Why is nobody friendly anymore?

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  • @sockeyegaming sloops are faster against the wind. Sail away by heading into the wind. Sloops are also more agile. Take them towards rocks and weave through them. When you get to the other side, turn the wheel and anchor drop. Your ship will turn completely around. Now use the wind through the rocks and pelt the larger ships with cannonballs. Let them try to keep an eye on you so they hit a rock.

    I also like to take them near forts. I'll shoot myself off and fire at them from the fort towers which gives us more fire power than the sloop. Letting my sloop sail solo towards open waters and taking a mermaid once I made a few hits.

    I assume no one is friendly.

  • @sockeyegaming pvp is also fun. I was tired of this game when for a while the seas were too peaceful. I love the threat of always having to keep an eye on the horizon. Just take the other players as another a.i. you get to adapt too.

  • @sockeyegaming
    Hello Mr Sockeyegaming, first of all, i'm not that kind of Pirate ...i'm a Pirate that started to follow this game a few months after this Forum started . That Forum was of a total different order than it was today...Goofing, laughing, and debating about our wishes and dreams about this game were the daily order.

    And that reflected in the game too. We sailed out , not to silently destroy eachother , we looked who was sailing the ship and had a conversation with them just to see if they needed help with a map or riddle...And if we got shot ,we fired back but ...we never started the fire ( * Oh no, he's started again...the horror ...he's gonna sing Billy Joel the whole day now...And he can't sing, our moron i mean ,not Billy ,he can sing)...

    There was also some kind of encouragement from the Developers to have a positive approach towards eachother at the Sea...

    Nowadays there's no encouragement at all anymore , added with this ,there are 2 millions New Pirates that have arrived at the Sea . They have come mainly for the Arena and Tall Tales , have seen beautiful trailers that highlight shipbattles but along that way the real phyloshy of the game namely : " This game provides you with the tools to create yer own game which means endless ways of sailing through this game" has been lost along the way...

    Like you said , Friendly encounters become more seldom...
    Pirates don't look at flags , nor look at a Pirateship costumization...A fresh Pirate has not yet shining new Hull colours nor Sails and could be in need of some assisstance...
    That get's all tossed overboard , the mentality is changing into cold approaches, shooting without uttering one word...

    Our own world is suffering under global warming while the Sea of Thieves world is getting frosty because of indifference...

    Many New Pirates along a lot of "seasoned sea dogs" think that this game is made solely about shipbattles , meleefights and hijacking...They never have delved deeper in this game than the first obvious layer but i can tell you that there is much more than fight all the time , but lately i'm barking against Tall Trees ( * Ah ... That means you're getting less arrogant , moron, months ago you were barking up the Moon - No, he wasn't ,Sunshine , he was singing and dancing in the Pale of Moonlight * You call " that" singing? Man , Captain Tearface , you must be deaf)...

    Nomatter what happens on these seas and nomatter how many more Pirates with killing intent may come , i will never fire the first shot and i stay on the lookout for New Pirates that struggle to find their way in a massive gameworld filled with an endless stream of possibilities ...

    It's good to be on yer guard , and try to outsail the bigger crews while trying to establish one form of communication because the worst thing that can happen here is sailing around in a cold Sea where nobody is talking anymore...That would kill the game in time...

  • I do it cause there are no toilets in game!

  • I would also say, don't be afraid to fight back. If you lose you lose, chances are if you let them dictate the fight you will lose.

  • @sockeyegaming

    People will say its not Sea of Friends. Personally I've had a great time with friendly crews in the past and helping other crews on the seas but those days are pretty much gone I think. I miss those days, you can't even approach a ship to give away treasure or supplies anymore.

  • @sockeyegaming

    A famous general said, "If you think you will be beaten, then you have already lost." Victory is achieved by denying the aggressor what they want. There are several ways to accomplish that task. Do whichever you are inclined to do but deny him his goal and you have won.

  • No one is friendly anymore cus it’s the general vibe, if ur friendly you are easy targets and if You ask for friendlier environment you get told your a carebear :)

  • @ed-thache said in Why is nobody friendly anymore?:


    A famous general said, "If you think you will be beaten, then you have already lost." Victory is achieved by denying the aggressor what they want. There are several ways to accomplish that task. Do whichever you are inclined to do but deny him his goal and you have won.

    Don’t be friendly u have “already lost”

    This is the vibe/attitude I was speaking about in prior comment, not saying this guy is a bad guy but no one will say “continue you will find nice people” everyone will tell you that you have to avoid others and get gud, but to be friendlier you just need the community to stop being such decks and be nice and have fun instead of just GANKING on people!

  • @timboagogo said in Why is nobody friendly anymore?:


    People will say its not Sea of Friends. Personally I've had a great time with friendly crews in the past and helping other crews on the seas but those days are pretty much gone I think. I miss those days, you can't even approach a ship to give away treasure or supplies anymore.

    Who trusts a ship approaching you? No one that’s who, why because of the way the community is , trust and get ganked on, run and look like ur running cus u have all these amazing loot you don’t want to lose, stay and tell them your friendly and still get sunk?! The community spirit has gone( was never here but now all friendly players have had enough and stopped playing)

    We are a year in and have 2 million people play in the two months after AU, that’s a 1/4 of all players who have ever played. I wonder how many of the 6 million were the friendlier players who have given up?!?!

  • @SockeyeGaming
    make the beginning and start beeing friendly and gift something to players and offer your help, keep at distance, treat them with all respect and dont go on their Ship without allowance. Ask them.
    I can mostly hear from the others voice and the way they are speaking if they are honest or not, if i can trust them or not.
    Keep a security distance and start spreading the good vibes.
    Expect nothing back but cannonballs and slurs, but if you want to turn it around, then start beeing an idol and establish a new (old) togetherness.
    Simple as that.
    Dont ask others to turn around, dont complain.
    Be the change you want to see in the world!

  • @sockeyegaming Too many bad experiences have hardened the hearts of my crew and I to adopt a (mostly) shoot first, ask questions later approach. We sometimes try to fire a negotiator across, with varying degrees of success. I play with UK and US players and there is also a big divide. The US servers are far more aggressive in my experience.

  • Fly your Join Alliance Flag. I strictly PVP in Adventure Mode and always Fly my Offer Alliance Flag.

    Join and share money and rep ( and I’ll share my earnings with you) or die.

    I’ll also engage any ships you spot keeping you protected while you do your PVE.

  • @psychedelicodin said in Why is nobody friendly anymore?:

    @sockeyegaming Too many bad experiences have hardened the hearts of my crew and I to adopt a (mostly) shoot first, ask questions later approach. We sometimes try to fire a negotiator across, with varying degrees of success. I play with UK and US players and there is also a big divide. The US servers are far more aggressive in my experience.

    In the US we’re not aggressive we’re just trying to liberate everyone on the seas! From their oppressive booty!

  • @itskingbertie said in Why is nobody friendly anymore?:

    No one is friendly anymore cus it’s the general vibe, if ur friendly you are easy targets and if You ask for friendlier environment you get told your a carebear :)

    Shut up Care Bear!

    (I’m kidding!)

  • @glannigan said in Why is nobody friendly anymore?:

    Fly your Join Alliance Flag. I strictly PVP in Adventure Mode and always Fly my Offer Alliance Flag.

    Join and share money and rep ( and I’ll share my earnings with you) or die.

    I’ll also engage any ships you spot keeping you protected while you do your PVE.

    It's a good way to keep it balanced.
    We also offer Alliance and want 50% of their booty.
    If not agreeing we take 100% if we can.
    Most dont want to try out ^^
    We also share the booty of those crews who didnt agree and tried to find out.

  • I have noticed with alliances that people are rarely interested in actually being in an alliance. Most of my experiences are with people who are only interested in taking all your loot instead of getting 50% of your loot deliveries. It seems tragically short sighted.

    That said, when I'm near another crew who purports to be friendly, I have 10 regular cannonballs, 10 of my best cursed cannonballs, 5 wood and the fish I absolutely can't part with if my ship sinks(or pineapples) on hand at all times. Hold your hand out in friendship-but keep your other hand on your weapon!

  • Im friendly.
    I always say thank you after i take your loot 😊
    Im just playin. You have a point. Every session is different. Still alot of cool players out there

  • Read my All About That Glory post. There are a few kind souls about. (Me lol) Fly the alliance flag, point your cannons and harpoons up.

  • @sockeyegaming

    I am both, so I start answering
    What do you guys do to prevent these players from attacking?
    First, I don't mind beeing sunk. But I'm trying not to attract attention. A ship that hectically sets sail and flies away seems to have something to lose... it awakens the hunting instinct. So I avoid doing so.
    When the horizon is full and my mission prevents me from reacting quickly to another ship, I sometimes deposit my treasures on the island where I am. I only charge when the horizon is safe and deliver as early as I can. Or I blow up my own mast, then the ship appears as already robbed and is not interesting. Or I just let my ship go on or stand at a neighboring island and do the job with a rowing boat.
    Usually I stay cool. I don't anchor, but turn the ship into defensive position, observe with the telescope and have possibly loaded a violet enchanted cannon ball. The enemy is allowed to see what he is potentially getting into. But he will want to avoid being sunk by me and will leave me alone most of the time.

    Or if you are one of those players, why do you do it?
    A ship that doesn't flee has nothing to lose or its crew is just cool and prepared. When I see a ship that sets sail quickly as I approach and flees, I assume it has something to save. Something I could potentially like.
    If the wind direction, the escape direction, the geographical environment of the escaping ship is to my advantage, I hunt it.

    What else?
    With a ship that doesn't flee and stays calm, I ask for the wish of an alliance, if someone needs help, how they feel, if they had fun.
    On a ship that has some problems, I help to repair and scoop water, give some boards or bananas - if the other crew allows me.
    On a ship that is in grave against a kraken or megalodon, I come aboard with a loud announcement to help.
    On a ship that lies on the beach of an island because of a tall tale, it may also happen that I guard it doing some fishing. I often place a chest on their deck to show my good intensions, because I am so often attacked immediately, no matter what I say or do.

  • @d-jaguar This is some good advise, but most of the time the opposition is a sloop duo. My biggest problem is my solo playing because I am an easy target and have a difficult time defending against close combat and ship combat at the same time. Being someone who has played since April last year, I know most things about the game (and I'm Athena 10) but unfortunately a lot of that info is easy spread now and I can't hold an advantage in that way anymore.

  • @clumsy-george Thats a lot of writing lol. So basically what you're saying is to adapt to this new style of play?

  • @badassfro I do fight back most times, but a 1v2 is difficult in such a small space. (Sloops, docks, etc)

  • @ed-thache I'd like to meet this general lol. Great advise, I'll keep that in mind!

  • @itskingbertie Toughen up basically, I'll improvise and hopefully win from now on!

  • @bugaboo-bill Its that kind of behaviour that provokes them to murder me, no thank you.

  • @psychedelicodin Apparently Australian servers aggressive as well. I would love to try UK servers but 300 ping is a pain.

  • @glannigan I always forget to fly that damn flag. If people ask for assistance I'm always happy to give it.

  • @doctorfork Someone attacked me recently but luckily I had a bright pondy in my inventory after sinking. lol

  • @sockeyegaming thats what I mean by try to dictate the battle, don't have it in places that favour them

  • @goedecke-michel I suppose I give off those vibes too often. I should play it smarter from now on like you said, thanks!

  • @badassfro aah ok. I'll flee to open areas from now on!

  • @sockeyegaming said in Why is nobody friendly anymore?:

    @bugaboo-bill Its that kind of behaviour that provokes them to murder me, no thank you.

    That's the answer to your question, seriously.
    You stopped trying.

    If we allstop trying we have what you complain about.

    Wait for real time politricks these days.
    The day they stopped trying the others have won and we are again go for another time in western society.

    Britain, Netherlands, USA, Italy, France, Poland.... and what was not imaginable for Germany again since i was born 1976 is real again.

    Stop trying and see what happens.
    SoT is an example for peoples behaviour and aproach and how the good ones dont try anymore if they have tried ever.

  • @sockeyegaming not what I'm saying, but I can see you not going to get it.

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