• Thank you so much for catering to new and inexperienced players rather than encouraging people to GET BETTER AT THE GAME. You've began paving the way for your games death. WAKE UP DEVS!!

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  • @bootygrabberr very sad about the eye of reach nerf. I understand the gun animation change, but the damage and hipfire was nerfed. I do understand that the devs want sword and blundebuss close range, sniper far and pistol medium, but this change basically makes the eye of reach unusuable. Now there is basically no point of it.

  • They probably could have kept the damage the same for the EoR and just added a musket and give that the drop off damage for range?
    (I just want an iron sight rifle haha)

  • @bootygrabberr but hey, at the end of the day all of us have to live in these conditions. Nobody has an advantage over each other, and we just have to adapt. People are thinking that these small errors in combat changes gamebreaking.

  • @beanmariocow I disagree. The damage nerf was to balance it with the removal of the distance fall off for the damage. Meaning it will retain the same damage done from any distance where previously it did not. The hip fire nerf was done because the weapon is indeed a sniper and you're meant to use it to scope your enemies from a distance. That's what a sniper does, no?

    All signs point to giving every weapon a balanced, situational purpose. People have been using the EoR like a pistol, and that isn't right.

    Welcome to the age of planning your weapon setup based on your situation rather than a meta! I for one am happy to see that the cutlass will get it's chance to shine once again.

  • @chronodusk okay then tell me how you feel about xbox players soon being able to opt out of cross platform?

  • @bootygrabberr It's not on topic so I shouldn't answer, but I'm not a fan of the opt out for crossplay being implemented for a few reasons. I've said plenty about it in the mega thread.

  • @chronodusk yeah completly agree with you, its just the EoR is now unusuable. There is a one in a thousand chance you’ll have the time to snipe another person on someone elses ship, and then quickly run back to your ship to switch back your guns. The sniper rifle is now unusable (unless your just hiding in a crows nest sniping, but still will be unaffective)

  • @beanmariocow said in UPDATE:

    @chronodusk yeah completly agree with you, its just the EoR is now unusuable. There is a one in a thousand chance you’ll have the time to snipe another person on someone elses ship, and then quickly run back to your ship to switch back your guns. The sniper rifle is now unusable (unless your just hiding in a crows nest sniping, but still will be unaffective)

    I disagree. One of my crewmates is a very good EoR player. Having him aboard our ship, dedicated to sniping is absolutely amazing. The fact that the sniper is now used specifically for that is even better. It makes him all the more special

  • @beanmariocow It is still quite easy to 2 shot someone with the EoR, sure the nerf hurt it but before it was a bit too good. A lot of people are running sniper or pistol for range and blundy or sword for close range.

    Learn, adapt, overcome.

  • @beanmariocow Well the re-balance wasn't supposed to make it unusable. The EoR is definitely usable, but just for it's own intended purpose: scope sniping.

    What the update does for the EoR is this:

    Removes Double Gun Exploit - Reducing hip fire accuracy forces the player to scope, adding a further delay for the double shot on top of the newly implemented switch delay.

    Keeps people from using the EoR as if its a pistol - Here again reducing the hip fire accuracy is important, making the pistol the more sensible choice for standard mid range gunplay.

    Allows the EoR to shine more as a long range sniper - The EoR will now faithfully serve it's purpose as a long range sniper. Damage fall off was removed so that the EoR can still retain it's full damage potential from a long distance.

    IMO this re-balancing is fair and sensible. The double-gun meta is dead. Players will now need to select their weapons based on the situation they're in.

  • I honestly think this was a really balanced nerf with reduced damage over range removed. Plus if you're so good then this shouldn't be a problem. Just "get better at the game" if you're struggling this much with the nerf.

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