Cannon fire

  • Am I the only one who is excited about the delay between seeing cannon fire and hearing cannon fire?

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  • @ottersteeth wait OMG that's a thing that's sick

  • On a scale from foul to villainous, probably around Stronghold ;)
    Jokes aside, It does always put a smile on my face when I see it while sailing away from an island. Seriously, that is no joke.

  • @ottersteeth said in Cannon fire:

    Am I the only one who is excited about the delay between seeing cannon fire and hearing cannon fire?

    You're not the only one. The physics in this game are truly amazing.

  • i didnt even know their was a delay on that too be honest and ive probably shot more then 70% of people

  • @ajm123 It's only if you are further away. So when you're shot at. Maybe that explains ;)

  • @ottersteeth It really does impress me every time. Funny how something as common as cannon fire can make such an impact.

    I'll be leaving now...

  • No your not the only one :D

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