[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • "ackshually"

    I know what words you used, and I know what you meant to do by doing so. You've insisted on calling it that since go and you've been wrong the entire time. Its not "the controller pool" its an option for Xbox players to play only with Xbox players. Every time you try to undermine it I'm going to rebuke you.

    No PC in the Xbox pool.
    End of Story.

  • @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    I know what words you used, and I know what you meant to do by doing so. You've insisted on calling it that since go and you've been wrong the entire time. Its not "the controller pool" its an option for Xbox players to play only with Xbox players. Every time you try to undermine it I'm going to rebuke you.

    No PC in the Xbox pool.
    End of Story.

    Great so I was correct. At best all we have is a difference of opinion in our full views here, you can "rebuke" all you want it's not going to change anything in our discussion.

  • @troubled-cells

    Says BST. So I imagine they mean UK time.

  • @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    I know what words you used, and I know what you meant to do by doing so. You've insisted on calling it that since go and you've been wrong the entire time. Its not "the controller pool" its an option for Xbox players to play only with Xbox players. Every time you try to undermine it I'm going to rebuke you.

    No PC in the Xbox pool.
    End of Story.

    Great so I was correct. At best all we have is a difference of opinion in our full views here, you can "rebuke" all you want it's not going to change anything in our discussion.

    Right, so I was correct and you refuse to see the folly in demanding that PC players be given access to the Xbox only pool.

    I mean, say the words slowly to yourself and ask yourself how it makes any sense at all.

  • @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    I know what words you used, and I know what you meant to do by doing so. You've insisted on calling it that since go and you've been wrong the entire time. Its not "the controller pool" its an option for Xbox players to play only with Xbox players. Every time you try to undermine it I'm going to rebuke you.

    No PC in the Xbox pool.
    End of Story.

    Great so I was correct. At best all we have is a difference of opinion in our full views here, you can "rebuke" all you want it's not going to change anything in our discussion.

    Right, so I was correct and you refuse to see the folly in demanding that PC players be given access to the Xbox only pool.

    I mean, say the words slowly to yourself and ask yourself how it makes any sense at all.

    Frame it how you like if it makes you feel better lol, but I don't agree with your statements intent and claim, I've already gave my opinions & personal justification, and that's enough to rebuke your claim, that's not refusing to actually see something, it's just you trying to put a spin on my intent.

    It's only a difference of perspective in our discussions and I don't see it the same way you do.

    I'm sorry that you can't seem to accept that principle.

  • @troubled-cells

    Incorrect. It's not a difference of perspective. Rare has said they are making an xbox only pool and you've been opposed to that since you came to this thread. You've said that you would never stop complaining about it because thats what the console guys did and you can do it too. (lol, the difference is we had a good argument to make).

    I'm for the Xbox only pool and against your attempts to undermine it. I have not misrepresented you. You argue for pc in the Xbox pool do you not?

    No pc in the Xbox pool. Want in the Xbox pool, buy an Xbox like we did and pay for live to use it like we do, and then you'll have met the requirements to be in that pool on your Xbox. Its really very simple.

    Yes I've repeated this, and I'm happy to keep doing so until you finally understand, or until Rare finally gets it done, whichever comes first.

  • @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Incorrect. It's not a difference of perspective. Rare has said they are making an xbox only pool and you've been opposed to that since you came to this thread. You've said that you would never stop complaining about it because thats what the console guys did and you can do it too. (lol, the difference is we had a good argument to make).

    I'm for the Xbox only pool and against your attempts to undermine it. I have not been wrong about you. You argue for pc in the Xbox pool do you not?

    No pc in the Xbox pool. Want in the Xbox pool, buy an Xbox like we did and pay for live to use it like we do, and then you'll have met the requirements to be in that pool.

    Yes I've repeated this, and I'm happy to keep doing so until you finally understand.

    And yet despite voicing my opinions at least I've stopped repeating them at you, I've had my say on the points I've made and I stand by it , it's all good for me on that front.

    I don't need to explain the in's and out's of my difference in preference, perception and points of opinion again.

    It's a bit sad my man that you keep thumping a brick wall, metaphorically speaking of course, on my opinion preference and perception.

    I do find it funny though that I said I would never stop fighting the idea which I stand by, yet here I am declaring I've had my say on the points I've discussed towards you. At least I know when to draw a line in the sand and move on to new ones within the topic.

    Can't really say that for yourself though by your own admission.

  • @troubled-cells

    lol you called yourself a brick wall.
    So you don't argue that you call for pc in the Xbox pool.
    There is no new line in the sand.
    Its an Xbox only pool. No pc in the Xbox pool.
    That's the only line, and what the thread is about.

  • @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    lol you called yourself a brick wall.
    So you don't argue that you call for pc in the Xbox pool.
    There is no new line in the sand.
    Its an Xbox only pool. No pc in the Xbox pool.
    That's the only line, and what the thread is about.

    Nope , just the differences in preference perception and opinion it's clear, your confusing yourself.

  • @troubled-cells

    Not really.

    Are you or are you not opposed to Xbox players being able to opt to play only with other Xbox players?

  • @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Not really.

    Are you or are you not opposed to Xbox players being able to opt to play only with other Xbox players?

    Fortunately it is not as linear as you try to make it out.

    This is evidenced by the various sub points in this discussion, otherwise you wouldn't have made so many either.

    I stand by my previous statement because that's all it is.

  • @troubled-cells

    Nah, you mean you refuse to actually say at this point. There aren't really that many "sub points" with any validity.

    It really boils down to Rare is creating the option for Xbox players to play only with other Xbox players, and you either support that like I do, or you don't support it for whatever nonsense reason.

  • @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Nah, you mean you refuse to actually say at this point. There aren't really that many "sub points" with any validity.

    It really boils down to Rare is creating the option for Xbox players to play only with other Xbox players, and you either support that like I do, or you don't support it for whatever nonsense reason.

    Not really I'm just explaining there's a bigger picture, this is according to other points you have argued yourself , In respect to all the points we discussed. Unless of course you are implying all of your supporting points are invalid ?

    Your entitled to think it's nonsense I respect you having your opinion.

    But it still doesn't change mine.

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  • @needsmokes
    Yep, might be able to get some more info hopefully...

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  • @natiredgals these guys are just changing the subject every 5 seconds, theres no point argueing with them.. Go ahead and message me on xbox and i can show them
    proof right now, just take a look at my recent players and youll see pc player after pc playr mixed in with offline accounts.

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  • @x6beast6below6x said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

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    Believe me, i cant wait for the opt-out option so i can play on Xbox servers, but comments like that dont help the cause. There are plenty of pleasant and fair minded pc players, and you shouldn't lump them all together just because you disagree with a few.

    Its an interesting debate. Try winning with reason and logic, instead of insults and attacks.

  • @marsmayflower said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @x6beast6below6x said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

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    And here we have someone complaining that the group they identify with is being generalized about, while doing exactly that same thing.

    I don't support the comment, not all pc gamers are goons who can't have an intellectually honest conversation.

    That said after a year of being told "just buy a pc, git gud, play something else" ect I can understand where it comes from.

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  • @natiredgals Splitting the community will not make the game better for everyone involved. Dead servers = not good, no matter how much you want to loot haul in peace from your evil PC players.

  • @troubledactual It wont split the community any more than it already is. And you're making that classic mistake that Xbox guys dont want PVP. I pvp all the time, I just want what I pay MS for, which is to play vs other Xbox players on similar hardware. The option is great and I'll use it too when my pc friends are on. But I dont pay for Live to be forced to play at disadvantage to players playing on open platform who arent paying to play.

    Also we've been told by Rare that there will be no "dead servers" so to believe there would be you have to either think they are incompetent or dishonest about that and I don't think either is the case.

  • Just to restate:

    Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • This thread is as redundant as the promise made in January 2019 when the Crossplay Opting out was promised to come before the Anniversary update.

    The arguments are the same on both sides, the frustration is spilling into petty personal attacks and flame fights and all the mods can do is remind people of the rules and yet....not new information comes in any developer update video.

    This weeks talked about keeping the strategic quality of PvP in Arena....to keep ship battles fair......when the obvious problems of PC vs Xbox exist including the very same hit registration problem PC players can enjoy against Xbox players and yet nothing is being done to address that either.

    Its a cruel joke and insult to have this thread still active when RARE are doing F all to deliver on the promise with Joe Neates himself mocking those unhappy with Crossplay.

    So just close the dam thing until such a time as the opt out system is in place...which noone actually believes is going to happen.

    Save us all the time and indignity of this lie and close this joke of a "discussion" thread

  • @cokney-charmer

    Yep, hate to agree but my outlook has shifted a bit today. Particularly when the Dev Q/A muddied the waters further by saying that "split input" is being worked on which is nothing at all like what was announced.

    I'm still holding out hope that they will make good on what they stated but yea I agree that no good will come of this thread and there's nothing new to say about it because RARE isn't really saying (or doing) anything about it.

    I only hope they dont make the mistake of going back on what they announced. Pc guys here made the case that they need the Xbox population to not be split, wont be much different if a good portion walks away because Rare jerked them around then gave them the bird.

  • I just don't see optional crossplay ever being implemented.. At least the way we want it to be.

    With Microsoft pushing the PC side of it's new game pass to the max of late, i think this optional crossplay decision, or lack of, could have something to do with higher up the pecking order.
    Because let's face it, all console players that have played SOT for over 100 hours know only too well that they are disadvantaged in 1v1 combat vs the dark side.
    The amount of times i have played and got well and truly killed outright, and suspected which platform that player might be using is 100% accurate when checking on my recent players list.. Not once have i ever been wrong in suspecting the platform that player was using.. It's obvious to tell, That's how much of a night & day difference there is!
    And Rare know it!
    They also know the vast majority of console users will tick that box with no second thoughts the moment it is announced..
    And where does that leave PC sales etc. It will effect them for sure.

    There was a time i used to champion rare and it's openness on it's information they gave to us players.. I'm not feeling that anymore. It's as if this is being swept under the rug in the hope it goes away. But at what cost? Console players will mostly all reach a point sooner or later when they decided enough is enough of being matched in sessions at a handicap.
    And where will that leave this game?

    Well done to the few of you who asked the questions today.. I was working and unable to throw a question into the mix myself. Shame the answers were as minimal as ever.

  • @natiredgals "It wont split the community any more than it already is." I mean, that just doesn't make mathematical sense lol. And I bought SoT to play vs other players, regardless of platform. Your whole "I want what I pay for" argument is strange, tbh. We all paid for the game.

  • @troubledactual said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @natiredgals "It wont split the community any more than it already is." I mean, that just doesn't make mathematical sense lol. And I bought SoT to play vs other players, regardless of platform. Your whole "I want what I pay for" argument is strange, tbh. We all paid for the game.

    I'm not talking about paying for the game I'm talking about paying to play it. Xbox players do, PC doesn't. while that's the case, the paying subscribers of Xbox Live should be given the option to play with other paying subs on like hardware as has always been the case with Xbox live. The option to play crossplatform is nice and all and I'd use it when my PC friends want me to sail with them, but it really should be an option for those who are paying to play. Otherwise you end up with people who are paying being forced to play at a disadvantage to those who are not paying to play. Its only right for there to be an Xbox pool for those paying Xbox live subs who only want to play with other subs on like hardware.

    As far as splitting the base I'll just reiterate what I said before. Prior to the 8.4 (2 mil up since ani update) players Rare had told us all that both Xbox and PC player bases are healthy enough to support offering the option to Xbox players to opt out of crossplay. They explained that there will be no dead servers as thats not how they work. So the argument that there will be population problems if Rare sticks to the plan has been 100% debunked. Unless of course you're trying to argue that Rare is either being incompetent or dishonest when they tell us things.

  • @needsmokes
    Yea, the Q&A was a little problematic. At one point, if i recall, there were 4 posts with 20+ upvotes regarding crossplay. The response from Cross was the same copy/paste response thats been floating around for months, with the exception that input-split was the description used! I believe Nati and myself immediately asked him to clarify what that actually meant, but alas, no response...maybe this was their way of breaking the news that the plans had changed?

    The problem I see here is this: Everyone that wants the opt-out feature has various legit reasons for opt-out, NOT input-split. If Rare goes down this path, they may as well abandon the plans entirely, as the players that have been advocating for a choice for over a year will simply delete the game. Everyone else will continue playing in the open servers.

    Hey @Rare Employees, maybe someone can clarify what Jason actually meant in the Q&A...Crossplay options as described by Mr Neate? Or as described in the Q&A?

  • @pomalotacusmk3 @NatiRedGals
    I wouldnt really worry that they are gonna cancel the opt out. If they say its commin, its commin. Im sure it was just harder than they thought.
    Which is very wierd honestly. I remember a dev vid about crossplay from loooooong ago and they said the tech guy just switched it on and added it, everyone played and noone noticed pc and xbox were playin togeather until they told them later.
    How can he not just switch it off then?
    Im against crossplay opt out but i wanted to point that out.

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