if veterans/better players do not need to stock up or buy supplies every session.

    You really need to look at the bigger picture as this will not help casual players in the long run.

    That logic doesn't hold water. There is a certain point where more doesn't help anything, on the other hand less really hurts right away.

    You really need to think about what you post.

    It would if you actually looked at it logically and not with your own bias. Your rebuttal makes no sense and is not grounded in reality.

    Facts -

    1 - better, more PvP focused players will always be better stocked, less likely to sink and be more inclined to use those supplies against you...and then gaining YOUR supplies to continue the loop.

    2 - Saving supplies means those same players have to spend LESS money topping off their barrels, thus removing the gold sink and meaning they will retain more of their stash to invest in supplies or other items.

    3 - Saving supplies also means that PvP server hoppers can now do so with a full complement of supplies without exploiting the Portals to do the same.

    4 - It also enables combat logging (people avoiding combat) where someone can just log off when they are losing a fight (but not yet sunk) and retain all their supplies. This is the only instance that helps newer/casual players but also is not good for the game. Even then it only protect supplies, not any treasure on board.

  • @dlchief58 "gold sink"

    Stopped reading there, and you can have the last word because there is no longer a point responding to you.

    Gold sinks only matter in games with an economy, you are just using sandbox buzzwords you do not even understand.

  • @foambreaker said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    @dlchief58 "gold sink"

    Stopped reading there, and you can have the last word because there is no longer a point responding to you.

    Gold sinks only matter in games with an economy, you are just using sandbox buzzwords you do not even understand.

    I'm glad we came to the consensus that you have no further arguments in this matter, as your statement clearly demonstrates you have nothing to refute the FACTS presented and prefer to play ostrich while ducking behind worthless platitudes.

    I obviously understand much more than you if that is the best defense you can give for an idea that would hurt players like yourself and your bias prevents you from entertaining those FACTS. Save the theatrics, we all know you read it - you just have nothing to debate it so try (and fail) to insult instead.

  • @scumdelux3 said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    What happens to our captained ships when we leave where we have to pay to keep our boats the way we had them before we left? Lore wise? They are being stored where they are safe from being attacked and sunk, but they are being striped of their customization if we don't pay. And they are being stripped of their supplies, light changes regardless.

    We pay to have our own boats and no longer use the rentals, so why do boats not return to us exactly as they were before we signed off? If you don't pay, you get your boat back to you looking like a rental boat but now you have a log and words are written on the crest.

    Please allow us to keep EVERYTHING about our boats the same as it was before we left, unless we sink. I'd love to spend one whole play time just stocking my boat with supplies, so the next time I get on, I don't have to worry about it. Realistically. It just doesn't make sense that we are basically getting back a rental boat, because I'm most certainly not getting back my ship I left when I stopped playing.

    Lights yes. Supplies no.

  • @scumdelux3 the same imbalance y’all complained about that got blunderbombs nerfed and reduced in acquiring them. The first time a ship rolls on you with 10 pages of cannons, 3 pages of fire, 3 pages of blunderbombs, and 5 pages of cursed cannons and you can’t kill anyone because all they have is cooked food and pineapples you’ll be screaming that something about THAT just isn’t fair because YOU didn’t have that much. When I first started the game I kinda thought “why can’t this save?” Then I understood. It’d be a terrible imbalance.

  • @jj-h816 I wasn't complaining about any imbalance but ok. Go off.

    All I said was I wanted ships to actually carry over. Everyone else is complaining about imbalance. And I've listened to their points and understood what they are saying. And haven't said anything since.

    I played for a couple months when the game came out.
    A couple weeks during one of the seasons. I don't even know which one it was, arena was still around.

    I wasn't here for any of wth your talking about.

    I'm just not returning and just thought it be nice. Jeez man

  • Every time I hear the supplies meta be expanded upon, I think "why not just go the other way with it?"

    What I mean by that is...completely overhaul the supply limits on ships, overhaul the supply capacities of storage crates, and get everyone to worry more about playing the game than the perpetual "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality as it pertains to supplies.

    Here's my thoughts:

    -Ship supplies (rough estimates below)

    • Sloop = 100 total capacity in each cannonball barrel (200 total). 100 planks. 50 total capacity in each food barrel (100 total).
    • Brig = 100 total capacity in each cannonball barrel (300 total). 125 planks. 50 total capacity in each food barrel (100 total).
    • Galleon = 100 total capacity in each cannonball barrel (300 total). 150 planks. 50 total capacity in each food barrel (100 total).

    -Drastically reduce the capacity of storage crates.

    • Current storage crate capacity is 16 slots * 99 item per slot for a total capacity of 1,584 items.
    • Proposed storage crate capacity is 8 slots * 10 items per slot for a total capacity of 80 items.

    -Eliminate the "pages" from rowboat chests and keep the capacity on that at 8 slots * 20 items per slot for a total of 160 items. I think it's a fair trade-off to keep the capacity high(er) on those since those supplies can be effectively destroyed in battle.

    THAT is where I'd like to see the direction of supplies go.

  • They shipwrights take your leftover supplies and use them to fill supply crates and the barrels at the outpost. Then the barrel fairy takes the rest and equitably distributes them to the barrels on the islands.

    What, you think supplies come out of thin air?!?

    As for why they de-customize your ship after you log off if you didn't pay... well, that's just a racketeering, pure and simple. NPC's need gold, too, right? Basically it's, "Hey, it'd be a real shame if your ship lost all of its sails and paint job while you were gone, right? What do you think, Vinny?" "Yeah, he he he, a real shame," he says, swinging around a bucket of "sailor's hull" brown paint.

  • No. Just no. People would use this to stack ridiculous ammounts of cursed cannonballs and magalodon meat. Good luck fighting this. You can buy basic supplies from the shipwright and merchants. It's enough.

    Also it would be a method of escaping enemy crews. Oh R5 Gally coming my way? Just gonna log off and start over on different server.

    N O

  • For hourglass I heard from some individual if you just spawned in the fight with base supps:
    say 500 cannonballs 10/10/10 specials. with 3 curses that are the exact same on each ship.
    200 planks, and set amount of food , just throwing random numbers out there for the Galleon.

    That way, no worries about spending time supplying, no worries about fighting a crew that keeps max broad range that shoots for 30 mins non stop having 5k cannonballs in barrels/storages against a fresh opponent with only 300 cannonballs.

    1. Forces ships to come in closer from the get go for an opening broad (If both crews know what there doing)
    2. Forces advanced learning from players dipping into PvP where fast and brutal fights are key opportunities for boosted learning.
  • @sweetsandman said in Please allow supplies and lights to carry over between play on captain ships if you haven't sunk.:

    Every time I hear the supplies meta be expanded upon, I think "why not just go the other way with it?"

    What I mean by that is...completely overhaul the supply limits on ships, overhaul the supply capacities of storage crates, and get everyone to worry more about playing the game than the perpetual "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality as it pertains to supplies.

    Here's my thoughts:

    -Ship supplies (rough estimates below)

    • Sloop = 100 total capacity in each cannonball barrel (200 total). 100 planks. 50 total capacity in each food barrel (100 total).
    • Brig = 100 total capacity in each cannonball barrel (300 total). 125 planks. 50 total capacity in each food barrel (100 total).
    • Galleon = 100 total capacity in each cannonball barrel (300 total). 150 planks. 50 total capacity in each food barrel (100 total).

    -Drastically reduce the capacity of storage crates.

    • Current storage crate capacity is 16 slots * 99 item per slot for a total capacity of 1,584 items.
    • Proposed storage crate capacity is 8 slots * 10 items per slot for a total capacity of 80 items.

    -Eliminate the "pages" from rowboat chests and keep the capacity on that at 8 slots * 20 items per slot for a total of 160 items. I think it's a fair trade-off to keep the capacity high(er) on those since those supplies can be effectively destroyed in battle.

    THAT is where I'd like to see the direction of supplies go.

    Yup, we need supply caps.

  • @scumdelux3 but the cosmetics do carry over if you save them to the ship.

  • There's already an abundance of supplies with them being easier to get than ever. I think this would not only imbalance the game but could potentially cause servers to struggle with the amount people would be carrying around.

    The lights request I get but it takes all of 5 seconds to turn them off on a sloop. There comes a time when in terms of balance of qol vs is this information worth them storing and using server capacity for.

  • @scumdelux3 you can't buy massive amounts though, there would be a problem if you could buy multiple hundreds, so not keeping supplies between sessions makes sense, you would simply have too many.

  • Heckin no

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