Any way to find the artwork for this tattoo?

  • Hey all! I was wondering if any of you may know where I can find the artwork for the tattoo on this pirate's chest.

    alt text

    I usually see it much smaller, but the fact that they have it in a larger resolution for something like a pirate's chest makes me wonder if there is any high-res image with this logo that we can access.

    Thanks so much!

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  • @liquid-caffeine Ahoy matey!

    Not as high res as I would like but maybe this will help?

  • @musicmee said in Any way to find the artwork for this tattoo?:

    @liquid-caffeine Ahoy matey!

    Not as high res as I would like but maybe this will help?


    That definitely helps! Thank you very much!

    I reached out to Rare to see if they were OK with me using the artwork for non-commercial / personal use (ie, taking this to an artist, having it enlarged and smoothed out, and getting it as a real tattoo).

    If they say it's okay by them: I'm going for it! Else, I suppose channel art will have to suffice =P

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