Swords are the new meta and feel very annoying to fight against.

  • First off let me start off by saying: yes I know you can block: but that hardly matters when the block feature barely works. I don't know if it's a recent chang or people just use swords more since the gun nerfs but they honestly feel way stronger than before. Anyway here's a list of changes that I think would improve sword combat a lot and make them still retain the usefulness of them.
    -Remove the stagger effect when hit. It's annoying and makes it impossible to defend when pinned.
    -Make swords have a "clash" when two players both swing. Have you ever seen Star Wars when lightsabers hit one another they clash and knock back. I think this would be an immersive and cool feature.
    -Blocking needs to be wider and defend more of the body. I've noticed that people can go at a slight angle with sword swings and blocking can't counter it.
    These are just my personal takes on what could help but I would really like something to be done about swords, as of right now to win a fight its just a quick-draw on who can hit the right click faster.

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  • Well said, I too think they need to fix the sword combat.

  • I always use sword and pistol combo for pvp and pve mostly, and I feel like yea it definitely needs a change on defending your own self. I personally think it should stagger the attacker when they hit your block instead bcuz like you said how the hell is someone supposed to block something that keeps coming without any separation between the two pirates. You should be able to completely block as long as your front side is facing them. Maybe put an action where the two grind each others swords via tapping x or something until one of them wins the clash of the swords and slices the other. Make it to where that only happens when you guys swing at each other at the same time maybe?

  • @xix-zeno-xix That clash idea sounds cool! The only problem I could see with that is other crew members killing the other person before the clash is done

  • @p3nc1lp0uch I still think in some circumstances it would still be a good thing. For example I was doing a reapers run a few days ago with my friends, and a different crew was also doing the same at wanderers refuge. I was still on the island trying to dig up one of the chests we needed and I ended up actually sword fighting with a dude on the beach alone for like 2 mins straight. (Bcuz of how the combat system is now) No interruption from anyone else but a god dang GP skelly! Lol

    I think maybe the GP skellys spawn rate should be lessened especially when another crew is on the same island, so sword fights like mine that happens doesn't get bombarded with GP skellys.

    Maybe also allow friendly fire to be enabled so that we can fuel each other if wanted. This I dont really care if gets enabled though I thought it would be funnier for the game to have, I am also fine without it.

    Hopefully players would respect a sword fight between two pirates and not interrupt not only the enemy, but their buddy too.

  • @p3nc1lp0uch As a sword enthusiast, I agree with two swords swinging at the same time should make a clash. in my dussack class (Very similar to a cutlass) there are specific ways to block or parry. If one does a zornhau from the right shoulder, a person could also cut at it from their right, making a block essentially. And what do the pirates do here? Well... they do small swings from the right shoulder. if this game was more realistic, the swings would not go through each other. The lunge is more likely to go through the block though. Here is a few videos of just that.

    When it comes to stagger, there is a disagreement. Cuts have a wide area that they affect, which does make it stop or stun. A thrust or stab, the surface area is much smaller and more likely to run through a person. Basically, cuts deal less damage but more stopping power, and the thrust is more damaging and less stopping power.

    With the block, I think you should be able to turn and block, which would also also players block high to counter PC players. (Yes, I am a PC player)

  • If the sword has no speed penalty it shouldn't stun it's target
    If the sword stuns it's target it should have a slow penalty in the person using it.

    Simple as that.

  • @p3nc1lp0uch I've always used a sword and pistol, nothing new there. That said, I agree with your points. They really messed up the sword in the last update. It even makes pve more frustrating... Somehow skeletons can swing through my sword, which opens me up to be hit by ALL of them because of the stun. Then I die. Repeatedly....

    Can somebody explain how a skeleton can block my 3 swings while it's staggering back from a sword lunge?

  • Yeah, I hate the new sword combat still.

    Clash idea seems like a nice thing. Simply, if 2 players "trade" hits at the same time, they clash instead and knock each other back.

    The real problem is the new mobility, and how blocking gives 0 mobility. While you block, you move slow, but blocking attacks has you stand completely still. This was appropriate when swords also moved slow while swinging, but now a sword user swinging is more rewarded for spamming the button than blocking.

    If I would change things, this is how:

    • 2nd and 3rd swing slows you down
    • Stunlock even mid-air opponents now
    • Charge attacking now works like as if you held block. (No more difference between not blocking or blocking before charge attacking)

    The problem with the previous sword combat was that it couldn't catch other people because those people would just jump. When in mid-air, you cant be stunlocked (And is still the case). If we can simmer down swords mobility back to what it used to be, but make it consistent in catching opponents, we then shouldn't need this new sword combat, and there is ways to counter swords, while also having the sword users in need to control themselves.

  • Has anybody hit an enemy only to get shot or hit right back only to get stunned and pinned? And then be defenseless? I have footage of this sword combat and its grinding my gears.

    When I hit someone they should be stunned just the same as it happens to me every time.

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