Weekly Challenges For Doubloons/Gold

  • One thing that keeps coming up when I hear my buds talk about other games are dailies and weeklies, it seems to be a very simple idea to keep players engaged and I think it's something that could work with Sea of Thieves - less so with dailies, I don't think the game is that fast paced to warrant it, but certainly weeklies.

    Have a random list (5?) of challenges to do each week and tick off. If you do them all you get some extra gold (maybe 5K?) or doubloons (20 seems fair?).

    Players love working towards towards a goal (an attainable one), achievements show that.

    They don't have to be insane challenges either, something like "Do 5 Gold Hoarders Voyages", "Complete 1 Tall Tale", "Kill 50 Skeletons", "Destroy 3 Mermaid Statues", "Sink 3 Ships (Player or Skeleton)".

    Now, I realise that to some this seems mundane (it kinda does to me) but it is something that has been rather successful at maintaining interest in other games.

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  • @realstyli While I usually like weekly/daily challenges I kind of commend Rare for giving us a stream of origional content in stead.

    Weekly challenges are part of the whole Skinner box method of game design that rewards players for menial tasks to keep them coming back (like rats in a skinner box) I like ticking off the boxes to get rewards for them but I fear it might be a sort of pitfall, before you know it we have lootboxes too.

    Just my Tin Foil Hat bias tho. So don't worry too much ^-^

  • Monthly events with timelimited cosmetics would fit better for me.

    And what to buy for gold and dubloons?

    I wait for the emporium and how it will work.
    That will anyway be a critical moment for the game.

  • @hynieth said in Weekly Challenges For Doubloons/Gold:

    @realstyli While I usually like weekly/daily challenges I kind of commend Rare for giving us a stream of origional content in stead.

    Weekly challenges are part of the whole Skinner box method of game design that rewards players for menial tasks to keep them coming back (like rats in a skinner box) I like ticking off the boxes to get rewards for them but I fear it might be a sort of pitfall, before you know it we have lootboxes too.

    Just my Tin Foil Hat bias tho. So don't worry too much ^-^

    No, I totally understand that thinking. I know it's a slippery slope and I appreciate that but I think the backlash against loot boxes at the moment is enough to deter Rare from going that route.

    I like the idea of the monthly content updates but I'm not sure how sustainable that is with a studio the size of Rare and I do fear we might end up in a quantity over quality situation - but that's for a different topic.

    This idea is just a simple way to keep people engaged and, yes, I do understand it's part of the whole psychological approach that skinner boxes take, but rewarding players for challenges is something that has been in games for longer than that line of exploiting it.

    However, it's not something that I've been overly-susceptible to (I have zero inclination to ever buy loot boxes in games, for example), so I do appreciate any comments in that regard and I realise that there is a fine line there for sure.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Weekly Challenges For Doubloons/Gold:

    Monthly events with timelimited cosmetics would fit better for me.

    And what to buy for gold and dubloons?

    I wait for the emporium and how it will work.
    That will anyway be a critical moment for the game.

    I'm thinking about keeping the more casual players engaged, those who have recently joined the game especially.

    Monthly content only tends to keep them engaged for a few days a month and then they hop out for another game. Depending on if they enjoyed the content in SoT or not, they might not come back.

    Challenges also give them something to work towards and give them a small nudge in certain directions so they explore more and learn more about the game.

    BTW, this is not me suggesting an alternative to the monthly updates, these would be in addition to and possibly compliment them.

  • @realstyli I'm jelous of your mental stamina to resist such in-game purchases. They work on me all to well. I think I spent at least €200,- on Lootboxes in Overwatch making me hate myself and that game (I honestly don't want to hate SoT because I love it too much)

    I play Final Fantasy XIV, this game has weekly challenges that reward all manner of Gold, EXP and other currencies. It's a great system that works because it's often things you naturally do anyways. I just feel that not many developers can resist the slope and try racing down. Blizz used to be a great developer that could do nothing wrong (like Rare is in my opinion now) and look at what they have become.

  • @hynieth said in Weekly Challenges For Doubloons/Gold:

    @realstyli I'm jelous of your mental stamina to resist such in-game purchases. They work on me all to well. I think I spent at least €200,- on Lootboxes in Overwatch making me hate myself and that game (I honestly don't want to hate SoT because I love it too much)

    Without going down the road of sharing too much, I think I'm more resistant because my dad was big gambler and I saw what damage gambling can do, so I have a big aversion to it. I have friends who are the opposite and spend a fortune on loot boxes in games like, as you say, Overwatch. I think the fall from grace for Blizzard started a long time ago when Activision bought them. By comparison, given their record in recent years, I would say MS are a far more ethical company than that - relatively speaking!

    I do think it's a very exploitative mechanic and one that can cause a lot of harm to a lot of people, but I think there are ways to have rewards for doing challenges in games that don't exploit the player, their money, or their time (hence, why I don't think Dailies would work without disrespecting players' time).

  • @realstyli
    I am casual and i like to take breaks from all gaming.
    If you make weeklies tbh i would feel i have to do them and exhaust very quick.
    I would feel i have to or i fall behind or become more and more someone who is accused for lazy aproach, no dedication to the game etc...
    I already get insulted to havent earned the PL Status etc...
    I'm a Founder, day 1 player, PLA10, did all Tales 5 times and already have done 2 Reaper's and 2 smuggler runs for the black powder stash event.
    I have only played one time in the last 2 weeks and i will now play the event for some days and then play the one or the other day, maybe play something else or nothing at all.
    I think the community consists of more casuals and for fun players than of dedicated gamers.
    And i think also that Rare should keep it the way they did.
    Casuals will only exhaust, feel they have to rush it or spend more time on the game than they have or want to spend.
    I am an ambitious casual i play a lot imho, compared to others here i play just a tiny fraction of what they play.
    I dont want to change this.
    People can play all day 10hours i dont mind as long as they dont have advantages over me who plays an average of 20 hours a week.
    If i would feel i have to i will loose interest and tell myself i dont have to it's only gold and dubloons.
    I even can say i dislike the cosmetics and i refuse to play.
    I'm completely against any meaning for progression or give people that sort of incentive to play daily or weekly a designated amount of time.

    The more casual it is the more fun orientated and less serious the community is.

    Make weekly tasks and people feel they have to or miss something.
    They will do although they maybe dont want to or they will or need to refuse and will feel that they cannot contribute anymore and fall behind.
    Even if it's both not true, we all know people will do so.

    I see no need to play a game daily or spend 20 hours a week to play it.
    Maybe i play 30 hours this week, but only 10 next.
    Or i play 50 in two weeks and then take a break for 3 weeks.
    I dont want Rare ask me to play the game regularly.
    I'll play the monthly events.
    That's a good time frame.
    I then have 4 weeks to play the game and do what the event wants me to do.
    I dont want to play daily or weekly.
    Monthly is fine.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    I don't play constantly either - I average maybe 8 hours a week, most weeks - depending on my work schedule. My main crew even less so (I sail alone mostly when I do play). So I can see why doing weeklies would be a drag for you.

    But this is also why I suggest a modest reward - 5K gold for instance is something you could earn in less than 30 mins doing some things. The doubloons were just an added suggestion and I'm less sure how feasible they would be.

    As I've kind of alluded to, I would think of weeklies as mainly aimed at newer players to get them involved in the world and exploring, doing new things. It would encourage those players to play more but, hopefully, not take away from those of us who have less time to play.

    Really, my approach to this is about adding value and activities for players who have time to play but are playing other games without taking away from those players who don't have time to play as often.

    I don't think the rewards for this should be exclusives of any kind, just a pat on the back for completing them.

  • On the lootbox subject.
    I really hope they dont add this.
    Its not that i am against it. BUT some countries are against the idea of lootboxes in games. And laws are made to prevent this type of digital gambling.

    So if u add lootboxes it will be that some pirates just cannot obtain that what an other pirate can obtain.

    This in my point of view is not fair.

    Im all up for adding micro transaction for cosmetics and stuff. Just not this type of digital gambling.
    Hopefully rare will think about this.

    Also for weekly challenges dont make them hand out doubloons. Keep the doubloons in the bildge rat events and time-limited stuff. This keeps the doubloons kinda special as it is a special currency.

    Again I am NOT against rewarding doubloons. But if u read the forums and social medias there is just SO much crying for what they call EASY pirate legends. Adding doubloons rewards for lets say kill 50 skeletons will just make more and more crybaby pirates.

  • The issue with weeklies/dailies is that it forces you to play in a specific gameplay and that's not really what I'm looking for in Sea of Thieves. Pirates like freedom ye know :)

    Yes there are a couple games with this system out there, but I honestly rarely do them as I don't like to be forced to do something I don't want to do.

    Also I can see the benefit for some new players, but for myself I have millions of gold and almost a thousand doubloons and I already don't know what to do with them 🤷‍♂️

    So, I mean if people want that in Sea of Thieves, I guess it's fine but that's not something I'm personally interested in. Unless maybe if Rare succeed to bring them in a Sea of Thieves and interesting way!

    (And please, no more complete this X times 😥)

  • @weakdexx said in Weekly Challenges For Doubloons/Gold:

    On the lootbox subject.
    I really hope they dont add this.
    Its not that i am against it. BUT some countries are against the idea of lootboxes in games. And laws are made to prevent this type of digital gambling.

    I don't think they would add loot boxes, as I said the backlash right now is pretty big. A lot of countries are starting to class them as gambling (rightly so), so I doubt we'll them in many AAA games going forward - especially ones looking to keep a rating for under 18s.

    Also for weekly challenges dont make them hand out doubloons. Keep the doubloons in the bildge rat events and time-limited stuff. This keeps the doubloons kinda special as it is a special currency.

    That's fair enough. Maybe keeping it as gold-only is a good enough reward for completing them.

  • @skulliah

    Yep, all valid arguments.

    Again, I would see the design aimed at newer players and players who do like to work towards goals or need some direction.

    The rewards would probably not necessarily appeal to everyone but it is something else to do in the game that I don't think would take away from it. You might find you're naturally completing them anyway or close to.

    As I said in the OP, this is really something that stemmed from talking to friends about other games that have similar challenges (Apex right now, for example) and they seem to be only jumping on to do those "check lists".

  • @realstyli

    Indeed, it is good for the players who say that they don't know what to do in Sea of Thieves on a daily/weekly basis.

    I'd just prefer if they have something more meaningful behind it rather than just being a checklist.

  • @skulliah said in Weekly Challenges For Doubloons/Gold:


    Indeed, it is good for the players who say that they don't know what to do in Sea of Thieves on a daily/weekly basis.

    I'd just prefer if they have something more meaningful behind it rather than just being a checklist.

    I would agree, but that's where the monthly updates come in and this only an added thing, not something to take away from those.

  • @realstyli

    Fully understand.
    But still the want to play the game shouldnt be weeklies or daylies, but the want to play the game and have fun.
    They can pick a journey or 5 every week.
    Why do we need a weekly for it?
    If i want to and have fun i do play.
    Not because i have a talk in Mond i can do.
    The PL among us weren't incentivized as they are Legends already and all the others have already the incentive to level further beside to have fun playing.

    I know what you want and it would work, but i think it's the wrong way around and if too many like it we will get lootboxes and daylies
    Imho this is not the game or community for this aproach, bit i'm sure if they make it have this a good amount of gamers cant let go and rush it all the time.
    But you know what happens then?
    They wand more, more, more and more.
    Endlessly as this is a neverending spirale of demands what can ever be satisfied.
    All game developers have this problem they cannot code content that fast than addicted gamers smoke up.
    It took a year to develop Tall Tales.
    We were finished with them 5 times after a week or so.
    Ok i and a crewmember had time and need not go to work etc. So we hardcore played them every day for a week.
    What i wanted to say is
    Rare cannot code and Produkte content that fast than a dedicated gamer can work off.
    No chance.

    I dont think casuals need weeklies.
    I wait for this year how it evolves with monthly events and the emporium and what they will add to the game.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Maybe the monthly updates will be enough but I just sense that it could become a case where players only show up for the week they release and then the game goes quiet again and falls off the radar until the next month (While I know servers scale with player population, more player population does lead to better matchmaking and gameplay as a result).

    When we're looking at ways to keep players engaged in the game (not addicted but thinking about playing it over other games), this is a relatively simple feature to do, I reckon.

  • If you perform all the time you have none to be creative.

    Initially, I hopped on a bi-weekly train, thought that would be a good rate, but after further contemplation monthly updates seem more reasonable. Although, I wouldn't mind if they were just quarterly.

    • 12 updates per year seems 'OK' balance between performance and creativity.
    • 4 updates per year would give much more room to the creative part, which I'd personally favor over other options.
    • Bi-/weekly or even daily updates would force devs to spend time on recycling already existing concepts and give them almost no time to exercise their imagination to discover new original ideas. And if you ever try some creative work you'll learn it is an EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS that just does not happen in an instant (although there are times of enlightenment, breakthroughs and greater realizations)

    God created this universe and gave you free will to choose your destiny!
    Sorry I mean, RARE created the Sea of Thieves and gave you free will to choose your destiny!

    Let DEVs focus on expanding, enhancing and enriching the universe of SOT, improving its mechanics and finding the perfect balance between all things in it...
    ...instead of constantly asking them to feed you with new content because just like a puppet on a string you have no imagination of your own.

    If you can't have your own fun you're in for a very unfulfilling life anywhere you go and whatever you do, I can guarantee that much.

    Have a dream and live it out for fluff sake...

    I log in almost every day and play for hours on end, living out my own fantasies and having a blast. I'd like to invite you to give a try, be unafraid and dare to dream ... you'll discover many things about the life, the universe and yourself and you'll have the time of your life in the process, I can guarantee that much.

  • @bumbumbac

    Okay, firstly... what?

    After several reads, I think I managed to pick apart your comment to something constructive to the topic.

    Let DEVs focus on expanding, enhancing and enriching the universe of SOT, improving its mechanics and finding the perfect balance between all things in it...

    This is the Feedback & Suggestions forum. It's where we suggest ideas as well as give feedback. They can take and do with these ideas what they want, it's the who premise of this forum.

    ...instead of constantly asking them to feed you with new content because just like a puppet on a string you have no imagination of your own.

    This is not me asking for new content. It's suggesting a new optional feature to compliment existing content.

    Part of my job is sound design, so I would hope my imagination is functioning perfectly fine... at least I've had no complaints (to my face anyway).

    If you can't have your own fun you're in for a very unfulfilling life anywhere you go and whatever you do, I can guarantee that much.

    Have a dream and live it out for fluff sake...

    I log in almost every day and play for hours on end, living out my own fantasies and having a blast. I'd like to invite you to give a try, be unafraid and dare to dream ... you'll discover many things about the life, the universe and yourself and you'll have the time of your life in the process, I can guarantee that much.

    Yes, I've been playing since Open Beta. Again, this is not something I personally need but I think it could be useful to help keep new players engaged during lulls in content.

    SoT is my main multiplayer game and has been for the past year and bit, and I've noticed the surges and I've noticed the times when it seems like I'm the only one of my friends playing the game. I think we'd all benefit if SoT was always among the most played games and not just when new content drops once a month.

  • Haha nice @BumBumBac :D
    @RealStyli i understand where you are coming from now better and i have to agree i also would like to see the servers populated and the matchmaking better, but i didnt end up on completeley empty servers.
    I think what @BumBumBac said about Rare to need to find the Balance of all with creativity and content is very important.
    We cn smoke up content in some hours while it takes much longer to create it and deliver quality patches.
    HArd to say - a 2 weeks turnus for some smaller things to do between monhly updates may be a good thing, but it should not make you feel you have to, you can if you want and if you need that little incentive why not.

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