Yarr, I drew a Sea of Thieves comic strip...

  • The Secret Life of Skellies 1

    I'm not the only one that wonders about what the skellies get up to when players aren't around, right?

    (Originally posted in Tavern Tales; it might make more sense to move it here.)

  • 16
  • @doctor-nik most excellent! Bring me more!

  • Amazing! keep em coming, maybe even start an Instagram for just these :)

  • @doctor-nik

    Brilliant... keep it up you "Scurvy Dog" !

  • Haha fantastic comic @doctor-nik - Eight weeks?!
    That would be a 22+ hour voyage canonically.


    (Shared with some folks here in the studio, we all appreciated it and got a good laugh. Look forward to seeing more.)

  • @doctor-nik This is great! ....and part of a bigger series...? 🤔🤞

  • this actually made me laugh, great way to start the morning

  • @triheadedmonkey I hope so! I have more ideas... now all I need is the time 🧐

  • Excellent. Great talent you have.

  • @doctor-nik really nice gimme more

  • @doctor-nik A wonderful comic and a great concept of how skelly lives matters! Maybe you can spin us a tale of them complaining about being attacked all the time while they're out on the seas trying to do their own quests. Always being attacked by pirates. Lol.

  • @doctor-nik Haha! Wow, this is incredible! Amazing work :)

  • We want more!!!

  • Love it!! Great job xD

  • @doctor-nik Very funny! Looks like you got some great comic skills! Bring on some more! :)

  • Good job. Want more now!

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