Explosive barrel 2.0 ? Let me guess....

  • You go to pick it up and a full screen menu opens up and you have to decide what kind of explosive barrel you want it to be.

    In all seriousness, have they elaborated on what exactly it is or does ?

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  • @trickrtreat01 it looks like just a bigger explosion.

  • @trickrtreat01

    Joe did mention in the stream/panel that storing them in the crow's nest is not a good idea.

  • @katttruewalker said in Explosive barrel 2.0 ? Let me guess....:


    Joe did mention in the stream/panel that storing them in the crow's nest is not a good idea.

    Yeah he even said an explosion from a keg2.0 would take out the bottom of a Galleon!

  • @sshteeve 3 times more powerful than the regular keg! That thing let off a mushroom cloud and rocked ships offshore!

  • So will these replace the original ones or will there be 2 kinds ?

    Seems like over kill if you can't have them in the crows nest any more.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Explosive barrel 2.0 ? Let me guess....:

    So will these replace the original ones or will there be 2 kinds ?

    Seems like over kill if you can't have them in the crows nest any more.

    It will be in addition to the regular one.

  • @trickrtreat01 I believe He said it would be worth a pretty penny if you sale it.

    It also shoots cursed cannon balls out. Just for you. Just kidding

  • Maybe it's dynamite as opposed to gunpowder? Keeping it on the crow's nest would mean the typical, larger shockwave could harm people above deck. If you keep it below deck, the shockwave spreads-out sideways, dealing damage along the hull.

    If this is true (and I'm solely speculating), I'd hope there's some PvP trade-offs like a longer fuse and maybe even projectile resistance.

  • If you watched the video with it being featured in the Arena. You can see the difference... Much bigger explosion.

    So practically more gunpowder = more BOOM! :D

    It's going to be my MII BOOM

  • alt text

    Looks like a Stronghold Gunpowder.

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