Here is a quick question.

  • In the most recent trailer for Sea of Thieves; it showed that the mast on ships can be damaged and broken. Due to this I can assume that will slow you down and hinder your ability to make any forward movement efficiently. So, here is my question.
    What is the point of the cursed rigging ball? If you are able to have the same effect while only shooting the mast. Then why have the cursed counterpart? I'm guessing the cursed cannonballs are just place holders for incoming mechanics to the game.
    what do you think?

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  • @lunar-craze

    If we're able to target and fire on an enemy ship's mast then that means its another point of repair for the crew.

    IMO a good thing.

    Also the ability to specifically target a mast is a point of skill, also a good thing.

    The cursed rigging ball at that point is the training wheels version for people who cant aim.

  • The cursed rigging ball sort of acts as a way to quickly disable the masts but for a shorter time. At that point it’s a risk v reward. You can take the risk by firing canon balls at the mast to slow down the players more or quickly fire a ball to stop them for a few seconds. And keep in mind that the rigging ball raises all sails while in the trailer it appears that you need 3 cannons to hit directly on the mast to bring it down, but that may vary between masts.

  • @swimplatypus7 I agree. now that I look back on it; if that is the case I would enjoy the game a lot more. (I love having skill over anything else.) also; I wouldn't miss the rigging ball if they did take it out for this mechanic.

  • @lunar-craze the trailer showed the ship mast getting struck a few times. A rigging ball would allow you to slow an enemy ship quickly with a single ball and then more easily shoot the mast to bring it down with the ship not moving.

    Also the rigging ball can be easily used defensively to shoot any ship moving into engage you while you make a getaway.

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