New Merchant Voyages

  • So does anyone know how much the new cargo run items sell for? Also what do the patch notes mean by "Robust" when referring to cargo?

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  • @jantomonxbox Although I am not sure on the new selling prices, if memory serves me right by more robust they mean that cargo takes more effort to ruin it. I.E. it takes longer water exposure to ruin cloth, more jumping/hits to ruin bottles, more time unwatered to wilt plants.

  • I believe someone posted earlier today saying the cargo sold for twice the price. I'm assuming they were talking about the nondevil's roar cargo and that it sold for 700 in pristine condition.

  • I sold Plants and Cloth for 700g. Prime condition. I talking about non devils roar cargo. ;)

  • Yeah, 700g per prime condition item. Distance of the voyages is dramatically reduced too!

  • Hello, i can confirm a did two mission with pristine stock of rhum, clothes and plant and all of them were sold for 700 gold each .
    This help a lot with the merchant reputation.

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