Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion

  • Hey everyone!

    Captain Jay of The Crow's Nest with another gameplay / mechanic suggestion in the hopes of seeing it in game one day!

    Today, I'm talking Jumping Puzzles in Sea of Thieves! So let's get started...


    The recent inclusion of the jumping puzzle and race at the Sea Dog Tavern got me thinking - Why not add more of these in the world and include them in their own category under the commendations tab?

    If these type of jumping puzzles made their way into the game and were added throughout the world, it would add a new incentive and challenge for players both New AND Old to go after.

    One of my gaming backgrounds is Guild Wars 2 and the team over at ArenaNet have done a very good job of hooking all types of players with their jumping puzzles. Their development team have even added super challenging puzzles that only come around on a yearly basis as part of their holiday updates: Shadow of the Mad King (Halloween) and Wintersday (Christmas).


    Within the realm of Sea of Thieves, I see these types of puzzles as a perfect fit! Players can check the Jumping Puzzle Tab, see what islands have a puzzle, and set out to complete them. These puzzles would take players to new heights and locations with unique views and for an added challenge, throw in a hidden trap or two to make things more interesting as players navigate their way! An all new Trading Company can even make an appearance with the focus on exploration and cartography!


    Upon completion of each puzzle, a small amount of doubloons and gold could be earned. But that's too simple of a reward.... how can we take it to the next level?

    Well, if each region in the world had jumping puzzles in their respective islands within those biomes, how about completing one of these puzzles would reward you with a single piece of an overall cosmetic set? This new cosmetic set would be designed with the theme of the respective biome in mind, a set for the Shores of Plenty, The Wilds, The Ancient Isles, and the Devil's Roar. Completing all of the jumping puzzles within each biome would ultimately award you the completed set as you progress through the puzzles.

    Add in a unique title for each biome upon completion and an even GREATER title, more doubloons, and gold if you complete all four biomes and now we're talking incentives, challenges, and replayability within a new layer of Sea of Thieves!

    If you want to see a visual representation of what something like this could look like, here's a video I just made covering the entire update in detail:

    What do you think of Jumping Puzzles making their way into the game? With proper feedback and community input, we might see something like this make it's way in!

    Thanks for your time everyone! Cheers!

    Captain Jay
    The Crow's Nest

  • 15
  • @armament-jay said in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:

    Hey everyone!

    Captain Jay of The Crow's Nest with another gameplay / mechanic suggestion in the hopes of seeing it in game one day!

    Today, I'm talking Jumping Puzzles in Sea of Thieves! So let's get started...


    The recent inclusion of the jumping puzzle and race at the Sea Dog Tavern got me thinking - Why not add more of these in the world and include them in their own category under the commendations tab?

    If these type of jumping puzzles made their way into the game and were added throughout the world, it would add a new incentive and challenge for players both New AND Old to go after.

    One of my gaming backgrounds is Guild Wars 2 and the team over at ArenaNet have done a very good job of hooking all types of players with their jumping puzzles. Their development team have even added super challenging puzzles that only come around on a yearly basis as part of their holiday updates: Shadow of the Mad King (Halloween) and Wintersday (Christmas).


    Within the realm of Sea of Thieves, I see these types of puzzles as a perfect fit! Players can check the Jumping Puzzle Tab, see what islands have a puzzle, and set out to complete them. These puzzles would take players to new heights and locations with unique views and for an added challenge, throw in a hidden trap or two to make things more interesting as players navigate their way! An all new Trading Company can even make an appearance with the focus on exploration and cartography!


    Upon completion of each puzzle, a small amount of doubloons and gold could be earned. But that's too simple of a reward.... how can we take it to the next level?

    Well, if each region in the world had jumping puzzles in their respective islands within those biomes, how about completing one of these puzzles would reward you with a single piece of an overall cosmetic set? This new cosmetic set would be designed with the theme of the respective biome in mind, a set for the Shores of Plenty, The Wilds, The Ancient Isles, and the Devil's Roar. Completing all of the jumping puzzles within each biome would ultimately award you the completed set as you progress through the puzzles.

    Add in a unique title for each biome upon completion and an even GREATER title, more doubloons, and gold if you complete all four biomes and now we're talking incentives, challenges, and replayability within a new layer of Sea of Thieves!

    If you want to see a visual representation of what something like this could look like, here's a video I just made covering the entire update in detail:

    What do you think of Jumping Puzzles making their way into the game? With proper feedback and community input, we might see something like this make it's way in!

    Thanks for your time everyone! Cheers!

    Captain Jay
    The Crow's Nest

    aye thanks captain jay nice idea by the way

  • @armament-jay

  • @armament-jay

    The original Skeleton Thrones were somewhat like this. Going back into the direction of the Bilge Rats building challenges rather than finding things out in the world would be good, the Skeleton Thrones were a great event.

  • @ultmateragnarok

    I would definitely take inspiration for this from the Skeleton Throne achievement but the only catch would be to hide the "end" somewhere out of reach for cannons as to not have any players bypass the puzzle by firing themselves directly to the conclusion.

    ~ Captain Jay
    The Crow's Nest

  • @armament-jay said in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:


    I would definitely take inspiration for this from the Skeleton Throne achievement but the only catch would be to hide the "end" somewhere out of reach for cannons as to not have any players bypass the puzzle by firing themselves directly to the conclusion.

    ~ Captain Jay
    The Crow's Nest

    Rare could even incorporate cannons into the jumping puzzles themselves; scale up to the peak of an island only to then have you fire across to another area or adjacent peak (Crooked Masts comes to mind!) - miss, and you’re back at the start for another attempt.

    Your idea is a direction I’d like future Bilge Rats to take; Quirky, random activities out in the world that don’t take themselves too seriously. You have my vote!

  • Sounds perfectly reasonable to me, so I don't see why not.

  • That would be totally cool to see!!! New mechanichs and new things to do are always welcomed!! And your idea sounds really fresh in this community! So... 10/10 To mee!!!

    I didnt know why they didnt implemented race commendations when they included that parkour thing in that outpost...

    Spread the curse in the seas!!

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:

    @armament-jay said in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:


    I would definitely take inspiration for this from the Skeleton Throne achievement but the only catch would be to hide the "end" somewhere out of reach for cannons as to not have any players bypass the puzzle by firing themselves directly to the conclusion.

    ~ Captain Jay
    The Crow's Nest

    Rare could even incorporate cannons into the jumping puzzles themselves; scale up to the peak of an island only to then have you fire across to another area or adjacent peak (Crooked Masts comes to mind!) - miss, and you’re back at the start for another attempt.

    Your idea is a direction I’d like future Bilge Rats to take; Quirky, random activities out in the world that don’t take themselves too seriously. You have my vote!

    100% agree. This would be far more interesting and fun that repeating things we already do for each Trading Company.

    Even on their own webpage about the Bilge Rats it says the following under 'Who Are The Bilge Rats': "Not wanting to follow orders or do anything that could even remotely resemble work"

    The last few Adventures have literally been work and taking orders. Go here, dig up this, take it here.


  • This would also incorporate well into new raid boss fights in which you might have to surpass a jump and run passage in order to damage the boss (picking up a flame of fate maybe)

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:


    The original Skeleton Thrones were somewhat like this. Going back into the direction of the Bilge Rats building challenges rather than finding things out in the world would be good, the Skeleton Thrones were a great event.

    aye but we are in the minority mate for liking skelly thrones

  • @closinghare208 sagte in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:

    @ultmateragnarok said in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:


    The original Skeleton Thrones were somewhat like this. Going back into the direction of the Bilge Rats building challenges rather than finding things out in the world would be good, the Skeleton Thrones were a great event.

    aye but we are in the minority mate for liking skelly thrones

    When skeleton thrones were released, many still felt a lack of actual content so they wouldn't appreciate the rather small event as it is

  • For what it's worth, I enjoyed the skeleton thrones event. Trying to find them with the help of French sailors that didn't speak English while I didn't speak French was an absolute hoot! 😂

  • @galactic-geek @Clownsparade @ClosingHare208

    It was a good adventure to decode the clues in their descriptions and get to the thrones themselves, and that's all the Bilge Rats are really supposed to be about. The adventures community members had are still memorable to this day, especially as cooperation with other crews was a necessity for full completion. Bringing that back now that the community has a very long-term commendation to start working on would certainly please at least some players.

  • @clownsparade said in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:

    @closinghare208 sagte in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:

    @ultmateragnarok said in Jumping Puzzles and Their Place in Game - A Gameplay Suggestion:


    The original Skeleton Thrones were somewhat like this. Going back into the direction of the Bilge Rats building challenges rather than finding things out in the world would be good, the Skeleton Thrones were a great event.

    aye but we are in the minority mate for liking skelly thrones

    When skeleton thrones were released, many still felt a lack of actual content so they wouldn't appreciate the rather small event as it is

    aye I know

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