Ship despawned while climbing the ladder

  • last night i was doing a DR Athena. we were on flintlock doing the riddle, as i was climbing back onto our Galleon it despawned and all our loot was just floating in the water.

    Its the second time this has happened to me in the last month. Its super annoying. Is this happening to anyone else?

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  • Not trying to be a smart aleck but was it stuck on anything? Rocks, the shore, sand bar, etc?

  • @bootmaclir no sir was anchored in deep water

  • @imr-royal your ship was probably anchored in a shallow water, or too much closed to something..
    The game assume it got stuck and after a while the ship despawn.

    Weren't you hearing noises of wood cracking? That's an indication that something isn't right with the ship

  • @nunoazuldimeter it wasnt in shallow water thats the thing

  • @imr-royal but were you hearing noises of cracking wood?
    You should raise the anchor

  • @imr-royal your ship had a hole in it and the boat sank.

  • @imr-royal that is definitely odd.

  • @benno-vvolf said in Ship despawned while climbing the ladder:

    @imr-royal your ship had a hole in it and the boat sank.

    lol no it did not. it literally disappeared while i was on the ladder

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