Where is stitcher jim?

  • i went to liars backbone and he was not there. is there something explaining in the world why or did Rare just take him cause whatever

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  • It's part of his lore. His presence on Liar's Backbone was tied to the Forsaken Shores event, which involved solving the mystery of "Captain Sorrow".
    As the event has concluded, and the mystery, partially, solved, Stitcher Jim's surely moved on, and if you followed his storyline, you can guess at what he might be up to now.

    It's just part of how events work, like how you won't find Merrick or Wanda around anymore, but there's good reasons for it.

  • What a great event. At first I actually thought he was a victim.You learn that he is very old and very evil

  • @barnacle-blake who can tell with Jim if evil is really a term for him

  • I believe he is now finishing the final details of his evil plan with the Gold Hoarder!

  • @weststormborn said in Where is stitcher jim?:

    @barnacle-blake who can tell with Jim if evil is really a term for him

    no idea what that means

  • @barnacle-blake if you did not played the event, or know about SoT lore you won't be able to get the refference.

  • @biostructr I played it beat it have figurehead - still lost...

    must be a phrase from Foresaken shore book?

  • @barnacle-blake my bad I have not read through all of the posts, ok well, I think that evil is not a suitable word to describe him but if you read the Athena's Fortune book you will know what kind of person he is.

  • @biostructr I have the book its very good and he is very evil by definition ---profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.

  • @barnacle-blake aye, I finished it a couple months ago, it was really awesome, especially the last 4 chapters.

  • @tundra-793 thanks my guy

  • @biostructr I need to read it because I'm totally lost on SoT lore. I did all of the events but for Forsaken Shores it allows you to do it out of order so I didn't even talk to Morrow until I was done... And I'm not sure I ever talked to Jim during the event... so I'm really lost on the lore for that one.

    Does Athena's fortune discuss the events that transpired during this time? Or is it all pre-SoT?

  • @xcalypt0x It it is all pre-SoT but Stitcher Jim is mentioned in a few paragraphs. It is a really good book and the base of the game lore so I really recommend to read it.

  • @biostructr I own it but it's for my collection so it does not get opened lol. I will have to order another copy along with another copy of the comics xD

  • @xcalypt0x Lol, aye the comics are really great as well, some more information about DeMarco and Lesedi, than you find out on the internet!

  • @biostructr @xCALYPT0x book and comics and Tales from the Sea of Thieves all arriving in the mail tomorrow! By Sunday evening, I will be a much more informed sailor of the Sea of the Thieves...

  • @vorondil1 Haha, Awesome to hear that! I will have to get myself the Tales from the Sea of Thieves book as well, that's the last one for me to read.

  • @vorondil1 Nice! Hopefully I'll be joining you at some point xD I also want to watch Falcore's lore stuff but I have heard that there is a lot of speculation and I don't want to mix canon with speculation.

  • @xcalypt0x same! I'll probably run through his stuff once I'm done with the "canon" lore. I did watch his piece on the backstory/history of the Kraken/Krakens, and it was surprisingly interesting! It made me think that SoT has a surprisingly deep and well-thought-out backstory. It's easy to mistake it as a whimsically under-thought cartoon, but that's just because they don't shove the lore down your throat -- they make you work and speculate to find it!

  • @xcalypt0x I have watched Falcore videos after reading the book, some of the speculations were actually really close to the lore! Props to the guy for making the videos and discovering many secrets.

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