Suggestion: Player “Islands”

  • (Read To The End For All The Facts)

    Players are given an island that can be accessed by the Main Menu (there would be Adventure / Arena / Island) this island begins small.

    This island is just outside the Red Sea but just out enough that the “Sea of Thieves” is inaccessible but visible.

    In this island you can customize it. (Only in Island mode.) Here’s what I mean: you can buy decorations and maybe even faction decorations using gold, doubloons, silver(all silver earned in Arena games add up. AND CAN ONLY buy Arena decor/items), and maybe even Ancient Coins. You can buy decorations themed after factions, locations, or legends. For example: Gold Hoarder Tent - 1,200 gold. Buying it allows you to build it anywhere you want on your island. Using in-game currencies you can also increase the size of the island and maybe add stuff like forts, vaults, tall tale like places, watchtowers, etc.

    You could also earn decorations by doing in game activities. Stuff like you get the Shroudbreaker to place somewhere for doing the respected tall tale for your first time and such.

    You can buy and place taverns, and other buildings including regular shops. Vendors, shop keepers, etc. extra pirates that do animations and interact with others. Etc.

    These island could maybe spawn on the outskirts of the map at random parts allowing other people to come and relax at your island.

    Though barrels, faction vendors, etc. could be placed they DO NOT GIVE ANY IN-GAME ADVANTAGE for they will not generate recourses at all or take treasure to turn it in.

    Your island name could appear (where it is) on the ship maps and such and could (MAYBE) even show people land, buildings, and landmarks like the other islands do depending on what Rare can do.

    /// Extra Things Rare Could Do!
    —(Adventure) You could have to get supplies over to your island by doing Merchant quest or maybe a new faction quest. Using the new items you find in the voyages you would have to safety get from a random island in the Sea of Thieves and get them to your island with out getting sunk. Or other players could find them and take them to their own island.

    —(Adventure) All Player owned pets (NOT the one in use) will walk and climb on sitting spots and sleep all over your island.

    —(Island) Player can invite friends over too their island in a peaceful NO PvP area (ONLY THE ISLAND) for you can not leave the “area” of the island in ‘Island’ mode.

    —(Adventure/Island) Players can put owned outfits, cloths, tattoos, scars, face paint, and all customizations on the pirate NPCs and shop keeper NPCs they put around.


    Why should this be added? To give something to show your time, dedication, pride, and love for this game to others and to yourself!

  • 22
    feedbackgeneralcommunityjust for funstory & lore
  • @pharaoh-rising why? this literally adds nothing to the game. no one is gonna sail over to check out this custom island if its just a waste of sailing time. go play a world building game or something. SoT is about playing pirates, not sims.

  • @captain-coel just an idea lol. Never said it’s gonna be added tomorrow. It’s just something to show off accomplishments and such. That’s all. No harm done if it’s added. You wouldn’t even have to have a “island” but while you might find it pointless someone else might like it...

    Maybe you could turn in stuff at the vendors since it is at the edge of the area and most island would take a long time to get to one. Especially when in most islands are either on the other side of the map to some or in the middle which is decent distance to all islands. And just so you know maybe you can spawn here instead. Giving you a set spawn not random spawn like it is currently...

    Yet again. Just ideas that’s all.

  • @pharaoh-rising so handing in items and spawning on the outskirts. now they have advantages. even worse

  • @captain-coel lol hence why that was a extra “idea.” Ideas are not real things unless made. To my knowledge it isn’t made. So don’t worry you’re fine. lol

  • @pharaoh-rising its an idea that been brought up multiple times and still never seems to happen or get dev attention. A simple search would have showed this.

    If there is no advantage to a private island its a useless waste of space and resources. just having it on the map and in the world.

    If there is an advantage is give players with the island a leg up over other players.

  • I think something like this give or take a few features would be nice down the line, every pirate needs a place to call home

  • @sailorkek That's what your ship is. They would be better off adding more customization to ships than trying to cram in an island/home base building system.

  • @captain-coel everything in this game is a waste of gold or doublopns as it only changes the looks and some people like me just want stuff for the sake of having it and a private island where you can party would be great like playing with more then 4 friends

  • @d3adst1ck is your car your home, didn't think so. A ship is a mode of transport Pirates didn't spend their entire lives at sea, they had places they called home like Nassua.

  • @sailorkek I'm not a video game.

  • @d3adst1ck nor are you a pirate, whats your point....

  • @kapitein-banaan what would the point of the party be? And trust me I understand how useless gold and doubloons are, I cant spend any of mine.

    There are ways to play with more than 4 people, my crew does it fairly regularly.

    @SailorKek your ship is your home in this game, it even has a bed. This game is for playing out on the seas, not setting up a new colony on the outskirts of a map.

  • @captain-coel The beds in this game is a pointless addition, I dont know why they bothered adding them. Pirates slept on ships because voyages took days to reach new land, not 5 minutes.

    As I said give or take a few features, I dont think player should magically be able to make an island on the edge of the map but I think there are plenty of players who want more than to annoy people or get annoyed by people by stealing loot. Yeah no S@#% its a pirate game but we can't all be pirates otherwise noone would have loot to steal. The lore makes it spotty enough with all these chests in the ground and yet noone to plant them.

    If they add a feature similar to this it could lead to a new world event where you defend a portion of your gold from the entire server.

  • I'm surprised nobody has pointed out the fact there are thousands of servers each with like 5 or 6 ships in them and hundreds of thousands if not millions of players. You get one ferry of the damned and one athena's hideout per server, any more would be pushing it.

    So how do you see this idea being even remotely possible with this game? Just curious..

  • @sailorkek said in Suggestion: Player “Islands”:

    @d3adst1ck nor are you a pirate, whats your point....

    My point is that the focus of the game is your ship. Adding periphery bases and homes only detracts from being on your ship. It's a dumb idea.

    Your ship is your base. Add further customization to that. Your virtual pirate doesn't need a house or a place like Nassua because it's a video game.

  • @d3adst1ck I disagree, the focus of the game is the player and the crew. Granted you can't do many things without a ship: voyages, megalodons, krakens but you don't actually need a ship in this game. Quite often ill scuttle right away if someone has left a rowboat for me, I enjoy it and it makes sneaking up to other crews very intense.

    You could reach PL by just rowing around or by camping an outpost all day. It might not be that fun but its do able.

    If Rare want people to keep playing the game, besides from new tall tales and the likes they would be wise to think of a similar function in the future. The playerbase cant survive off of making people salty forever. It'll get to a point where the majority of players have too much money and not want to bother doing anything, at which point the playerbase will slowly be less and less.

    They can add all the voyage they want but cosmetics is not enough, even ship cosmetics. Players need different things to spend their money on otherwise they'll see there really isn't much point to the game besides making others mad. And that's the point where this game become Rust on water.

    P.S If a defence feature was added to the game, it wouldn't take people away from the ship. You would use the ship to defend against players, if you just let it sink you cant respawn and effectively fail the defence.

  • @wagstr the only way I can see anything similar to the original idea working is if you claim an already existing island. Build upon it and defend it, then if crews have a voyage there they have to fight the defenders or work out a deal.

    Of course when the crew who claimed the island leave the server the defences would be removed provided noone remains in the island.

    Maybe ill make a few notes for an idea similar to this but I got other ideas to type out first 😅

  • @sailorkek said in Suggestion: Player “Islands”:

    @d3adst1ck I disagree, the focus of the game is the player and the crew.

    Where do those 2 things congregate? The ship. They respawn on the ship, they use the ship to complete tasks, it stores resources for players to use and it's the main mode of transport. It's the focal point for the entire game.

  • @sailorkek said.

    P.S If a defence feature was added to the game, it wouldn't take people away from the ship. You would use the ship to defend against players, if you just let it sink you cant respawn and effectively fail the defence.

    @D3ADST1CK if you're going to argue make sure to actually read the full argument...
    Now I'm done, its redundant talking to you at this point.

  • @sailorkek

    Sorry but this could be a cool idea for a new game maybe, not sea of thieves.. Can't be done, won't be done, you mark my words!

  • @sailorkek said in Suggestion: Player “Islands”:

    @sailorkek said.

    P.S If a defence feature was added to the game, it wouldn't take people away from the ship. You would use the ship to defend against players, if you just let it sink you cant respawn and effectively fail the defence.

    @D3ADST1CK if you're going to argue make sure to actually read the full argument...
    Now I'm done, its redundant talking to you at this point.

    So basically any of the world events or voyages that already exist where you defend your ship from other crews while doing a task? You're definitely talking redundant.

feedbackgeneralcommunityjust for funstory & lore
10 out of 22