Sinking a Skeleton ship with only a Rowboat

  • So... this is a very odd story I had to share. I decided to try to hunt skeleton ships for the captain skeleton skull. Needed one more to get the bonecrusher wheel. I spotted on and started heading to it. It was in a storm too, which is great news... or so I thought. Not until they started shooting nonstop sleeping balls and forced me not to repair or bail. I was solo on a sloop, and she went down. I also remembered I had my rowboat and saw the skeleton galleon was half way sunk.

    I followed closely behind through the storm, almost lost the rowboat, and waiting for the rain to sink her... it didn't. She left the storm and I try bailing water into her. It is not working for me since I kept getting shot, had no food, and didn't want to die. I was sure I would lose... until I saw where she was heading. Hidden Spring Keep.

    It was a gift from God that she headed that way. I raced in front of her, dodging the sniper. If it got me it would have been game over. I raced as fast as I could row, grabbed food and a single explosive. I then raced in front of her, and dropped the barrel in her path, rowing away. I then waited anxiously. Very slowly she crawled. Then she touched it with the kraken figurehead's jaw. BOOM, and 5 seconds later, she went under. She didn't have the skull though, but either way it was worth it. Rowed to Sanctuary Outpost and sold it.

    Now I got bragging rights that I sunk a skeleton ship, solo, with a rowboat and minimal supplies.

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  • Well played! :")

  • @cheatingpirate That sniper can ruin your day when you've already lost your ship. You made a smart choice to avoid him. If you stay really close to the side of the hull, he has trouble shooting you though. Probably not so easy on a random roaming skelleon but the ones in the fleet battle will circle a specific rock when no ships are in the area. I always row around the opposite side, jump in the water before they reach me and hug their hull as I bucket water up and over. Not a fast method but it does work.

    Im glad you didn't give up when your ship sank, then come here to complain about them being overpowered when clearly you were already at a disadvantage being solo. We get a ton of that. You adapted to the situation and finished the job with what you had. Good job.

  • @testakleze Well thank you. I tried bucketing water into the side of the railing, but it kept shooting at me, same with the blunderbuss skellys.

    I do have trouble with the sleep balls stacking and keeping me from repairing or moving.

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