New ship style otherwise known as plane

  • There should be a new “ship” type that functions like a small plane. It will be crewed by at max 3 people. The plane will function like a sea plane meaning it can land on the water and if you run out of fuel for the propellor which will help you fly then it will just function like a very small very slow boat. The fuel will be bananas you will put them into a funnel next to the steering shell and that will add more power to the plane which will be displayed on a gauge attune to the compass on ships. It will have one weapon a single cannon pointing down from the middle of the plane thusly meaning to attack ships planes will have to perform bombing runs and fire down upon ships they are attacking. Pirates will also be given parachutes in the plane but they can also spawn out in the world in barrels they will be able to activate after falling for more than 2 seconds and will slow down your descent and stop all fall damage. If the plane runs out of fuel in mid air it will just slowly begin to glide down before touching down wherever it descends too. There shall be 2 controlling devices a steering wheel for going left and right and also a yoke to control up and down they shall be right next to each other in the front of the plane. The plane shall be designed similar to all the ships meaning it’s made out of wood and seems sort of hodgepodge like cracks in the wall the rudder is missing parts some of the propellor is broken. There Will also be walking space between the wheel and the cannon where barrels and supplies can be store at the back of the plane will be a hatch which pirates can use to get out of the plane when landed or Jump out of in the air.

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  • @scoot939 As much as id love to explore the skies, believe me i do, i think it would ruin the experience sailing a ship.

    Plus it wouldnt make sense given thats futuristic tech that didnt exist in that era.

  • what for?

  • Ewwwww

  • @scoot939 I am a pirate, the sea calls to me not the skies... you are mad to want to head to the heavens.

  • @scoot939 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    There should be a new “ship” type that functions like a small plane. It will be crewed by at max 3 people. The plane will function like a sea plane meaning it can land on the water and if you run out of fuel for the propellor which will help you fly then it will just function like a very small very slow boat. The fuel will be bananas you will put them into a funnel next to the steering shell and that will add more power to the plane which will be displayed on a gauge attune to the compass on ships. It will have one weapon a single cannon pointing down from the middle of the plane thusly meaning to attack ships planes will have to perform bombing runs and fire down upon ships they are attacking. Pirates will also be given parachutes in the plane but they can also spawn out in the world in barrels they will be able to activate after falling for more than 2 seconds and will slow down your descent and stop all fall damage. If the plane runs out of fuel in mid air it will just slowly begin to glide down before touching down wherever it descends too. There shall be 2 controlling devices a steering wheel for going left and right and also a yoke to control up and down they shall be right next to each other in the front of the plane. The plane shall be designed similar to all the ships meaning it’s made out of wood and seems sort of hodgepodge like cracks in the wall the rudder is missing parts some of the propellor is broken. There Will also be walking space between the wheel and the cannon where barrels and supplies can be store at the back of the plane will be a hatch which pirates can use to get out of the plane when landed or Jump out of in the air.

    just NO! this is a pirate game not a 21th century type of game and if you want planes go play far cry five

  • I would love a mini-sub or a balloon ship that allowed for 1 person maybe 2 max with limited supplies and storage for lot. But yeah some other ship types would be great and I'm hesitant to request a bigger ship because most my friend left this game so I wonder how easy I'd be to fill say a Warship with 6 or 7 crew members, I'm sure it's possible but how often would it stay full make me think of the Arena mode.

  • @contentzilla
    Hot air balloon with a whacky inventor noc would be cool.

    Just balance would be an issue

  • Hard Pass

  • If the skies are something you want to explore i had a post regarding sail cloth.

    One of the uses was when you shoot yourself out the cannon you can parachute using the sail cloth resourse but it must be collected and without using it, you will die from fall damage.

  • "Let's take a game made with the time period 1500-1830 and ad 20th century technology."
    What would plane-plane combat be like? How fast would a plane be? How would you get more fuel?
    So many questions that can't be easily answered in a pirate game.

  • I only agree with this post if flying the plane went to my frequent flyer miles and I could use those points as Doubloons and then use those doubloons for first class or a private bathroom on the plane.

  • The title of this thread reminded me of prince.

    New ship style otherwise known as a plane

    Artist formerly known as prince

  • @daringclarky

    Some form of fantasy-style airship, with it being a standard ship with a massive balloon above it keeping it aloft, wouldn't be too unbalanced. It's a whole lot faster than anything else we can get, and a few good shots brings it down to the water where it functions like a slower normal ship. Feeding a fire with planks would be a good balance for it, where you'd have a high supply of them to begin with, but must set down and restock somewhat often.

  • You loved the first one, now get ready for the sequel: SKY OF THIEVES!!!

  • What if we just strapped a small sail to the top of a harpoon rowboat, then flew it off the back of a galleon, like a Pirate Kite...

    I'm kidding of course. Let's keep pirates on the sea, not flying above it.

  • @bactatankbill said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    What if we just strapped a small sail to the top of a harpoon rowboat, then flew it off the back of a galleon, like a Pirate Kite...

    Thank you

  • While I wouldnt want planes in this game, your idea made me think of Talespin for some reason lol.

  • @scoot939 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    There should be a new “ship” type that functions like a small plane. It will be crewed by at max 3 people. The plane will function like a sea plane meaning it can land on the water and if you run out of fuel for the propellor which will help you fly then it will just function like a very small very slow boat. The fuel will be bananas you will put them into a funnel next to the steering shell and that will add more power to the plane which will be displayed on a gauge attune to the compass on ships. It will have one weapon a single cannon pointing down from the middle of the plane thusly meaning to attack ships planes will have to perform bombing runs and fire down upon ships they are attacking. Pirates will also be given parachutes in the plane but they can also spawn out in the world in barrels they will be able to activate after falling for more than 2 seconds and will slow down your descent and stop all fall damage. If the plane runs out of fuel in mid air it will just slowly begin to glide down before touching down wherever it descends too. There shall be 2 controlling devices a steering wheel for going left and right and also a yoke to control up and down they shall be right next to each other in the front of the plane. The plane shall be designed similar to all the ships meaning it’s made out of wood and seems sort of hodgepodge like cracks in the wall the rudder is missing parts some of the propellor is broken. There Will also be walking space between the wheel and the cannon where barrels and supplies can be store at the back of the plane will be a hatch which pirates can use to get out of the plane when landed or Jump out of in the air.

    This is the look of disapproval, this suggestion seems like trolling, if you ask me.

    Broken, over-the-top, blatantly ridiculous.

    EDIT: Though you did inspire me to make a meme, here you go!


  • @andyxxpanda1290 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    The title of this thread reminded me of prince.

    New ship style otherwise known as a plane

    Artist formerly known as prince

    Lets Parley like it's 1699 :)

  • @cotu42 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    @scoot939 I am a pirate, the sea calls to me not the skies... you are mad to want to head to the heavens.

    Air Pirates

  • Plane? Fuel? Skies? What...? Absurd. I'm gonna act like I just didn't read this thread. We can find some weird suggestion threads on the forums... but never find one as absurd as this one... It sounds so messed up but he just seems so confident on explaining everything That I can't figure out if he is trolling or he just really think he had the sugestion of the year...
    Aylmao... Kraken must be dissapointed.

    Spread the curse in the seaas!!

  • @crimsonraziel said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    @cotu42 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    @scoot939 I am a pirate, the sea calls to me not the skies... you are mad to want to head to the heavens.

    Air Pirates

    They ain't no pirate... they are pilots. 😆

  • Don't feed the Troll

  • @cotu42 Then SoT has no pirates either, just captains and sailors.

  • @Crimsonraziel
    Pff... seriously... if you want to play it like that here we go in a more serious manner.

    Piracy is an act of robbery or criminal violence by ship or boat-borne attackers upon another ship or a coastal area, typically with the goal of stealing cargo and other valuable items or properties.

    The fact that we rob other ships, usually by violent force, with our ship makes us pirates and not just sailors, though we have some of those in the game.

    This is a ship based game, with the best sea I have seen in a game why would we want to be up in the skies... other than shooting our comrades out of cannons.

  • Will they serve snacks on this plane?

  • @scoot939
    This is a pirate game, not an air force game. This just doesn't fit the theme of the game.

  • @cotu42 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    Pff... seriously... if you want to play it like that here we go in a more serious manner.

    Actually no, but you pick the game, I'm ok with that.

    Piracy is an act of robbery or criminal violence by ship or boat-borne attackers upon another ship or a coastal area, typically with the goal of stealing cargo and other valuable items or properties.

    When you quote, mark it as such. Wikipedia: Piracy

    The fact that we rob other ships, usually by violent force, with our ship makes us pirates and not just sailors, though we have some of those in the game.

    Don Karnage is the captain of the airship Iron Vulture, he and his crew rob other aircraft or commit other criminal acts mid air or at airports, thus making them air pirates. If the are just pilots, then we are just sailors.

    This is a ship based game, with the best sea I have seen in a game why would we want to be up in the skies... other than shooting our comrades out of cannons.

    Why "we" would want to be up in the skies is irrelevant, whether we should implement it is the question. I haven't said anything about that, you just jumped to conclusions.

  • It is a good idea, but not for this game after all its called "Sea Of Thieves" would like to see ship syles though, e.g. a viking ship (just cosmetics no gameplay differences). Although that may be too wierd for this game.

  • @crimsonraziel you quoted me... where I stated the question why would we want to take to the skies: with just a picture of a cartoon and the message "air pirates".

    Maybe if it wasn't a response to my post why quote me. Sorry, if I insulted your nostalgic picture. I don't know the cartoon you referenced, never seen it never heard of it and mainly commented on the actual words you used in the context of this actual game. You decided to then state that this isn't a game where we are pirates.

    Oh and sorry for not bothering on my phone to use all the fancy formatting to properly quote something on the internet...

  • @cotu42 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    @crimsonraziel you quoted me... where I stated the question why would we want to take to the skies: with just a picture of a cartoon and the message "air pirates".

    Maybe if it wasn't a response to my post why quote me. Sorry, if I insulted your nostalgic picture. I don't know the cartoon you referenced, never seen it never heard of it and mainly commented on the actual words you used in the context of this actual game.

    You said, you are a pirate. The sea calls you, not the skies. I gave you some pirates called by the sky. Even if you didn't know them, what did you assume "air pirates" do? Transport cargo between trading partners as contractors? Oh ok, that's basically SoT pirate too...

    You decided to then state that this isn't a game where we are pirates.

    That was the logical conclusion based on your claim.

    Oh and sorry for not bothering on my phone to use all the fancy formatting to properly quote something on the internet...

    If you got time to copy paste text, you can also copy paste the url. No fancy formatting necessary.

  • @crimsonraziel said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    @cotu42 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    @crimsonraziel you quoted me... where I stated the question why would we want to take to the skies: with just a picture of a cartoon and the message "air pirates".

    Maybe if it wasn't a response to my post why quote me. Sorry, if I insulted your nostalgic picture. I don't know the cartoon you referenced, never seen it never heard of it and mainly commented on the actual words you used in the context of this actual game.

    You said, you are a pirate. The sea calls you, not the skies. I gave you some pirates called by the sky. Even if you didn't know them, what did you assume "air pirates" do? Transport cargo between trading partners as contractors? Oh ok, that's basically SoT pirate too...

    I stated I don't know nor was commenting directly on the picture that is out of context on a Sea of Thieves forums, but actually on the words you used. As in this forum is dedicated to the Sea of Thieves, making so called claims that are false that even you should know.

    You decided to then state that this isn't a game where we are pirates.

    That was the logical conclusion based on your claim.

    I stated that in the context of this forum, Sea of Thieves, going to the air are not true pirates, cause that is what we are discussing on these forums; the game. There also other types of pirates in fiction... also don't think those are the type of pirates that are pirates in the context of this game be it: space pirates, sky pirates, sand pirates.... so before you make claims on 'my' logic, maybe get to know me or inquire on my idea.

    Cause you clearly aren't aware of my logic, so who is jumping to conclusions - which you accused me of doing. It is being hypocritical and to be honest you are the one that is claiming to understand how I think... yet I am drawing wrong conclusions of you supporting the idea while answering the quesiton (by quoting it) with "Air Pirates".

    Oh and sorry for not bothering on my phone to use all the fancy formatting to properly quote something on the internet...

    If you got time to copy paste text, you can also copy paste the url. No fancy formatting necessary.

    Ok... you want to talk about proper referencing... don't use pictures without mentioning where it is from, what it is while it is completley out of context. You are trying to school me on 'proper' forum usage of what a game forum? People can type in any shape form or reference how they feel like it without providing proof. This isn't a report or grade paper. This is just being rude...

  • Are you kidding? An airplane in an old pirate game? That's the age from ~1714 to 1722, buddy. How about anti ship rockets, nuclear submarines, satellites and GPS...

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