The brig that could and would, but ultimately still fail

  • Ahoy there me fellow tavern lurkers, gather ‘round for i have a short tale to share with ya all!

    Oi Tasha, a round of Grog on me for all pirates present.

    So yesterday on my weekly adventure voyage me and @Nessiroj started out with the two of us on a Gally and started stocking up whikst waiting on our two fellow crewmates, the plan was reach the shores of gold four more times to make a total of five, we all know how this Rathbone has been hoarding WAY too much gold for anybody’s liking.

    The wait took a bit longer then expected and whilst sailing to the peak of morrow we decided to stop by an active skull fort so i could do some waves and @Nessiroj could get some fishing done, not long thereafter we where joined by 3rd and 4th crewmate.

    A brig chose to swing by and shoot their crew over to try and take the fort from us, we noticed and gave them a swift ticket to the ferry of the damned, they tried once more after just finishing the fort but where yet again not able to take it from us.

    We got the loot aboard and once more set sail to morrow pick in order to get our tall tale going, when entering the devil’s Roar we noticed the brig following us and gaining on us. No problem or so we thought we are soon on our way to tribute peak making it real tough for them to follow.

    But then they got real smart real fast and noticed the stronghold gunpowder barrel in our crows nest and started sniping it from their ship, most shots where unsuccesfull but all of a sudden one big explossion, three collapsed masts, a broken helm, capstan and multiple holes filling our deck later we where done and sunk... the size of the explosion was so grand that our crew got sent flying and had no chance to get back in time... well played brig, well played....

    2 of our crew went to our new ship whilst me and one other stayed behind to delay them some more and then i noticed the most beautifull of things, they where right next to a volcano that just started spilling its guts... i got sent to the ferry and was quickly back on the new ship, respawned all the way in the south of the Roar and heading north full billow (where both the shores of gold are and we might even get to see the brig that got our loot) a fog bank rolled up un us and kept a lookout on the seas when to our joy we found a sad brigantine floating there with broken masts getting pummeled by rocks, we found them still st the scene of the crime pirating, we anchored down sent one man below deck to fix the holes the volcano was making and i went over to their ship, right as i boarded them a big rock hit on of the occupants sending him to the ferry once more, just before he went though i yelled out “We’re Baaaaaaaack!!” And made sure the brigantine sank.

    We got our loot back, which in all honesty they could’ve kept because with a crew full of pirate legends and more gold than can fit in the goaldhoarders lair we didnt really need it, but hey who doesn’t like a good revenge story.

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  • Those are the most fun fights, getting outplayed by a "new" tactic (aka outsmarted), but afterwards out playing them with either skill (or luck as in this case) as revenge!

    Agree on the loot part, even if they got away i whould have applaud them for the way to got the loot tbh instead of being salty

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