Disappearing Act

  • So, not wanting to do another solo adventure, I set up an LFG and recruited 3 other PLs. One of them put down an Athena's voyage, and we were well on our way.

    After an hour or 2, we had amassed a good deal of loot, and sunk numerous ships along the way. However, after a while, I started hearing some of the crew ask the others if they got their messages. I found this a bit odd, but let it go (2 of them happened to be friends after all).

    As we were passing by Daggertooth Outpost, I suggested we turn in our loot. So, they turned the ship about, docked, turned it all in, and...


    Without a word, all 3 had left the party and the game. I messaged them with a "?" with the only reply being a crude text drawing of a man's you-know-what in action (naturally, I reported this). Furthermore, they also took all of the CCBs that I wasn't carrying, and evidently put up the Reaper's Mark flag before leaving.

    ...and I have no idea what I may have said or done to deserve any of this - up until that point, I thought we were great together. I set up another LFG in the hopes of finding replacments, but unfortunately had no responses. 😥

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  • That is just ridiculous behavior not worthy of sailing on the Sea of Thieves. I am sure it had nothing to do with you at all. Some people unfortunately get their kicks and pleasure out of doing stuff like that and worse to others.

    It was totally uncalled for and I am glad you reported it. Keep your chin up and looking for truly good crewmates. If you need someone to sail along, there are many of us true pirates around these parts that I am sure would be happy to sail with you.

  • Open crew search preferences... Been saying this since launch. Rare is cutting corners, and it needs to stop.
    LFG and needing to use LFG to find a good group should't be the case this is bad game design.
    RARE needs to look into putting search preferences in their game especially with this opt out of crossplay coming. Its about to get real ugly folks.

    Imagine if the servers merge system was set to a search preference like LFG. You would run into more like minded people. Heck you may not even need opt out of crossplay with search preferences.

  • @galactic-geek

    Lol such is life on the seas comrade. Trust NO ONE

  • You dont deserve this. Played a voyage together whatever reason at least they could say srry we gotta go and thnx for playing and leave it in a nice way. This is just sad to leave like that -.-

  • They did you a favor they are not worth sailing with. Come join our clan AOD! You will have decent people to sail with every night. Joining AOD has improved my outlook on this game ten fold! Thanks AOD!!

  • @galactic-geek Sorry to hear that ! It's even worse when you do a LFG and you get one troll that doesn't do anything while your doing a fort. Then wait until your halfway to the outpost to drop the mega keg on your deck then leaves.

  • @galactic-geek so mean so glad you reported it

  • How random and bizarre! I suppose on the plus side you got compensated with that gold. But thar be some real strange people out there lol.

  • @galactic-geek I feel for you. Whatever should have persuaded the three, there is no excuse for that. I hope you reported all three for unsportsmanlike and offensive behavior @microsoft and @rare.

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