An idea to change up fighting.

  • So I've been trying to think of a way to make the sword more viable without changing its mechanics and I think I may have a good idea, make it where everyone has the sword and two guns. I know a lot of people will say thats not possible for console players but what if the sword was bound to clicking down on the right analog, after all thats melee in every other game and that button isn't bound to anything, Y could switch between guns but your guns share a pool of ammo, thoughts?

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  • I prefer the design that they have in game now to be honest. Having to choose from either having a sniper, close range or mid range weapon. or you know you could have 2 guns! and double the ammo. i'd definitely entertain them making changes and seeing the how they work.

  • @komiothebeat I've just have noticed a lot of people are running around with the 2 guns in most cases anyway especially when it comes to pvp blunder rules over sword with that one shot kill I die to blunders more than swords in pvp so I'm just trying to come up with something cause the sword needs love it's only good for mobility and skellys i hardly ever die to it in pvp cause I'll just keep my distance and pull my pistol than after landing a shot chase them down with blunder. Idk maybe treat ammo like cannonballs where you have to loot, I don't like that idea though, all I know is something needs to be done. Thanks for the feedback.

  • @mr-thurmal I'd prefer they change the sword back to where it was before that updating
    And take away the ability to use 2 guns

  • @schwammlgott the sword is fine where it's at imo and I'd rather give people more freedom than take some away after all that's what the games about I'd rather see the sword become kinda a last resort than take choice from players cause there will still be the glaring issue of blunder being the go to weapon and people camping the ammo box. Appreciate the feedback thanks

  • As an xboxer, im already limited in how many items i can hotkey. I already have items hotkeyed to right click, and wouldnt want to be handicapped any more by reducing available 'free' buttons. How about sword is mandatory and 1 free slot for a weapon of your choice?

    Choosing to use double gun is supposed to be risky, miss a single shot and you have to reload to kill a player. Having the sword as a 3rd option removes all the risk. It feels pretty balanced the way it is imo. I also get lots more kills with the sword over the blunder.

  • @schwammlgott said in An idea to change up fighting.:

    @mr-thurmal I'd prefer they change the sword back to where it was before that updating

    I agree with this...

    @schwammlgott said in An idea to change up fighting.:

    @mr-thurmal And take away the ability to use 2 guns

    ...but not with this.

  • You know they could do this if they made the option to hold Y to switch to your sword, so that you have 2 weapons to switch between by tapping Y, why not hold Y for sword?

  • @pomalotacusmk3 what do you have bound to R3 bananas, not a bad idea, I've got mine bound to right on the d-pad seems to work just a reach cause i use my right thumb to hit it don't wanna stop moving in a a fight after all, I'll try r3 for it though it a good idea.

  • @mr-thurmal isnt this you 2nd post about having 2 guns? It is still a bad idea.

  • @xix-zeno-xix i like that idea but pc players press 1 and 2 to swap don't they, how would it work for them hold 2?

  • @lysergicaa no it's the first the one you're thinking of had a different mechanic it was still just 2 weapons in your inventory guns overall had 10 rounds but if you had 2 guns it was split between them, so if you had a EoR and sword EoR would have 10, but if you had EoR and blunder both would only have 5 like it is now, that was an idea to incentives sword use.

  • @mr-thurmal having the option to choose between 2 weapons as a max makes it more tactical... it is already easy enough as it is.. 3 weapons is too much for this game i feel...a

  • @mr-thurmal (Edit) yes?

  • @lysergicaa in beta you could have all 4 they would have stuck with it but Rare thought it was too much for console players (lack of buttons compared keyboard and mouse and all). Its also more risky to run around with just a sword and any gun combo in close courters PvP than just a blunder with a pistol or EoR

  • @mr-thurmal said in An idea to change up fighting.:

    @pomalotacusmk3 what do you have bound to R3 bananas, not a bad idea, I've got mine bound to right on the d-pad seems to work just a reach cause i use my right thumb to hit it don't wanna stop moving in a a fight after all, I'll try r3 for it though it a good idea.

    I have 4 things set to d-pad left, right, down, and right click. I had to sacrifice emotes(d-pad down) to get the fourth. I still have d-pad up for pirate chat.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 I got my d-pad filled too but i sacrificed chat cause i use a mic instead but I have thought about replacing emote I just don't wanna give up immersion the only i haven't bound was r3.

  • I'd rather you could only use one firearm and the sword is basic equipment. What's more, I'd like to have the forced pause after a loaded attack replaced by another, non-game interrupting, fatigue system. In general, I would find that repeated blows would have to be weaker in effect because the blow arm gets tired. So, basically I agree with your request, but my solutions would be completely different.

  • @goedecke-michel well if you're going for more realistic, which it sounds you are i could be wrong, pirates used more than one gun and the swords were a last resort.

  • @mr-thurmal I am looking for playability and still some balance between keyboard/mouse and controller.

  • @goedecke-michel so am I hence why I am not say you should be able to carry all 4 weapons in the game, thats too much if they weren't to replace emote/chat and pull a GOW and put all the weapons in the d-pad, but that would ruin immersion I think putting the sword as R3 would be a good solution (better than removing player freedom of choosing 2 guns) or as someone else said hold the Y button and hold 2 for for computer or even clicking the scroll wheel.

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