• the new curse is ugly and to much gold,
    I want my old curse back
    I guess I will not be using it anymore

    I loved how mine looked and how it made me look unique

    Now It looks like I stuck both my hands into a tub of peanut butter, I loved how I didn't have it on my hands before.

    why didn't they just let us reroll it until we found one we liked

    thank you special flakes you ruined my curse so that way everyone can be the same

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  • @algaram didn't see the new one yet
    My old one wasn't the best, could have been better, but as you said, it was unique and that's what I liked about it...

  • Im really motivated to continue with my tall tales now! .... .... ... ... borat voice


  • @algaram I really want them to undo this and add optional rerolls

  • im wrapping my head around of Rare's thinking. Do they want players to be Unique? or just pretty much want a soviet union kind of system? Because i havent finish the first round in TT but to hear that doing things 5 times to get a curse that is totally the same for everyone just gives less incentive to even play let alone do TT more than once

  • Its complete trash now they need to turn it back

  • Here's an idea guys!

    Instead of just complaining all the time, and say things like "Turn it back to the way it was" or "Just let us swap gold curse-appearances like t-shirts".

    Why don't we actually make detailed suggestions to IMPROVE the curse instead? Eeeh? :D
    Like for example, similar to a pirate-generator, a curse-appearance generator that will act as a basic template for all curses of the "Corruption that spreads" variety that will let you select an appeance you are happy with etc?

    They probably made this change, because people complained without giving constructive feedback to begin with, so i think we should learn from that, and, provide constructive feedback!

  • My old curse was far better, and I believe that literally the entire community on here and Reddit were much more intelligent with how to handle things. As it stands, I LOVED my old curse. This new one is literally the same exact curse but worse. It clashes with everything I have tried equipping, and feels more like I have leprosy than a neat curse. Honestly, I want them to revert it and look for better solutions. Until then, after a poor week, I'm setting the game aside.

  • @sweltering-nick said in THE NEW GOLD HOARDER CURSE:

    Here's an idea guys!

    Instead of just complaining all the time, and say things like "Turn it back to the way it was" or "Just let us swap gold curse-appearances like t-shirts".

    Why don't we actually make detailed suggestions to IMPROVE the curse instead? Eeeh? :D
    Like for example, similar to a pirate-generator, a curse-appearance generator that will act as a basic template for all curses of the "Corruption that spreads" variety that will let you select an appeance you are happy with etc?

    They probably made this change, because people complained without giving constructive feedback to begin with, so i think we should learn from that, and, provide constructive feedback!

    You are right for sure, but some of us i think yourself included did this about 2 weeks ago, surely before they had finalized this decision....

    Let us reroll it and add more possibilities if people dont like the current selection.

    I think the problem is rare not listening to actionable feedback as often as they should, and listening to reactionary feedback to much.

    All feedback is feedback and while i agree with you on which one is more useful, i think this post is a reflection of the type of post they seem to listen to, rather than atleast myself wanting this to be the case. I like it better when they listen to feedback with a lot of thought put in with intelligent counter points that progress the idea and how it will fit into their game. As is we see them end up banning half of the best of these types of posters because they get frustrated and stop caring about the forum rules, when they realize all their effort means next to nothing when rare goes and listens to feedback like this instead.

  • I hate this new change. I was so excited, had been working so hard for the last several days to finish my quests, so I could get my unique gold curse. I finished my quest... just now at 12:52am on 5/24. And my curse looked the same as my crewmate's. How disappointed was I to see this, after seeing SO many cool screenshots of unique gold cursed pirates? And the worst part? It hides most of the cutest feature of the pig tattoo, the curly tail. I like the idea of letting us choose a couple looks we like. Maybe tailor them to body/pirate type that was chosen when we first made our characters. But, my pirate doesn't look like any other pirate and I don't want to be cursed like the rest, either. Please fix. Thanks.

  • I haven't even seen the new change yet, I don't even have the cosmetic. Only got a few more TallTales to finish before I give out my opinion on it (different pirate model so yeah).

    Can anyone get an image of what the new curse looks like?

  • Why not make it random generated but you get to pick it like your pirate

  • @foxywiththemoxy said in THE NEW GOLD HOARDER CURSE:

    I haven't even seen the new change yet, I don't even have the cosmetic. Only got a few more TallTales to finish before I give out my opinion on it (different pirate model so yeah).

    Can anyone get an image of what the new curse looks like?

    It looks the same on everyone now.

  • @sweltering-nick
    Man, I see why everyone hates that.

  • @blazedrake100 Yeah... I mean im happy with that look, because i got screwed by RNG in the first version of it, but i can't approve of the fact that it looks 100% identical to everyone elses curse, now.

    I really think at the very least, we can choose the version we like the most, for example in a curse pattern generator, and once having made a choice, it's permanent, the same way your pirate is... That would've been way better than making everyone clones, lol. xD

  • @sweltering-nick
    I agree so much. People who earn it should be unique, but there should be something like the ipg so they're happy.

  • @sweltering-nick said in THE NEW GOLD HOARDER CURSE:

    @foxywiththemoxy said in THE NEW GOLD HOARDER CURSE:

    I haven't even seen the new change yet, I don't even have the cosmetic. Only got a few more TallTales to finish before I give out my opinion on it (different pirate model so yeah).

    Can anyone get an image of what the new curse looks like?

    It looks the same on everyone now.

    I love it... I LOVE IT!
    The amount of gold on it... now this is my kind of cosmetic since it represents a pirates greed, and I'm a greedy pirate as well.
    Thanks for the image, can't wait to get this cosmetic.

    Edit: Once I get the cosmetic (and reached PL), I'll post an image of what my pirate looks like with it, also quick question, how do you post images? I tried doing it before but the image wouldn't show (I used imgur but it might have been an incorrect link or file type)

  • @foxywiththemoxy said in THE NEW GOLD HOARDER CURSE:

    @sweltering-nick said in THE NEW GOLD HOARDER CURSE:

    @foxywiththemoxy said in THE NEW GOLD HOARDER CURSE:

    I haven't even seen the new change yet, I don't even have the cosmetic. Only got a few more TallTales to finish before I give out my opinion on it (different pirate model so yeah).

    Can anyone get an image of what the new curse looks like?

    It looks the same on everyone now.

    I love it... I LOVE IT!
    The amount of gold on it... now this is my kind of cosmetic since it represents a pirates greed, and I'm a greedy pirate as well.
    Thanks for the image, can't wait to get this cosmetic.

    Edit: Once I get the cosmetic (and reached PL), I'll post an image of what my pirate looks like with it, also quick question, how do you post images? I tried doing it before but the image wouldn't show (I used imgur but it might have been an incorrect link or file type)

    Some links simply don't work, that particular picture was linked via opening the picture in a discord server, and copypasting the link for the picture in the webbrowser.

    You could also always use Gyazo, much faster and easier.

  • I don't think that many people are happy about this change? I'm still wondering why the did it?

  • @algaram

    The uniqueness of the curses were a nice addition, but also resulted in some pirates getting the shorter end of the stick, as a RNG result can be great but also horrible. Therefore with the standardized version some pirates got an improvement and others a downgrade in their opinion.

    Express yourself in being unsatisfied with the way Rare addressed the issue of those having bad RNG... however there is no reason to name call, snowflakes, those that expressed their disappointment in the RNG curse they received.

    Your post here is doing the exact same as they did when they saw their result. Express their disappointment in the visual aspects that they received, as you are now expressing your disappointment in the update of the visuals. I wonder if you had a bad RNG result where your pirate barely had any gold or only on spots that weren't visible with clothing, whether you would have made a post to Rare that you didn't like the curse you received, while your friends have epic curses.

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