Pirate Name Giveaway!

  • my favorite part is the tall tales! i never thought in my wildest dreams they would be anything like this. so much lore. so much content and it fits so well with the game.

    none of my friends use this forum so i can't tag them.

  • Well now that fishing is a thing, my crew spends the whole time fishing instead of sailing... Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it's good fun.
    @WobblyOrphan123 @Drahgoone

  • @old-salt-gorg
    It is all wonderful. I would say the best time for me is to latch onto a skelly ship with the harpoon from the rear and adjust the length so they cannot shoot back. We raise the sails and put rudder amid ship then we start fishing while being dragged around in circles by the skeletons. There is an occasional sniper shot but we plow through till she dives below the waves.

  • @GoogleMeinSkill The Tall talls and the Arena are awesome

  • Where to begin! So many of the additions are my favorite....

    I would say the new adventures/vovages, the HARPOON GUNS, and the Arena are all equally my favorites!


  • @old-salt-gorg
    My favourite parts are definitly the harpoon guns, u can use them in so many different ways,like for megs,ships,parking....

    Im tagging @KingKnOwLadge

  • New tales are the best thing. Lot of things to do now. Me likes

  • I let my ship sink from a volcano because I had a Trophy Forsaken Devilfish on the line. 10/10 would die and lose the fish again!

    My favourite parts of the anniversary update is fishing, I’ve been waiting for fishing to come into the game since day 1.
    Long voyages are more fun now that you can fish along the way and at the islands. I always have competitions with my friends to see who catches the biggest or rarest fish!

    Secondly I love the new adventures quests you can find in the taverns! It’s like playing Sea Of Thieves all over again, discovering new places, objects and new chests.
    This is by far the best update ever to this game!

  • @FailingStraal I think we're both loving the Tall Tales storyline. Right, buddy?

  • @muddleszoom The best part is the harpoons. It's really cool that you can bring onboard treasure and barrels without having to jump ship!

  • @Shurifire Defi fishing and Tall tale

  • i really like the harpoons as you can harpoon players off other ppls ships @A-Demented-Cow2

  • My favourite part so far has got to have been completing Tall Tales and getting the Shores of Gold Curse with @Eobrah! Fishing is also amazing, being able to do something during the journey between islands is great! We can't wait to try out arena too!

  • My favorite part of the update? Thats a really hard question. All the things are just so great ad have potential for many more cool, new storys on the seas!

    Sadly no one of my crew is on the forums, so I am not able to tag anyone.

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg

    I love everything that's a part of this update. However; the tall tales are probably one of the best parts. Not only do we get to discover new content in sea of thieves, but we also get to speculate and ramble all of out thoughts as and when we solve the missions, which requires a team based effort and that is probably the best part of it all. Time consuming, yet very rewarding.

    We just finished the shores of gold and I think the tall tale for the shores of gold and the art of the trickster were probably my most favorite tall tales to do! Even the night star and the wild rose. The animations, traps and the ways of solving the tall tales are nothing like I've ever seen before in the game. And we get to learn a little bit more to the sea of thieves story. The skin of skeletons and skeleton lords and the different types of skulls are very cool, moreover; the shores of gold itself is beautifully done and designed. (Without spoiling much, the island AND the puzzles are great!) The way all stories tie in together to show the bigger picture is great and I am super excited for what is to come in the future and what rare has to give to us.

    Fishing is relaxing and also the healing factor from eating fish is great. I've caught some trophy variants in the ancient aisles and some devils roar based variants. A crew member of mine has caught a couple of storm fishes which in my opinion are the best looking. I do however wish we had more then one pans in game to cook multiple things.

    Next, the ARENA, I love arena so much. It's not just based on digging up the chests and returning it, but you can score so many points by being strategic with your play.

    Harpoons are a great new addition to the game and I really like them as well.

    In the end, the update is good fun and I am anticipating for whatever is next!

  • My favorite part of the Anniversary Update are the Tall Tales. I really love how they turned out. Me and @Skulliah had a lot of fun on the testing server. I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I enjoy them right now!

  • @old-salt-gorg So far my favorite part is the Arena! and all the updates to ship damage! short and sweet and action packed!
    Tagging @Stonian because he's the best pirate and crewmate lol Looking forward to playing more and seeing who gets a cool pirate name! lol

  • My favorite thing are all the Tall Tales. It's so satisfying when you get to solve all these riddles, do the jumping puzzles and finish off a boss after a 10 minute fight. It really feels like you're living the life of the Pirate Legend!


  • @GwynbleiddEP
    The best part is the random fun mess in the Arena lobbies.

  • The Tall Tales are my favorite part of the update. Puzzles, riddles, lore, and good old fashion adventure! I can't wait to see what comes next. My first mate @IKnowNotWhatDo and I will take on any challenge thrown our way!

  • @Bob-00009

    Listening to beclaimed in Golden Sands whilst fishing at sunset. Those are truly moments unreachable by most games.

  • I love fishing. When I was playing with my friend ctnpschmitz we were hunting for a megalodon and when we found one I was asking for help he said I could but fishing is more important.

  • @TheVividDreamer We started as random strangers who happened to both know @TheBigAntBrian. Brian brought us together to get a team for the Arena. While waiting for everyone to join, we started on a Tall Tale. We sailed along for an hour or two and started to realize our passion for the Tall Tales. It got to the point where Brian was begging us to do Arena, but Vivid and I were having too much fun. One thing led to another, and we ended up on the 7th Tale Tale by 4 am. But we couldn't stop. We were so excited to find out what the Shores of Gold held. With the chance of being one of the few .01 % to complete the achievement of beating Shores of Gold, we decided to finish all the Tall Tales. A few hours later, around 9 am, we finally completed the Tall Tale. After 13 hours of playing together, we sat on the shore of the Shores of Gold with epic music playing. What started as a few guys trying to get together for Arena, ended up being the grandest adventure of a lifetime.

  • By far, the best new feature is the harpoon guns. Being able to snag loot from ashore or even your crewmates, is the best thing implemented thus far. It also lets us soft-anchor and make small adjustments to our position, which is invaluable.

  • @rictalalmond073 said in Pirate Name Giveaway!:

    Tall tales made SoT alive !. It realy hard to complete them,but its worth....at-least you need think harder to do them. I like it. Fun part for me is that i was close to find part of talle, but i went wrong way, after that i realized that im far away.....


  • @Ciders20 Making new random friends by chance!

  • Oh man, my mates and I downloaded the update and immediately jumped into the arena.

    We were defeated our very first round and then triumphed in the next 2 battles even with a random scrub!

    I love the captains music towards the ends of the arenas, make it much more impactful.

    The Tall Tales are pretty creative too. We only completed the first one, but I loved the puzzle room!

    I would tag them, but unfortunately they aren't on here.

    RIP MyBoiBojangles and KNIGHTOFUNDEATH

  • Tall tales, because it lets us set on our own adventure, and of course we get all the new LOOT!! @legendslayer149 is my first mate, but he isn't on the forums.

  • Being able to hook the meg and go Mach speed? Yeah it’s a good update.
    @FlintLochwood is my crewmate

  • @old-salt-gorg It has to be the all new adventure, Tall Tales! Nothin' comes closerrr to havin' a good ol' adventure with me pirate crew @TGC-Pete

    Arghh the Treasure!

  • The tall tales! its AMAZING! and so far my favourite part of the update... BUT everything is great! My Crewmate and partner on the seas who i am sure would love this is: @Xx-B4rk3r-xX


  • My favorite part of this update is the replayability of the Tall Tales. No You're not getting exactly the same one every time you run it which keeps things fresh and exciting.


  • @old-salt-gorg my favorite part of Anniversary definitely is Tall Tales. The extreme of thrill, adventure, and pure unknown reates a one of a kind experience for me and many others. There is nothing that I dont love about these complex adventures.

128 out of 275