How can we join the Insider Program?

  • I wanna know how i can help with the Program

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  • @max-zenglein Ahoy matey!

    The new Pioneer programme will not be released until the 12th March (This Tuesday!)

    So keep yer eyes peeled for more info this week.

  • @musicmee Yea i know i just Wanna know just in Case

  • @musicmee question:

    If we are already part of the insider program, do we have to rejoin? Is this a new version of the insider program that previous insiders will have to rejoin? Or can players who are already part of the insider program just wait to see how they can be part of the Pioneer testing?

    I am already part of the insider program, but would like the opportunity to be part of the pioneer testing. Is that what is being offered to "insiders" on March 12th? (tommorrow)

  • @musicmee is there a certain time frame to join the new insider program?

  • Will we get an update for that i assume?

  • @karouli Correct :) Here and on their social media platforms soon!

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