• Does not award a reward! Here's the evidence - It was March 6th. Now I went into the game and saw that 50,000 gold and 30 blue doubloons were given out. But this is not enough. Since my friend and I have completely cleaned up the "Skeleton Ship Armada" event. This bug happens too often to give out such a small compensation. Since in addition to gold, you lose the session in which you played. That is, you waste time not knowing that the bug is already in effect. When this bug happens you just don't want to play the game. Therefore, no one needs this compensation. We need a solution to the problem. Can't the developers deal with this from 2019?

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  • @rilez0 You can always try raising a support ticket. I'm not sure whether or not it will be successful but if you have evidence of the loot you had on board I'm sure they would give you an adequate amount of compensation.

  • But this is not enough.

    Wow. Greedy. Nothing is ever enough

  • All you can do is protect yourself and your time.

    History shows that unrecoverable data is common outcome when the issues arise. They work on it and try to fix it. Not anything you can do on that.

    When you first start noticing issues either find something else to do or play or just play to have fun.

    They know people are frustrated with it, I'm sure they are just as frustrated. Just protect yourself by not gambling on it when it starts happening.

  • @wolfmanbush I don't want to follow this. I want to play the game and have fun. This problem has been around for about 3 years. And still no one can solve it. And every time it makes no sense to turn to support so that they count my chests and give adequate compensation. After all, the main loss is time and emotions from the gameplay. I can't have fun without an ultimate goal, that is, a reward. It's like collecting all the chests, skulls, flags and just getting out. I'm ready to help the developers, but I don't even know how. I could stay in a broken session to fix the problem, but I don't know if it can help.

  • @spunkus-skunkus I don't need compensation. I need a solution to the problem. So that I can continue playing in the session. I don't want to start playing abroad to spend another 2-4 hours. And I was referred from the support service here.

  • @burnbacon This is a part of the game that takes time and gives emotions. Therefore, I have little compensation, but I still feel sorry for the time spent.

  • @rilez0 said in HOW TO GET A REWARD?!:

    @wolfmanbush I don't want to follow this. I want to play the game and have fun. This problem has been around for about 3 years. And still no one can solve it. And every time it makes no sense to turn to support so that they count my chests and give adequate compensation. After all, the main loss is time and emotions from the gameplay. I can't have fun without an ultimate goal, that is, a reward. It's like collecting all the chests, skulls, flags and just getting out. I'm ready to help the developers, but I don't even know how. I could stay in a broken session to fix the problem, but I don't know if it can help.

    I think what is more important than trying to figure out who lost out on what is becoming more accurate and informative in alerts when something is going wrong. In game alerts.

    Those of us that have been around a while know how it almost always ends but many do not.

    There should be in game alerts that let people know that there are reported and confirmed issues and nobody should be stacking or grinding until it is resolved.

    If stuff goes wrong it goes wrong, life happens but I think people should be made aware of the risk more than the optimism. From time to time people are going to lose out and they should be made aware of that in a clear way so that they can take gambles with information that goes off track record.

    In the long term I think temporary losses in activity is less destructive than people going through groundhog day when it comes to gold/rep/commendation tracking issues that end up to be permanent losses from effort which leads to a lot of resentment.

    If people take big gambles when there is a sign that says don't take big gambles right now, that's on them if they lose.

  • @rilez0 said in HOW TO GET A REWARD?!:

    @spunkus-skunkus I don't need compensation. I need a solution to the problem. So that I can continue playing in the session. I don't want to start playing abroad to spend another 2-4 hours. And I was referred from the support service here.

    If you don't need compensation, then you got more than you wanted, surely?

    There is no way that Rare can calculate each individuals 'claimed' loot and award it as compensation as no loot is yours until you turn it in.

    Some folk may claim they were stacking 12 entire FoF, 17 FotD's and 6 Ashen Winds.....whilst fighting 3 Shrouded Ghosts.

    Server issues are being worked on and were mentioned in a recent Podcast (should be timestamped to the right timing).

  • @wolfmanbush They have to fix the bug in 3 years of its existence! 3 YEARS

  • If you don't need compensation, then you got more than you wanted, surely?
    Are you serious now? I can throw off 10 hours of my stream so that they charge me as much as I got. So that the moderator will review it and record each chest. Because of this problem, I want to go out. It needs to be fixed in 3 YEARS of the existence of this bug.

  • @rilez0 if they could solve the issue instantly they would but these things take time. I doubt you are a game developer so with your lack of knowledge on the subject you probably can't be judging them for not having fixed it yet.

    Any bug or problem within the sea of thieves rare already knows about and are trying their best to fix it while at the same time putting out more content so they can actually make money.

  • @burnbacon I mean... we are pirates...

  • @avacadobeard244 3 YEARS was not enough?

  • @rilez0 sagte in HOW TO GET A REWARD?!:

    @avacadobeard244 3 YEARS was not enough?

    Come on, cry me a river...
    Yeah, this problem happens
    Yeah, it exists for a long time

    What do you think? That the devs do this on purpose? Sure, it's fun to get tons of support messages and shitstorms...

  • @schwammlgott I don't care about their feelings or that it's difficult. I paid for the game I'm playing

  • @rilez0 okay I understand your upset, these same things have happened to pretty much all of us but you need to understand that you sound like a little nerd right now. I've done the same thing and posted about my complaints but I've come to realize that complaining and arguing over something that is already being worked on mind you, is simply... a waste of the earth's oxygen

  • @rilez0 said in HOW TO GET A REWARD?!:

    @schwammlgott I don't care about their feelings or that it's difficult. I paid for the game I'm playing

    And saying something like that, ain't really that cool. But again, I understand your fired up about this cause these bugs are honestly really frustrating when you have spent so much time and wasted it for nothing. But again, arguing over the problem won't fix it. So it's up to you if you want to continue troubling yourself with this thread and probably making yourself more upset or go kick some sea fort butt😂

  • @rilez0 sagte in HOW TO GET A REWARD?!:

    @schwammlgott I don't care about their feelings or that it's difficult. I paid for the game I'm playing

    Yeah, only your feelings are important... the others

    This is just a videogame
    We get tons of content for free almost every month since 4 much did you pay? I bet it's not the 70 Euro I payed at launch...
    Calm down and get over it

  • @rilez0 just looked into your profile...funny, you are argueing about the 3 years, since you just started it 6 months ago

  • @schwammlgott ngl that actually got me laughing 🤣 we been here since launch and this man is complaining 😂

  • @avacadobeard244 @Schwammlgott I was looking for a solution to this problem and found its origins 3 years ago. You can continue to brag about your accounts. Only here I am trying to reach out to the developers. At least a comment on this. I don't think it would have taken them much time. Yes, it's just a video game that I paid for. And I want to get 100% of the content from it. The reward at the end is also part of the content. And I don't consider all kinds of skins as content. If this is excluded, then there is content in the game for a couple of days. But you can admire the skins forever. Only I'm not interested. This is the norm for you, because you have already played enough of the game and want a fan. I want to play a game.

  • @rilez0 you played the's just one day you got no when you get robbed

  • @rilez0 Okay... just like to point out that you had 1.8 million gold. You're fine if you miss out on the gold of one session.
    Also, isn't the "Ultimate Reward" the fun and the experiences you had along the way?

  • @rilez0 That's not how game development and bug testing works. Just because an issue has existed for a long period of time doesn't mean that it will be fixed during that time. Look at hit registration. It's an issue that's been around since the very early days of the game, and they are still trying to resolve that issue. I understand it's frustrating to lose progress, but please understand that some issues take more time to fix than others.

  • @mr-whaletoes well he didn't have a very good experience and I feel like that is the issue?

  • @rilez0 That is not the attitude to have. You come off as an entitled karen when you talk like that, especially when you aren't aware of all the facts or details. If you haven't gotten your money's worth from 3.5 years of updates and content, I'm not sure what to tell you.

  • @valor-omega don't call him a karen, that's an insult to Karen's everywhere

  • @schwammlgott @mr-whaletoes I started for the "gold-holders" and the whole point of this faction is to get treasures and hand over the loot. The best way is to get several keys at once, so as not to waste too much time. It's a shame for the 18 treasures that I couldn't pass in those miserable 6 months that I played. But now I'm playing for the bones of the chest and it's the same here. You spend an hour or even more to get a level 5 emissary. And as soon as you hand over the loot, you realize that you don't get anything for it. So then what's the point of emissary then? Why put up their flag? Just to be seen by the "Bones of the Dead"? I think that's not why the developers tried to charm the players like that. So why can't the players help? The problem is still there. Nobody writes about it on the Internet. Everyone just accepted it. And on this forum as well. More than one person has not written that he is also concerned about this problem. Do they really come into this game for the sake of just shooting on the water?

  • @rilez0 you know what I did, when I realized I get no gold...if I'm in an alliance, I leave the alliance, because sometimes this causes an issue...if I still don’t get it, I sell anyway and depending on my mood, I quit for the day, or keep on playing...I'd say about 50% of the time, after a while, it started just a huge delay sometimes, but if I left, I never got anything...just that compensation

    Anyway a question: how often did this happen to you?

  • @rilez0 said in HOW TO GET A REWARD?!:

    Do they really come into this game for the sake of just shooting on the water?

    Well... Yes, kind of. That's why I'm here, at least. 😅
    I agree that a bug is a bug and a bug and this should be fixed, but if no one talks about it then I doubt it is a particularly common issue. Also, sometimes this is only a visual bug and the money will show up next session.

  • @schwammlgott @mr-whaletoes I haven't played every day for only about 150 hours. During this time, this bug has happened 5-6 times. And all these times the bug was not visual, unfortunately.

  • @rilez0 sagte in HOW TO GET A REWARD?!:

    @schwammlgott @mr-whaletoes I haven't played every day for only about 150 hours. During this time, this bug has happened 5-6 times. And all these times the bug was not visual, unfortunately.

    I don’t remember this happens that often...I had this happen ONLY on gold&glory weekends...I got over 3000 hours in this game and this happened maybe 4-5 times...
    I actually think, you just got a delay and you left to early...

    Maybe try this: next time you realize you don't get gold...just sell 3-4 not so valuable things and go on with playing (or sell everything, but don’t quit)...most times I had this (not on gold&glory), after about 30-60 minutes, it started counting...I just really believe you just had bad luck with selling at a moment servers were busy counting everything

  • @schwammlgott I've tried a bunch of options. The last time I waited more than 60 minutes, maybe even 2 hours.

  • @schwammlgott I know I'm just unlucky. Do you think the developers have a session editor? Let's say I would have stayed in the session and reported the error. The developer will see this and will be able to see what the problem is. In that case, I would have waited at least all day. If there was such an opportunity and if it would help.

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