6-OBSIDIAN item giveaway?! WHAT?

  • What's this? A 6-item giveaway?! Yes indeed! You know what... we never got to know who in the Sea of Thieves designed the tattoos so why not design one yourself! Want to win this code? Get on Instagram and simply draw a new tattoo design and tag it with #SoulStreamGiveaway and #SeaOfThieves! Winner will be announced December 1st in my discord channel!

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  • @capt-soul-beard

    'Tis a very generous offer ye be makin' there Cap'n!

  • @katttruewalker Thank you Kat (:

    Hopefully we can get some creative juices flowing!

  • To bad I got the artistic talent of an infant. Good luck everyone.

  • @crimsonraziel Same lol.

    I didnt' even know there was an obsidian lantern, spyglass, pocket watch, and trumpet... another 4 items I am missing :(

    They haven't even given us the dumb eye-of-reach and drum yet. cmon Rare...

    @Capt-Soul-Beard You opening this up to Reddit community as well?

  • Honestly my drawing could use some work but this is worth giving it a shot, the harder part's going to be drawing my pirate to put the tattoo's on lol. Gonna allow entries right up until the 1st?

  • @xcalypt0x the 4 obsidian items were not given out to my knowlegde as an event until now so I am suprised as well since I got only the drum and these 4 missing from my collection -.-

    Edit: I do not see these 4 items (except the drum and eor) nowhere else O_o where are they from @Capt-Soul-Beard ??? :O
    Edit2: just found some old ebay auctions with this 6 code O_O why do I keep missing such things...hope they come ingame as well soon or I am mad as hell they give away the original preorder set for attending events where "normal/busy" people cannot go :'(

  • @shikia-caeleaum I don't think they are old. In the picture it says twitchcon witch just happened.

    I'm a little upset that Rare would introduce more items to the set when they still haven't given out the eye-of-reach and drum to everyone like they said they would 3+ months ago...

  • @xcalypt0x maybe we are lucky and they waited for this and later relase all 6 together ;)

  • I mighy haul you have there! Good luck to the entries! I can hardly draw stick men let alone tattoo designs. I blame it on account of my two hooks for hands xD

    @xCALYPT0x @Shikia-Caeleaum Its possible they could be saving these items for when they release there in game shop. I know that’s what a lot of developers do with pre-order items.

  • I'm just sad that these cool items can only be obtained for ppl that live in US during the E3 (the rest of the world doesn't matter) as well as the cookies stuff, still there are some ppl making profit from it. This set is being sold at $100 on ebay!
    They said that it would be available in-game... 4 months ago... I mean, what the hell Rare? If you have them implemented in the game what's the holding back? The huntress figurehead is there already, why not the rest?
    Give us the shinies pls!!

  • @xcalypt0x it's open to all!

  • @muzackmann yup!

  • I have made my submission, now it's your turn!

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