More Skeleton Crew... What a day fer a voyage!

  • Skeleton Crew: Everything's Fine

    Another Skeleton Crew to brighten up yer Thursday!

  • 12
  • @doctor-nik

    Brilliant Matey!!!... keep 'hem coming!!!! Major Kudos!!!

  • I love these, keep it up!

  • I laughed for real

  • Babe what's your website and do ya mind me posting these to tumblr?

  • Hahaha I love it. That is also me when I'm crashing the ship 🙄😁

  • @pithyrumble The website's still under construction. I'm hoping to get it finished before I post the next comic!

    The comics are up on Tumblr at - feel free to reblog those!

  • HAHAHA! You totally nailed it, mate! It's so accurated it hurts!

    Spread the curseeee in the seaaas!

  • Go tell the Cap'n there's no waters left to navigate...

  • This gave me quite the chuckle. Well done, lad! Let's hope the developers will never fix the Skeleton Galleon Captain's navigational skills.

  • @lt-swag-johnson I'm hoping they'll add a reversing beeper to the skeleton ships for when they do those neat three-point turns....

  • @doctor-nik Nicely done sir! Now if we can see where those skelly's keep their bananas on them that would be great!🤔😄

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