QoL Improvement for Seaposts

  • Ahoy Mates!
    Quick Quality of life Improvement Suggestion here:
    I think in order to add more relevance to Sea Posts we should be able to pick up Cages and Crates from them.
    Chicken Cage
    Banana Crate

    This feature I'm proposing could be added to the island inhabitants, making them a bit more relevant as well.
    (Island Inhabitants meaning: Martha the Fierce and Grog Socked Ed etc)

    Anyways mates, what do you think of this Quality of life Improvement Suggestion I got here?
    Let me know!
    Until then see ya on the seas!

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  • Excellent idea! I know all my crew mates and I like picking them up and just collecting animals and supplies. The boxes help out carrying the around to get supplies and retain vital storage. Plus you get to sell them at the end of the session for a little gold if a voyage does not pop up for them along the way.

    I really like the idea that we collect things ahead of time and find a buyer and way to trade later.

  • @sgt-palooggoo instant upvote, maybe introducing cages would need animals' price tag to be revised, for balance purpose, but thats what we need for a lively ship and more sailing merchants to get in the open..

  • @sgt-palooggoo Great idea!

    I had also suggested awhile back that the sea posts should have exclusive items to find in barrels or a one time purchase from the NPC at the location. These items would be rare, no pun intended and would only have 1 item per-server and would be completely random.

    Imagine going to a sea post and digging through barrels and you find an exclusive, one of a kind tartan pattern set of pants. Yes a gross over exaggeration, but you would be the only one with those tartan britches. Or going to a sea post NPC and being able to purchase a one of a kind jeweled eye patch for a determined amount of in game gold.

    This would make players visit the sea posts more frequently too, as I have noticed that most don't bother with the sea posts.

    Just my two cents.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in QoL Improvement for Seaposts:

    Excellent idea! I know all my crew mates and I like picking them up and just collecting animals and supplies. The boxes help out carrying the around to get supplies and retain vital storage. Plus you get to sell them at the end of the session for a little gold if a voyage does not pop up for them along the way.

    I really like the idea that we collect things ahead of time and find a buyer and way to trade later.

    Aye same here, because when you get a "Deliver 1 Crate of Wood planks to Sanctuary Outpost", you have to go to an outpost to pick up the Crate.
    With this suggestion in place you'd just have to go to a Seapost or to an island npc, which would make picking up Crates alot quicker.

  • I want this, needs to happen.

  • Fantastic idea.

  • With what the dev's have said so far about the improvement to cargo runs and the general merchant alliance. I think this is a great idea. The ability to chain run merchant alliance and lessen the distance you have to go. Instead of hauling back to an outpost you can go directly out and get your animals.

  • I like the idea, but only during quests and voyages. No freebies!

  • @galactic-geek
    Aye, it should be only for Quests and Voyages.

  • @galactic-geek I am on board with this, No free cages.
    I would be nice to be able to buy crates (Banana, Wood, Cannon ball) for 1000 to 1500 gold.

  • @sgt-palooggoo i reckon it would be good if you could pay for repairs and buy rescources from them, but alot of people dont like the idea of buying rescources

  • @d4m0r3d No to buying resources but buying the crates empty for a bit less that they sale for full.

  • I think sea post should randomly sell rare cosmetics that you can no longer get in game for a hefty sum.

  • I think they should be a full extension of the merchant alliance with being able to do everything the merchant alliance has on every outpost. why not? :)

  • @rickferd why not buy resources? whats the problem with being able to buy rescources

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