Anyone playing borderlands 3?

  • I just started and it's a giant leap from #2. Pretty fun so far for mindless shooting things. Just wondering what people think?

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  • Not yet. Getting it for my birthday in October.

  • Borderlands 3 is insane. Loving it. Completed the first vault last night and it was awesome. Most fun I've had in a game for some time now.

  • Yeah it's just absolutely great (with the exception of a few launch bugs that will get worked out soon).

    It's all my friends and I will be playing for the foreseeable future. So I guess the Seas will be a tiny little bit safer in the future :)

  • Yeah it's awesome!

  • I am in it deep with the gunner class. Moze is my jam. The mech is legit.

  • I'm excited, however, I am going to wait until its on Steam. EGS is lackluster and I lose out on many features. I'm willing to wait for that just to keep those features. Plus, I don't like the idea of exclusives, doesn't seem healthy for gaming in general. Don't like how EGS did things. More money for the developers is great and all, but I am the consumer, and I lose out on this deal.

  • @nabberwar I might not understand what you're saying. There were 3 versions released. I bought the basic. There were 2 more that were more expensive. I'm not really about the exclusives though, just the experience.

    What is the difference in steam? The only game I bought in there was Rust.

  • What I am referring too isn't the different version, like the deluxe vs. standard type deal. What I am referring to is the platform that I am purchasing it on. Epic Game Store essentially bought exclusive rights for sales for 6 months. I personally find exclusives unhealthy for the gaming community and do not wish to support that behavior.

    However, the differences with Steam and EGS are quite substantial. While both will sell the same game at the same price, Steam has overall more features that come with purchasing the game through them. Those include cloud saves, user profiles, user reviews, friend activity, forums, mod distribution, groups, item trading, library sorting, account sharing, streaming to other devices, broadcasting, screenshot capture/sharing, controller support, user-created guides, wish lists, automatic refunds, achievements, anti-cheat support, 3rd party keys, etc...

    The Epic Game Store is bare bones and I lose out on all those other features by impulse buying through their platform on PC. I like the Borderlands franchise, and I wish to support Gearbox, however Gearbox will have to wait to get my money once its on Steam. I the consumer get zero benefits going through Epic Games Store, except getting the game sooner. I am willing to wait.

  • @nabberwar thanks, I had no idea. Learn something new everyday. 😊

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