Order of Souls Leveling

  • Anybody know what's the preferred thing to do for this company? I have 50 on the other two and i'm 46 on OoS but it feels so sluggish compared to the others, villanious skulls barely give any reputation and aside from captains/strongholds they're the highest ones. Is there any certain zone I should be or voyage type I need to level this up faster? It feels so depressing to turn in 5-10 villainous skulls and my bar has barely nudged.

    At least for Gold Hoarders and Merchant there's an abundance of items to help you level whereas with skulls there aren't many so it seems weird that it goes by sooooo slow

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  • @simple-tora
    I know that every raid in a fort gives you a stronghold skull plus some other stuff that can be even other skulls....I find it the faster way

  • Devils roar vilianous does bump a bit.
    Stronghold skull will always be best!

    Maybe the captain skeleton skull would be nice aswell (possible skelly ship reward)

  • Have ye tried the Devil’s roar?

    Ashen skulls give double rep and gold plus most of the time the geysers kill the skeletons for you.

  • @biasedcarton824 I should do that, only thing is I usually end up super late to the fort and there's a bunch of ships already in the good spots where you can't be shot if I go into the devils roar. Guess it couldn't hurt though

  • Devils Roar order or souls is probably the best.
    If you can avoid the natural threats you will get the most XP and can use the “Geezers” to help kill the skeletons also.
    Comes in very handy when the metal ones spawn. :)

  • @knifelife said in Order of Souls Leveling:

    Devils Roar order or souls is probably the best.
    If you can avoid the natural threats you will get the most XP and can use the “Geezers” to help kill the skeletons also.
    Comes in very handy when the metal ones spawn. :)

    I was about to suggest this.
    This how I got 50 in the order of souls.

  • Ashen villainous skulls are one of the best items in the game. Yeah stronghold skulls are better but you get one per fort. You can get 4 ashen villainous skulls on a single island.

  • Aye would be in agreement that the Devils Roar is the place to be searching for ye OoS Skelliwag Captains.

    Maybe appease the RNG Gods of old by sacrificing OoS voyages unworthy of such a distinguished Pirate such as yourself.
    (focus on multiple Cpt's on small isles no Cano's to bother ye whilst collecting the booty.)

    Also a wee tip for ye laddi: Put down a voyage then go rebuy it from the vendor this way you can cycle through 6 and not the cap of 3 every 24h*(ingame hours)

  • @simple-tora Yep, as suggested do OoS in the Roar for sure. Keep dismissing and voting on maps until you get one with 4 skeleton captains on it for max efficiency.

  • @ionei-falcon small islands with multiple captains... dont do the rest of the quest, just keep dropping quests with small islands. As others said, you can do this in the roar as well.

  • Like as said before, just do DR souls missions. The geysers make it much easier.

  • @simple-tora Honestly, just buy them with doubloons. It's only 4 levels. Is it really worth it to spend the next several days fighting gold skeletons in the middle of a large island with no ammo box or water in sight, repeatedly?

  • The ashen items are pretty good for leveling

  • As everyone above me said- Devil's Roar quests for sure. It's even (arguably) easier to do the Order of Souls quests in the Devil's Roar because you can lead the skellies over the gaizers (geyser?) on the island to kill them instantly.

  • Nothing is better than grind for Oos :) as matteys said before. Devis roar is your Best option. Geyser are friends ! :)

  • @shinten-rai said in Order of Souls Leveling:

    @simple-tora Honestly, just buy them with doubloons. It's only 4 levels. Is it really worth it to spend the next several days fighting gold skeletons in the middle of a large island with no ammo box or water in sight, repeatedly?

    This is what I did. Check your achievements and see what you can do to get the doubloons and buy the last 3. I lit brazier beacons, cost me like 30 doubloons.

    Fair winds and following seas shipmate!

  • @simple-tora you can always buy the last few levels with dubloons

    I think the fastest way to gain level in OoS is Ashen Villainous skulls, as voyages in the Ashen Lands provide a very fast and efficient way to get these skulls. Check out our overall guide to Order of Souls quests here:

    See you on the Seas!!

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